Differences and similarities of five handguns


New member
I'm narrowing down my selections for a second carry handgun (semi-auto) to five/six choices. My current one is a S&W 60LS revolver.

Rohrbaugh 9
KelTec P11 or PF9
Sig Sauer P250
S&W M&P9c (preferably #209304)
Glock 26

(I'm already experienced with using a Glock 26, but my husband now claims that one to be his own carry gun.)

What I am looking for are the differences/similarities of these models from those of you who have handled them--along the lines of recoil power, gun preference to certain ammunition brands (picky with ammo or willing to "eat" any brand?), manufacturer's customer service when problems occur, ease with disassembling/assembling for cleaning, etc.

I'm looking for your feedback please as part of my research. I will be trying these guns out at the range.

Thank you,

- Ceicei
I'm narrowing down my selections for a second carry handgun (semi-auto) to five/six choices. My current one is a S&W 60LS revolver.

Rohrbaugh 9
I want one of these. From what I understand they break every few to several hundred rounds, but the manufacturer will fix them without hassle. I've heard of owners being told they shoot it too much. Size is unsurpassed for concealability but price is very high!
KelTec P11 or PF9
I have a friend who carries the P11 and he likes it. I carry a PF-9 daily (I own 2) and like it much better than the fatter P11. The PF-9 is not quite as small as the Rohrbaugh, or as high quality as some other choices, but it's cheap, light, and dependable. I have already sent one back to KelTec because I shoot carry pistols a lot. They told me they'd repair / rebuild as many times as necessary and to not worry about how much I shoot it. It's lighter than the Rohrbaugh, Glock, or Kahr of approximately the same size. The light weight is the deciding factor for me.

No experience with the rest beyond looking at / holding them in the store.
Sig Sauer P250
S&W M&P9c (preferably #209304)
Glock 26

(I'm already experienced with using a Glock 26, but my husband now claims that one to be his own carry gun.)

What I am looking for are the differences/similarities of these models from those of you who have handled them--along the lines of recoil power, gun preference to certain ammunition brands (picky with ammo or willing to "eat" any brand?), manufacturer's customer service when problems occur, ease with disassembling/assembling for cleaning, etc.

I'm looking for your feedback please as part of my research. I will be trying these guns out at the range.

Thank y$ou,

- Ceicei

If you really like and trust the 26, get another. If you find something you like better, try it. If you decide you didn't make the best choice, sell it and try something else. We're not talking about a new house, car, or even a vacation here. A few hundred dollars to investigate what you feel is the best tool to preserve your life and that of those you love is not a high price to pay.
I have no experience with the Rohrbaugh 9 so can not say much about it. As for the others this would be my order.

Sig Sauer P250
S&W M&P9c (preferably #209304)
KelTec P11 or PF9
Glock 26

But that's just me. The main thing is how it feels in your hand, if the gun fits you well the felt recoil will also seem more manageable. I'd go to a store and handle all of them and if possible rent them. If the Glock 26 fits you better then the others get one also. Then you'll have a his and hers set.

Or you could go the safe route and buy one of each! :biggrin:
My order would go like this:

Sig Sauer P250
S&W M&P9c (preferably #209304)
Glock 26
KelTec P11 or PF9
Rohrbaugh 9

Although I would take the Kahr PM9 or CW90 over the KelTec or Rohrbaugh.
I looked into the Rohrbaugh. Very sweet. I wanted it for a pocket pistol. Not easy to swap out the mag in a hurry so it would be what you have onboard as far as I am concerned. I bought an LCP and put the Crimson laser on. This gun is very consistant! Fits the pocket just right. I know it is a .380 but never any prob to carrying it.
I love my HK USP .40 compact but still looking for something smaller but with more power then a .380.
My wife picked out a Kahr p380 sp we bought it this past Sat.
It got me looking into the Kahr MK9. 9mm so that is what you are looking for. It is small, another plus. The MK is all steel so a bit heavier but you will like the way it shoots with the extra weight. It is still less $ then the Rohrbaugh but easy to change mags quickly. Just my $.02...what do I know lol
Love this site! You guys are very helpful and informative!
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I want one of these. From what I understand they break every few to several hundred rounds, but the manufacturer will fix them without hassle.
For something that has a reputation to be as finely calibrated as a watch, I'm surprised it is not more durable. Nice to know the company will fix without hassle, but that will mean a few days of waiting each time. :wacko: Not good.
I've heard of owners being told they shoot it too much.
Shoot too much? I like to make sure I practice often with my guns. It helps reinforce muscle memory... Maybe the Rohrbaugh isn't the gun for me... The size is appealing, but a gun that is very, very high maintenance may not be as convenient.
I have a friend who carries the P11 and he likes it. I carry a PF-9 daily (I own 2) and like it much better than the fatter P11. The PF-9 is not quite as small as the Rohrbaugh, or as high quality as some other choices, but it's cheap, light, and dependable. I have already sent one back to KelTec because I shoot carry pistols a lot. They told me they'd repair / rebuild as many times as necessary and to not worry about how much I shoot it. I
I like the company philosophy! I'll take a closer look at these models.
If you find something you like better, try it. If you decide you didn't make the best choice, sell it and try something else. We're not talking about a new house, car, or even a vacation here. A few hundred dollars to investigate what you feel is the best tool to preserve your life and that of those you love is not a high price to pay.
Wonderful advice. Thank you.

- Ceicei
As for the others this would be my order.

Sig Sauer P250
S&W M&P9c (preferably #209304)
KelTec P11 or PF9
Glock 26
What is it about these guns that made you place them in that order? What do you consider is the P250's strongest feature?
The main thing is how it feels in your hand, if the gun fits you well the felt recoil will also seem more manageable.
Good point.
I'd go to a store and handle all of them and if possible rent them.
That's my plan. It's the best way to compare by trying them out.
If the Glock 26 fits you better then the others get one also. Then you'll have a his and hers set.
Isn't that sweet? I used to be a die-hard Glock fan, but I decided to open my mind a bit more and see what else is out there. Maybe something better, or maybe more of the same. We'll see.
Or you could go the safe route and buy one of each! :biggrin:
Now that is tempting. :man_in_love: I'll have to buy a bigger gun safe.... :sarcastic:

- Ceicei
My order would go like this:

Sig Sauer P250
S&W M&P9c (preferably #209304)
Glock 26
KelTec P11 or PF9
Rohrbaugh 9
May I ask why?
Although I would take the Kahr PM9 or CW90 over the KelTec or Rohrbaugh.
Interesting. Is there something different mechanically that would make the Kahr PM9 / CW90 preferable than the KelTec?

- Ceicei
I looked into the Rohrbaugh. Very sweet. I wanted it for a pocket pistol. Not easy to swap out the mag in a hurry so it would be what you have onboard as far as I am concerned.
That is a new bit of information I hadn't heard before about the Rohrbaughs. Definitely worth a thought. Ease of swapping would be important in a high stress environment.
I bought an LCP and put the Crimson laser on. This gun is very consistant! Fits the pocket just right. I know it is a .380 but never any prob to carrying it.
I'm guessing your LCP is a Ruger? I used to have a Ruger P89 and P90. I was using them for my first CCW testing years ago and had trouble shooting. The police officer (who was the instructor for that class) was observing me then came over to explain why I was having trouble. They both, unfortunately, were too big for my hands and causing me to limp-wrist when I shoot. He then handed me his service gun (a Glock 36 or 37, can't remember) to finish out the test. Big difference! That is how I fell in love with the Glocks for their ease of handling and durability; I ended up buying a G26.
I love my HK USP .40 compact but still looking for something smaller but with more power then a .380.
My wife picked out a Kahr p380 sp we bought it this past Sat.
It got me looking into the Kahr MK9. 9mm so that is what you are looking for. It is small, another plus. The MK is all steel so a bit heavier but you will like the way it shoots with the extra weight. It is still less $ then the Rohrbaugh but easy to change mags quickly. Just my $.02...what do I know lol
So how does your wife like the Kahr p380? I prefer a 9mm over a .380 gun. I am pleased with my revolver which takes both the 38 and 357 ammo. I like having the choice. Kahr MK9? Ummm... Steel, not polymer? Interesting. I'll definitely have to check that out.
Love this site! You guys are very helpful and informative!
Thank you for your information! I agree USACarry is a terrific website. I started out with packing.org for some years and when that folded, USACarry started up and bullseyed the target. Much as I enjoyed packing.org and the dynamics of those who used to post there, I do think USACarry came out stronger with more useful information. The feel is very different and I love it here.

- Ceicei
I picked up a Sig P250 about 6 months ago for my wife - Both of us could not be happier with the choice. After putting approx 1000 rounds through the gun, it has not had one failure using several different kinds of FMJ ammo. I have pretty large hands, but the gun is very comfortable to shoot, even for me. Very light weight as well. What I would say is the best aspect of the P250, aside from its modular nature, is the sweet DAO trigger pull. Relatively short trigger travel for a DA shot, very smooth and even 6lb (give or take a couple of ounces) trigger pull. Light recoil for a small-framed handgun.

Just my opinion - I would offer a comparison to the others on your list, but I have no experience with them. I am a 1911 guy, the P250 and my P226 Blackwater are my first non-1911s since the 90s when I had a USP 45. What I will say is that Sig makes high quality firearms that have been proven reliable - and they have a nice rebate program for AD miilitary and LEOs.

Good luck in your search - input from others is good, but it has been posted here already - handle the different guns, find the one that is most comfortable for you. I can tell you Sigs are the best things since sliced bread, but if they don't feel right in your hands, then a Sig may not be for you....

Ceicei, The Rorhbaugh has a little clip on bottom of magazine you need to move (not accurate description but you get the point) in order to remove mag. Also when you replace the mag it is at a bit of an angle so it will go in and seat properly. (A bit like Sig p232. So it takes more time. Great gun though but better BUG I think.
The LCP is a Ruger. It takes 6+1. Slide does not lock open when you are empty.
No problem fitting tour hand it is very small and weighs 9.4 oz empty. Fits easily into your pocket or underwear lol. No problem fitting in your hand. This gun puts the shots consistantly in same place. Did it from a bench rest just to see. The rangemaster was impressed how accurate it was even up to 50 feet w/ laser. Of course anything over 10 feet with this gun was a bonus, as he said. The gun is really for 10 teet or less.
My wife has not shot the P380 yet nor have I. She wanted something small. When that gun is empty the slide does lock open and mags are easy to replace as any other larger semi.
So as your main carry and wanting something small I think the MK9 would work just fine. The MP9 is lighter but I think you would appreciate the softer shooting MK9 due to the extra weight. It is really up to you and how the gun feels in your hand and then depends on how you will carry.
Good luck and let us know what you get!
What is it about these guns that made you place them in that order? What do you consider is the P250's strongest feature?
Good point. That's my plan. It's the best way to compare by trying them out. Isn't that sweet? I used to be a die-hard Glock fan, but I decided to open my mind a bit more and see what else is out there. Maybe something better, or maybe more of the same. We'll see. Now that is tempting. :man_in_love: I'll have to buy a bigger gun safe.... :sarcastic:

- Ceicei

He is why I picked them in this order.
1. Sig Sauer P250 - I own a Sig P226 and have shot a few others. They shot great, fit my hands well, and are solid built pistols. I also like the decocker and double/single action option.

2. S&W M&P9c (preferably #209304) - My dad has two M&P and they are also well built guns. I like the fact that the M&P has the interchangeable back straps so you can customize it to you hands. Trigger is good but I think the XD is slightly better

3. KelTec P11 or PF9 - I have a Kel Tec P3AT I pocket carry when on the sportbike or on my ankle at times as a bug. I think Kel Tec just keeps it simple, as little machining and moving parts as possible. So they are not the most pleasing to the eye but they work. If I was going to go with a 9mm I think I'd spend a little extra and go with a Kahr.

4.Glock 26 - I'm not a big Glock fan. They are good pistols but I personally think the XD is better. The XD fits me better and I like having the grip saftey. I also reload and the Glock has an unsupported chamber which causes the brass to "bubble". This causes the brass to get weaker sooner and I get less life out of the cases.

If you're interested in the Glock and the M&P may want to look at the XD also. One other thing to keep in mind is how your going to carry the gun. How you dress and were you are going to carry may be the biggest factor on what’s going to be the easiest to conceal.
Originally Posted by DarrellM5 View Post
My order would go like this:

Sig Sauer P250
S&W M&P9c (preferably #209304)
Glock 26
KelTec P11 or PF9
Rohrbaugh 9

May I ask why?

Although I would take the Kahr PM9 or CW90 over the KelTec or Rohrbaugh.

Interesting. Is there something different mechanically that would make the Kahr PM9 / CW90 preferable than the KelTec?

I would take the Sig first because I am really impressed with their pistols. My main carry piece is a Sig P229. I would take the M&P over the Glock just based on personal preference. They're both good pistols. However, I would take a XD or XDM over both. I own the Kahr CW9 and it has been totally accurate, reliable and comfortable to shoot. I've never really messed with the KelTec. I believe the Rohrbaugh 9 is too expensive, relative to the others in it's peer group.
I have no problems with the Glock or S&W other than they just do not fit my short fat fingers. For the reason I prefer the Taurus or SA XD models not listed here. I have a P3At that I really like and have never had a problem with it. The P-11 is the same except in a 9mm but I have not shot one.

I like the look and feel of the Rohrbaugh but have never shot one. Don't know a thing about the Sig other than what I have read. The main thing is what feels good to you. As suggested buy one of each.
How about H&K p2000sk?

I went to the store last Friday (Cabela's) to look at different ones. While there, the clerk suggested I look at H&K p2000sk. I'm impressed! It supposedly is an ambi gun (I'm left handed), with changeable backstrap, and easy to strip. He demonstrated fieldstripping it. I'll definitely have to see if the range has one of these and try it out. Any thoughts from ya'll out there about this H&K p2000sk? Choices, choices, choices!!!! It is gonna be tough to narrow the choices down to make a purchase.

- Ceicei
I have no problems with the Glock or S&W other than they just do not fit my short fat fingers. For the reason I prefer the Taurus or SA XD models not listed here. I have a P3At that I really like and have never had a problem with it. The P-11 is the same except in a 9mm but I have not shot one.
Thanks for your input. SA XD is worth a look.

I like the look and feel of the Rohrbaugh but have never shot one. Don't know a thing about the Sig other than what I have read. The main thing is what feels good to you. As suggested buy one of each.

Buy one of each... I think I will. The problem is I can't buy all at once, so the trick is to decide which one to buy first... :cray:

- Ceicei
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I would take the Sig first because I am really impressed with their pistols. My main carry piece is a Sig P229. I would take the M&P over the Glock just based on personal preference. They're both good pistols. However, I would take a XD or XDM over both. I own the Kahr CW9 and it has been totally accurate, reliable and comfortable to shoot. I've never really messed with the KelTec. I believe the Rohrbaugh 9 is too expensive, relative to the others in it's peer group.

While at Cabela's, I asked to examine the Sig p250 first. My husband took a look at it, held it in his hand, and fell in love with it. Yeah, right.... What are the chances he'll try to claim THAT one if I decided for it... :no:

:yu: - Ceicei
Based on the one HK I own (HK USP Compact.40) and how clear their manual is, not to mention how it shoots and reputation of reliability I think you can't go wrong with ANY HK! I will probably get another HK. Maybe the HK compact 45.The p2000 and p2000SK are very nice. Another nice gun but a bit larger is the P30 9mm.
I've only shot one HK but they have a great rep.

If you are looking in the $800 range and don't mind a .45 look at the Kimber Ultra Carry II. I've carried both the ultra carry II and the CDP ultra II and can't say enough about them. Got to be one of the must comfortable guns I've ever held. The only slightly negative thing I could say about it is it only holds 7+1.

If you’re looking more for a 9mm and like the feel of the Kimber check out Springfield’s EMP.

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