Are YOU curious? I am.

Oregon Vet

NRA Life Since 03/1985
I'm curious. Is this a site a person should be paranoid about signing their name to what they say they believe?

Are we REALLY that afraid.

Are you?

WHO are you afraid will see your real name? It is easy for the government to get our real names on these forums, so that CAN'T be the reason.

All of you NOT using your real name, either in your USERNAME or in your SIGNATURE, why are you afraid to?

We aren't little kids in school anymore who say "It's none of your business." etc.

We are supposed to be adults. We say "This is me, I am proud of who I am and where I live."

Are you ashamed of your real name and the city you are from? If so, WHY?

Am I?

No. Should I be?

I haven't done anything wrong, so why should I be afraid?

Is THIS a site/forum I should NOT be on?
I don't think it has anything to do with being scared or ashamed. I think its just a matter of people wanting privacy. That's all.
We're talking two different things. I probably should of made a poll. But, I'll ask it here and see what kind of response I get, might do one with a poll.

Luke, and all others reading this,

How many members do you think this board would have if you HAD to use your REAL name as your user name? (there are sites like that, I am a member of several)

And IF users had to use their REAL NAME, how many would post the posts they do post now?

You put your real name and the city you are from and all of the sudden a BUNCH of people quit posting. Why?

Even though people don't use their real name, they don't even put the city they are from.

Privacy? Who is going to call you if you use your real name? Who is going to come and see you? I've been using my real name for 15 years now on the Internet. What am I supposed to do? Knock on wood? For what?

I'm just curious.

But, I BELIEVE that if users had to use their real name, there would be a LOT fewer posts and they would NOT say what they say now.

How many agree with that sentence with me?
Having a screen name is a lot more fun than using my "real" name. A lot of people have a difficult time properly pronouncing my name, so the screen name works better in my case. I would't change any of my posts regardless of if my real name was used or not. I've got my real photos posted, got my locations posted as well.

I agree, if I made people use their real names and location there wouldn't be that many posts. I respect peoples privacy which is why I don't require that. If you want to use your real name and location, go right ahead. If you don't then that's fine too. This is just a public internet forum about guns, no reason I need to require people to use their real names and locations. I don't really see the point.
That's what's so cool about the Internet, everyone does NOT have to see "the point" about anything.

No one said anything about you requiring real names on this board. Why try to read stuff into what I said that isn't there? You don't see the point? Who cares. It isn't required.

Not me, that is for sure, I am a guy of "what ifs". Why? To try to get people to THINK. Hopeless case, most of the time, I will have to admit. You can see what I mean by going to my Charity post and reading my next post. Interesting thread I did there.

Guns are a "touchy" subject in this "Obama-age" we are in. That guy is a real "prize" we know. Yesterday I read a quote he made in 2008 while on the campaign trail: "Civilians do NOT need to own guns."

That boy is afraid of something and that something is all of us people out "here" with guns. It scares the hell out of him.

BUT, he keeps tearing America apart. Why? WHY? WHY does America deserve someone like him? I don't know, that is for sure.

Merry Christmas everyone!! The BEST to you and yours.
If people had to disclose their real names and locations to post on Internet boards the Internet would come to a screaching halt. :stop: I don't know how much it would affect this board but there are some that would die away quickly.

Most people use handles to avoid the scammers and trolls, some to represent themselves in a certain way. Much like the person who wins the lottery, the advice given them is to have their phone number changed and take a long vaction. :crazy_pilot:
If people had to disclose their real names and locations to post on Internet boards the Internet would come to a screaching halt. :stop: I don't know how much it would affect this board but there are some that would die away quickly.

Most people use handles to avoid the scammers and trolls, some to represent themselves in a certain way. Much like the person who wins the lottery, the advice given them is to have their phone number changed and take a long vaction. :crazy_pilot:

Yeah, I think that is true. Is "screaching" something like "screeching" when relating to happening quickly? People are always throwing new words at me that I don't have a clue on what they mean.

But, that aside, some photography boards and such have no problems with people using their full real names. Knowing that, I am sort of led to believe the "need" for using a pseudonym is greater on boards dealing with weapons/guns, match making boards for some reason, and like you say, it is something people do.
Most people use handles to avoid the scammers and trolls, some to represent themselves in a certain way. Much like the person who wins the lottery, the advice given them is to have their phone number changed and take a long vaction. :crazy_pilot:

I had a website for a business I owned. I necessarily had my real name and my email associated with it because it was my business. I received approximately 70 pieces of spam a day at that email address. It is highly targeted to me, my name, and my business interests. What is so bad is that I cannot reliably use a spam filter because I could block legitimate business email. Even if it only takes 30 seconds to open, read, determine that the email is spam, and delete it, that's a half hour a day of completely wasted time.

If I had that situation because of every single special interest website I went to, I would be crushed under the load.
It's just a privacy thing.You really can't "hide" on the Internet. if the guvmint is after you, they are gonna find you whether you use your real name or a screen name.

For instance when I was at Ft. Hood, I was in a laundromat and some black guy walks up and says "Hey Tony, you want to buy some chains". He had a wad of (probably stolen) gold chains on his arm. It was alarming because I had no clue how this stranger knew my name. After talking a few minutes he told me it was in silver letters on the back on my western-style belt (duh). I never wore that belt again.

It's not that I'm doing anything wrong, or trying to hide, it's just that we are all basically strangers to each other here.
(and that episode of "America's Most Wanted" might air again):biggrin:

My username is my name; and it's states my political position.

I'll go you one better. I've been extremely outspoken about my US House Rep. I've sent "signed" letters to the paper that have been published. YES, it has created a little heat from the IRS and others. BUT! It is "STILL" a free country.

I have NOT threatened anyone; nor done anything illegal. But, I will try and deter as many people as possible from letting this guy and others like him stay in office.
I think that people are entitled to their privacy. If some one does not want to use their name on a public forum, then they shouldn't. They should not be forced to either.

I am on another board when this very question was asked. A member on the the board told them it was for all of the aboved mentioned reasons. The OP told him that he was "paranoid." The OP then made a bet of 50 dollars that the poster would never be able to find him.

Long story short, within ten minutes the poster had the OP's home address, work address, as well as other sensitive information (like the location of his guns). Nobody is safe nowadays when it comes to cyber crime.
I'm not assuming in the least that it's about us being afraid or ashamed. I agree that privacy is the rule of thumb on this forum. Besides, I think my screen name is fun. Others' opinions may vary.
Fat fingers and a feeble mind lead to lots of new words. :alcoholic:

Mine are fat AND short. Makes it hard to type because I have to life my hands all the time to reach the upper keys. :( Too late in life to grow them longer either. In fact, that isn't all that is short. I am 5'11" and only wear size 9½ shoes. One of the guys who used to work at DAP wore 14's. Real ski's, those were.

BUT!! I DO have a BIG nose! LOL Crooked too. Put a blanket over older brothers head when I was 10 and his elbow or knee caught me. Blood everywhere and a crooked nose for 52 years. All in fun, of course.
I'm not assuming in the least that it's about us being afraid or ashamed. I agree that privacy is the rule of thumb on this forum. Besides, I think my screen name is fun. Others' opinions may vary.

Does the gd stand for grimy dirty? LOL I'll bet you thought it meant goodcleanfun! LOL But I'll bet that is wrong. What does it stand for Debi?
Long story short, within ten minutes the poster had the OP's home address, work address, as well as other sensitive information (like the location of his guns). Nobody is safe nowadays when it comes to cyber crime.

Yes, it doesn't matter if you use a fake name or not, pretty easy to find out who you are and where you work.
Locations of his guns, they were looking at what to get that kind of info?

That would be pretty exacting info, for example; in the back west bedroom on the east wall is a 32x42x72 Fort Knox safe, red in color with an electronic lock, combination of: 379516*, bolted to the wall with 5/8" bolts and through the floor with 3/4" bolts and wired to the alarm and contains a 1957 Daisy BB gun with two tubes of BBs and nothing else or something like that.

Who would even have such info?

Did the guy say the other guy had all the CORRECT info? Street address's etc are pretty easy, but where the guns are in the house? Hummm.
Not using my real name here is more to guard from the folks who are not members. I don't need someone who may know me or thinks they know me, causing any trouble. Perhaps the person is an anti-gun nut looking to try and provoke an incident to get someone with a license put on the spot and perhaps cause their permit to be pulled.

I know it’s a far fetched scenario and sounds like conspiracy theory, but who needs the hassle. Too many people with strange intentions trolling the internet looking for a higher life purpose like the anti-abortion wackos who bomb abortion clinics (killing or injuring people for the cause of preserving life… Explain that one to God on judgment day)… Anyway I’ll keep it private.

I respect the choice for you to post your name. It’s choice. The building block of freedom…
Does the gd stand for grimy dirty? LOL I'll bet you thought it meant goodcleanfun! LOL But I'll bet that is wrong. What does it stand for Debi?

"GD" is somtimes used in place of a very unholy two word expression. What's the point in this thread other than Ken Chevy lashing out on the world?

I respect the choice for you to post your name. It’s choice. The building block of freedom…

Yeah, you Google my name and the 1st page is pretty well all about me and my websites and forums I am a member of.

In this case, it IS all about GUNS. You use your REAL NAME on a photography board/forum and no one thinks anything of it.

BUT, on gun or abortion boards/forums you will NOT find many REAL NAMES.

WHY can you use your real name on a photography or quilting or painting or on and on and on, board/forum but NOT on a gun or abortion board/fourm?

REAL NAME on facebook, linkedin and such sites as that. NOT on a gun site. WHY? Gun sites attract crazies? Is that it?

I DO know people on this site who are using a fake name but on other sites use their real name. WHY?

It HAS to be the type of people involved. That is the only thing different.
Isn't it?

Yes, I agree, it is up to the person whether they are afraid to use their real name or not. It may be they are afraid of getting lots of spam e-mail, it may be for other reasons. Their choice.

I was just curious of some of the reasons. It is not named at anyone in particular.

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