County by County Status

I'm filling out an application as I write this post. I live in Cayuga County and going by the map above it looks like I have a good chance of getting the permit. Obviously, I want an unrestricted license.

Isn't is illegal to ask for your "race"? :angry: I mean, I don't really care, but it seems the liberals are being hypocritial here. But I guess that's nothing new. :laugh:

The thing I have the most worry over it the dreaded "A License is required for the following reason:" I'm afraid that what I put down may "make it or break it" as far as no restrictions go. The following reasons I have come up with are this: Hunting,Personal Safety (Self Defense), Target Practice,Home Defense, and Possible Future Employment.

I have seen though on some websites that you should write "For all lawful purposes, I request an unrestricted license".

Should it be a combination of both/all of the above? :wacko:
I think I put "target practice and defense".

When I did an interview with the detective I had to be more descriptive. She told me it would be restricted, but I guess the judge didn't think so. :biggrin:

this was Jefferson county, BTW.
Yeah, I'm kind of at a stall here trying to decide what to put. I can't hand the application in until July 7th at the earliest, as they do not process them without an appointment, and they only make appointments Tues.-Thurs. I don't turn 21 until the 5th of July, that is why I have to wait. This whole application is crazy, money orders? No personal Checks? Notary Publics? Mandatory Safety Courses? :wacko: Just let me use my 2nd ammendement right! :mad:
R U in Auburn or county? SGT Lejia is very good to work with. You should be able to apply for full concealed carry. Leave that part blank until you go in. He will help you fill that part out. I had target, hunting, and a couple others checked he helped me fix for concealed carry.

Good Luck
Actually, I'm in Union Springs. Yes, I have talked with Sgt. Lejia a couple of times and he seems helpful. One thing I forgot to ask is that in the instructions is says if you are asking for a concealed carry permit, a supplemental application will be provided for "concealed carry without limitations". Does anyone know what this application looks like? Harvey, did you get a unrestricted license?

Which part should I leave blank? The part where that says "A license is required for the following reason:"?

I just realized.... I think two people signed it in blue ink. It's dark blue though. How much does it matter if it's black or not? It emphasizes "BLACK INK ONLY" on the instructions. This sucks!
When I applied in Dutchess COunty, one of my references used blue ink. They had me just go over it very carefully with black ink. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for them here.
Here is the latest version of the map. I've tried to incorporate the suggestions I've received from various posters, although some of the comments were contradictory. I've tried to err on the side of caution and indicate the more restrictive color in those cases.

I have second hand information from good friends that just recently went through the permit process in both Tomkins and Seneca counties and in both cases they were may issue with restrictions. My friend in Seneca county went as far as to get a lawyer and go in front of th judge to get his restriction lifted but no dice. Still restricted and he's a great guy with no record whatsoever so seems like they are pretty strict there. Just some info to update the map.

d@3v yes I have a unrestricted. Part of the change came with the 2 Democrats elected in 06. The sheriff and the judge need to go. Way too many democrats were elected in 06 in this area. Of course 08 not good either. Hopefully 10 and 12 will correct the problems.

Work with Sgt Lejia he will guide you. I have much respect for him he struck me as a very straight shooter.

Good Luck
d@3v yes I have a unrestricted. Part of the change came with the 2 Democrats elected in 06. The sheriff and the judge need to go. Way too many democrats were elected in 06 in this area. Of course 08 not good either. Hopefully 10 and 12 will correct the problems.

Work with Sgt Lejia he will guide you. I have much respect for him he struck me as a very straight shooter.

Good Luck

You said to leave something blank so the Sgt. could help me fill it out. What was it? Was it the field titled "A License is required for the following reason"? The reason's I am thinking about putting down are:

Possible Future Employment
Target Practice
Personal Safety
For ALL lawful purposes
Home Defense

I was thinking maybe also putting "educational". You know, like teaching younger people about firearms, as that is what I strive to do. Too many youngsters are being taught that firearms are bad. :angry:
I do not remember what kinds of carry are avaiable I do remember hunting fishing target selfdefense etc. There is a good informaton site at the sheriff's office Link Removed One of the highlights was do carefully follow directions.
For All Lawfull Purposes

It's funny, but in Genesee County, I was told "For all lawful purposes" wasn't a valid reason. We went round and round on that, and it was finally left for the interview process to flesh out why I actually wanted a permit (and I maintain for anything that is legal, so we'll see how that goes). Things were going at light speed in the beginning, the references had their paperwork in less than a week after turning in the application. I followed up and all the paperwork was returned by mid June, and so far....just waiting. Taking the pre-licensing course this weekend at Gander Mt.

You said to leave something blank so the Sgt. could help me fill it out. What was it? Was it the field titled "A License is required for the following reason"? The reason's I am thinking about putting down are:

Possible Future Employment
Target Practice
Personal Safety
For ALL lawful purposes
Home Defense

I was thinking maybe also putting "educational". You know, like teaching younger people about firearms, as that is what I strive to do. Too many youngsters are being taught that firearms are bad. :angry:
It's funny, but in Genesee County, I was told "For all lawful purposes" wasn't a valid reason. We went round and round on that, and it was finally left for the interview process to flesh out why I actually wanted a permit (and I maintain for anything that is legal, so we'll see how that goes). Things were going at light speed in the beginning, the references had their paperwork in less than a week after turning in the application. I followed up and all the paperwork was returned by mid June, and so far....just waiting. Taking the pre-licensing course this weekend at Gander Mt.

Wow, so do you think I should leave that off? :wacko: Yeah, I have to have some of my references re-sign because they didn't do it in black ink. I am planning on going to get the money orders tomorrow.
Well, it's up to you. You're in a different county facing a different set of people. I just threw this out there for the record. You may want to leave it blank until you are going to turn it in and see what the clerk says.

I'm not sure if my clerk was trying to "help me out" without letting her co-workers know she was....or if she had hardwood where her head should be. I'm hoping it was the former, but experience tells me it was the latter. She said the interview with the Sheriff would get the proper wording in there. Trust me, we spent a minimum of 15 minutes total going back and forth 3 different times on what I wanted it for. My reasoning was, if I restricted myself to hunting/TP, then that's all I would get. I THINK she figured that I wanted to do whatever I wanted to, where I wanted to and for any half-assed reason (i.e. CC in a courthouse, school, NYC, etc). My response was....since those are not legal...then it would not satisfy my reason (all lawful purposes)....right? But, 'round and 'round we went.

Now, one other bit of info. From what others have said with this particular judge in GC, he ONLY issues hunting/target UNLESS you provide a VERY good reason (which I did in a separate affidavit). Others have advised putting Hunting/Target...getting the license....then applying after a year or so to have the restrictions removed. Sort of like a training wheels session. If we can trust you not to screw up, then we'll take the training wheels off.

Of course, I got this info after I submitted the paperwork.

Good Luck.
Well, it's up to you. You're in a different county facing a different set of people. I just threw this out there for the record. You may want to leave it blank until you are going to turn it in and see what the clerk says.

I'm not sure if my clerk was trying to "help me out" without letting her co-workers know she was....or if she had hardwood where her head should be. I'm hoping it was the former, but experience tells me it was the latter. She said the interview with the Sheriff would get the proper wording in there. Trust me, we spent a minimum of 15 minutes total going back and forth 3 different times on what I wanted it for. My reasoning was, if I restricted myself to hunting/TP, then that's all I would get. I THINK she figured that I wanted to do whatever I wanted to, where I wanted to and for any half-assed reason (i.e. CC in a courthouse, school, NYC, etc). My response was....since those are not legal...then it would not satisfy my reason (all lawful purposes)....right? But, 'round and 'round we went.

Now, one other bit of info. From what others have said with this particular judge in GC, he ONLY issues hunting/target UNLESS you provide a VERY good reason (which I did in a separate affidavit). Others have advised putting Hunting/Target...getting the license....then applying after a year or so to have the restrictions removed. Sort of like a training wheels session. If we can trust you not to screw up, then we'll take the training wheels off.

Of course, I got this info after I submitted the paperwork.

Good Luck.

So did you ever get it unrestricted? I guess I will leave it blank until I have to turn it in and I will ask the Sgt. about what to put there.
Still waiting....have the pre-licensing class this Sunday.

I'll be dropping off the paperwork next week, so I'll ask the clerk where we are in the process.
For any who need to take a pre-licensing class for permits in NYS, I can highly recommend the one put on by Rochester Personal Defense.

Dave is a very good instructor. I thought I knew what was going to be covered and was just putting in my time, but even I was surprised....there is a lot of good content.
Okay, I submitted my papers today (My appointment was Monday, but the guy got called in to court to testify.) So it got rescheduled today.

Anyway, I got my finger prints taken and everything and submitted the paperwork and payed. Now I have a suplemental "Carry Concealed" form to fill out. What a pain in the neck.:mad: They have worded this form to make it literally nearly impossible to get a carry concealed permit.

There are two questions on the form, which I need a detailed paragraph answer for each of them. :angry:

1) Please state in detail the "proper cause" for the issuance of a pistol license which authorizes you to carry a concealed pistol on your person twenty-four hours a day without limitation.

2) Please state why the grounds set forth above constitute "a special need for protection distinguishable from that of the general community and persons engaged in the same conduct, profession or Business" referred to in section one above:

^ What a load of horse s****. :mad: Now I don't know what to write!
Welcome to the wonderful world of NY Pistol Permit lunacy.

Let me rephrase those questions for you:

Why are YOU so special that YOU should be allowed to defend yourself?

Smart ass answers:
"Uh....I don't know....maybe because YOU (Officer Friendly) can't be next to me all the time?"
"Because I planned on committing a crime with a pistol and I thought registering with you was the first step"

Seriously, I put down that there are times when I could, because of my new small business, become the target of opportunity since I would be carrying large sums of cash and or equipment. I also stated that I understood I could not, and that I would not, use deadly force to protect property. I would use it only if I felt there was no chance to retreat and that my life was in danger.

All of that is true, but it should go without saying. The people submitting to background checks and fingerprints, ballistic records for the new pistol, etc....we're NOT THE ONE'S YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT! Honestly, I have no idea how some of these lawmakers think.
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Welcome to the wonderful world of NY Pistol Permit lunacy.

Let me rephrase those questions for you:

Why are YOU so special that YOU should be allowed to defend yourself?

Smart ass answers:
"Uh....I don't know....maybe because YOU (Officer Friendly) can't be next to me all the time?"
"Because I planned on committing a crime with a pistol and I thought registering with you was the first step"

Seriously, I put down that there are times when I could, because of my new small business, become the target of opportunity since I would be carrying large sums of cash and or equipment. I also stated that I understood I could not, and that I would not, use deadly force to protect property. I would use it only if I felt there was no chance to retreat and that my life was in danger.

All of that is true, but it should go without saying. The people submitting to background checks and fingerprints, ballistic records for the new pistol, etc....we're NOT THE ONE'S YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT! Honestly, I have no idea how some of these lawmakers think.

Here is how they think: $$

Anyway, I'm thinking that I might put my ethnicity down, and I might be a target because of that. They probably won't like that, but it's the only semi-good reason I can think for an excuse to carry it at all times. :D Then I could tell the judge he is racist if he denies it. LOL! It's the perfect scheme!:laugh: (Obviously I don't really think I'm going to be targeted because of it) But hey, I'm moving to the city (no, not New York City) next month so things could changed rapidly in the way different ethnic groups get along, no? On the other hand, that kind of goes along with "personal safety" which they don't allow you to put down, so who knows if it will work. :( What do you think?

If you put down "self-protection" they limit it to your house?! How the hell can you "bear" arms when the government limits the usage to your home? :mad:

And I WILL put something along the lines of what you said about the police not being next to you 24/7. That seems plausible to me! I will also appeal (not suck-up-to) the legislature and attempt to force them to tell me what "proper cause" is. ;-)

For some reason, I feel a lawsuit against NY coming up... :angry: If I can get backed by the NRA ( I talked with them yesterday), I might just file it.

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