County by County Status

Any violation of the criminal law as well as excessive use of alcohol, violent domestic fraction or abuse, erratic behavior, drug abuse or abuse of driving privileges or the failure to exercise reasonable safety precautions with respect to your firearms, may result in the suspension or revocation of your Pistol Permit.

Well this part is just ludicrous. According to this, they can revoke your pistol license for speeding or a parking ticket!!
The latest version of the County Map:

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I must admit I don't like coloring counrites yellow, especially when they were green before!
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The map was updated and re-uploaded, then posted in another thread. Unfortunately, when I re-uploaded it, it changed the link to display it, which broke the link and made it stop appearing in previous posts. Here it is:

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Essex co.

just thought i'd let everyone know about essex co. the judge here, richard meyer issues only unrestricted carry permits and he sits on all 3 benches. the bci told me he is really good about giving out permits and really good about taking them away if you screw up. i applied in dec. and got mine last week 4 months. i was told it was the slow time of year thats why it wasn't 6 mos. the permit clerk is really good too. i searched all over the net and found nothing on essex co. so there it is.
The links to the map images got corrupted somehow. I fixed the last couple of post with the map in them. Here is the latest version I have. It hasn't been updated in a long time. I'll update if people tell me about changes in the way their county handles permits.

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Here is the latest version of the map. I turned Ulster County yellow, as they are now issuing all permits restricted to premises and target. I have first hand accounts from three individuals I personally know who confirm this.

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This is not true. While some are issued restricted permits we have obtained unrestricted permits for clients on a regular basis in Ulster. In some cases the initial permit is unrestricted from judge Cahill. Although not normally granted to first-timers, an unrestricted permit is given to those with cause (self-defense is not cause according to a recent fed court decision) who have taken the time to obtain CC training. We have numerous clients including several on USA Carry who have obtained their permit with our assistance.

If you want to amend the permit to unrestricted contact me via PM and I'll be happy to assist you.
County Information

I have all this Information in my New York State's Firearms, and Weapons Law Book. It list each county, and all the Information you are searching for.

I will post all the Information for you Tom, Friday 01/13/2012 Sorry, I can not do it tonite, I left book at my Cabin, But will get it posted for you. Do you want all Counties,or are you just searching for a particular County.
I'm filling out an application as I write this post. I live in Cayuga County and going by the map above it looks like I have a good chance of getting the permit. Obviously, I want an unrestricted license.

Isn't is illegal to ask for your "race"? :angry: I mean, I don't really care, but it seems the liberals are being hypocritial here. But I guess that's nothing new. :laugh:

The thing I have the most worry over it the dreaded "A License is required for the following reason:" I'm afraid that what I put down may "make it or break it" as far as no restrictions go. The following reasons I have come up with are this: Hunting,Personal Safety (Self Defense), Target Practice,Home Defense, and Possible Future Employment.

I have seen though on some websites that you should write "For all lawful purposes, I request an unrestricted license".

Should it be a combination of both/all of the above? :wacko:

I live in Ulster County and I was told that the quickest way to get an unrestricted CCW was to use as a reason "For self-defense". I used that as my reason and was approved in about 6 weeks when I was originally told it would take up to 8 months because of cutbacks.

I also work in Spring Valley and personally know many of my employees that live in Rockland County and they have all been granted restricted licenses for sport and home defense. I have yet to know anyone living in Rockland to get an unrestricted CCW.

I got my license first in Orange county with restrictions on it. I recently moved to Ulster county. When I went in to have my permit changed over to the new county, I requested that the restrictions were removed. Unbelievably, the judge granted my request. I have been waiting for my new permit card for over 2 weeks now though. They are really backed up.

I wonder if it was Judge Williams. He seems the most Pro-Gun there.
Okay, Suffolk County (listed as red on the map) is divided into two licensing jurisdictions. It is the only one in New York State that has this. The five western towns (Babylon, Islip, Smithtown, Huntington, Brookhaven) are issued by the SCPD. The five eastern towns (East Hampton, Southampton, Southold, Shelter Island, and Riverhead) are issued by the Sheriff's Office.

Regarding the latter: Carry Licenses for Sportsman and Sportsman/Business and Employment purposes are "almost shall issue." Submit the required paperwork and you will receive the license. It is NOT like NYC where even if you do submit the paperwork, you might not get it.

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