Another Mass Shooting

Don’t worry, this is not a speculative piece that the shooting in Isla Vista California is some kind of false flag or hoax. Though it is odd that the author of The Hunger Games lives in Sandy Hook, CT., and this shooting was allegedly done by the assistant director for one of the shooting locations on the first movie. It is also kind of strange that Janet Napolitano, the former head of Homeland Security, is the president of the school that this campus town is connected to. It is also really weird, as Jon Rappaport at points out, that in 2001, in the same town, Isla Vista, another director’s son (this guy directed Ally McBeal), ran down and killed someone as well, because of a girl…on the 23rd of the month. But enough of that. Lets get on to what’s really upside down about this story.

1. The father of one of the victims, Richard Martinez, came out and condemned the NRA and all of us liberty loving gun nuts, because his son had “a right to live.” Now, this may have just been a knee jerk reaction that naturally came up. Sandy Hook force fed a lot of people a line of thinking that would point immediately to the guns, and to the NRA. Or he could just be a standard California moonbat. But wouldn’t you think that grief should overcome all of that. Wouldn’t someone want to condemn the real causes behind such a senseless loss of life? He knew by then that the killers father directed The Hunger Games. Wouldn’t a more valid response have been, “this is what happens when you promote a culture of violence and sit kids in front of movies and video games that glorify killing innocent people.” The Hunger Games is about kids killing kids after all. The killer’s 140 page manifesto tal ks about playing video games. Why would you make a public statement like that, so specifically mentioning the NRA, unless you were fed the lines?

Does anyone remember Katie Couric quietly interviewing the grieving Barden parents from Sandy Hook talking about how their 6 year old daughter thought people should only be able to have guns at gun ranges, without a tear in their eyes? It was so clear to anyone watching that these parents had been given a script and agreed to say it. This Martinez father, who now says he wants to grieve with the father of his son’s killer, is no less of a shill for the plan to take our guns. Our hearts say ok, but our minds should be saying STOP, and think about how much sense this makes in the real world.

2. Seven “victims” is the total, not the gun deaths. You have to dig through even detailed reports to find that Elliot stabbed three people in his apartment to death before attempting to get into the sorority house. Why aren’t the knife victims being delineated in the headlines of the totals of those killed? Even according to the official story, Elliot killed his three room mates first, by stabbing them. Nonetheless the story has been reported ad nauseum as if there were 6 shooting victims. The 7th is Elliot, who we are being told that Elliot himself (which makes no sense because this overpriviledged narcissist kid would have for sure wanted to hang around to be a star).

Why would the media report on 7 deaths as if they were all part of a shooting rampage? The real facts of the case are that, after killing three people in his room, the “shooting rampage” involved the killing of two girls after Elliot failed to get into a sorority house, then one guy, the one whose father has been so vocal about blaming the NRA. There apparently were also 13 wounded, some of them from the car crash.

This is hardly a shooting rampage compared to the death and destruction being openly wielded by gangs in many of our inner cities. The parents of those victims aren’t usually white middle class though, so nobody thinks to feed them lines about the NRA then interview them on TV. Three guns and over 400 rounds left in the back seat? It may sound callous to say something so cold, but in America, over 70% of violent crime is committed by repeat offenders that we let out of jail. Thousands of young people die every year to experienced lifetime criminal gangbangers who use far less hardware to commit much more damage. There middle class white coeds out of six total victim get killed by an overpriviledged, video game addicted narcissist kid who apparently can’t even shoot well and it becomes time to re-examine the nation’s gun laws.

Should we be so callous? One of the stories floating out there is that one parent is calling his daughter “everyone’s daughter.” Most likely this is also a line that was force fed to accomplish something. THAT IS CALLOUS! BLAMING THE NRA IS CALLOUS! NOT REPORTING THAT HALF THE VICTIMS WERE STABBED IS CALLOUS! We are fighting for our lives and the lives of our children here. Government is the mass murderer of history, not narcissist 22 year olds.

A few of you left out there have a problem believing that the media is directly involved in a plan to alienate American gun owners from the voting public who have never been exposed to firearms. Even besides the Bloomberg financed shills who always show up to comment on these articles, there are some of you who think it is silly to assume anything but what we are officially told.

These giant gaps in the coverage of the Rogers shooting are more than just a left leaning pacifist hand wringers looking at things through their warped paradigms. This is a deliberate script that they are delivering, one that was waiting for them when they got the call to cover the shooting. The media is always obsessed with the “official death count” on any mass killing or disaster, as well as how the individuals died. They say these facts over and over and over again like anyone cares if 203 people died in the tornado or only 201, and whether a few of the victims official died of heart attacks. Why on earth would they sweep the three stabbing victims under the rug if they didn’t intend to use this for yet another push for new gun laws. Nearly every media outlet I have seen has made the point that all three of the supposed guns, two Sigs and a Glock, were purchased legally. In the latest round they are saying that the ammo was also purchased legally. Who would think to make that point? The old “those people couldn’t legally own those guns anyway” argument isn’t going to fly on this one. It is another layer to the cake they are baking. The one that they will use to test the cremation ovens for us, the people who don’t walk in lockstep with their ideals.

3. Sniff, sniff, it smells like the entire message from this event will be that the government should have been more able to use Youtube and Twitter as resources to prevent crime, ie. MORE SNOOPING. And, and this is very much related to my review of a high budget 2nd Amendment film this week (which was published prior to the shooting), the media is actively pursuing the mental illness angle. Elliot saw a lot of shrinks. He was prescribed anti-depressants, and he was diagnosed with Asbergers syndrome. Now, if you actually read through the Wikipedia page on Asbergers, it is one of those extremely vague diagnosis like Fibromyalga. It also really had not been diagnosed condition until the 90s. And as for psychiatric meds for kids, the medical world has been on a tear to prescribe ADHD meds for the last decade. This is going to have serious 2nd Amendment repercussions when all of these kids are denied guns later in life because they had a history of psychiatric meds when young.

4. The manifesto is not being talked about AT ALL. It says very little that I can find about guns, but video games factor in quite a lot of Elliot’s life. The Rueters guy who uploaded it to Scribd for some reason won’t let anyone download it, but transcriptions are starting to appear. One I found has it divided in sections, and from 4.1, 14 years old, Elliot says “After the first few weeks of high school, I concluded that my time at Crespi would not be pleasant at all. I withdrew further into the World of Warcraft, neglecting my homework and spending all of my free time playing it.”

At an even younger age Elliot was playing Halo and killing people on his TV screen. Throughout this time he claims to have developed these hatred feelings for women that resulted in this shooting. Yet no connections are being made to video games. The talk is immediately about the guns and how this will effect gun rights in the future.

Nowhere in any of the media coverage or the official story is there one ounce of contrition for making a movie in which kids killed kids, for a mostly kid audience. Nowhere in this story is there a mention of video game violence. Nowhere in this story is there a mention of overentitlement for young people.

And nowhere has anyone called the entire video story a bunch of hogwash. Anyone who thinks that this kid who is driving what is probably an $40,000 BMW, posting private jet pictures to his Twitter and who has a daddy that not only directed part of The Hunger Games, but who posts naked pictures of his wife online, hasn’t kissed a girl, is dumber than the Huffington Post writer who told people to look for a stick when facing a gunfight.

Is anyone going to stand up and call the media on this stuff? A tragedy is a tragedy, but it isn’t an excuse for a free pass on reporting on things that just don’t make sense. I’m sure more will come out about this story as we go along, but a couple days in a lot of it doesn’t make sense. But one thing that we know for sure. They are coming after the guns.

Elliot Rogers Shooting ? What is Wrong With This Picture?

I really hope that the "Isla Vista Truther Movement" stops with that one sophomoric bit of psycho-babble writing, but alas, my faith in gun owners to grasp the bigger picture is at least as lacking as my faith in the American public in general to grasp same.
And to put things into perspective, here are the results of this year's Chicago Memorial Day Weekend (from HeyJackass! | Illustrating Chicago Values):

Saturday afternoon through Monday evening saw a total of eight (8) homicides plus another 22 wounded.

A breakdown of the 30 incidents shows:

7 were shot & killed, 1 stabbed
Sausage fest: All dudes, expect for one woman.
26.4 y/o average age
9 teenagers
15 neighborhoods
3 shot in the ass
1 police-involved homicide

While no-one will be talking about this on national TV, Rahm Emanuel is trying to figure out how he can prevent gun shops in the city (Emanuel Wants To Require Videotaping Of All Gun Sales In Chicago « CBS Chicago and Link Removed).
I have been watching the news articles about this incident closely looking to see how the news media and liberal establishment was going to find a right-wing boogeyman to blame for the shootings.

It started out predictably, one of the victim’s fathers sounded off about the NRA being partly to blame. I sympathize with his grief but pointing the finger at the NRA is misguided. I was not expecting what came next. Apparently the new boogeyman is white privilege.

In an article in the Daily Beast, James Poulos describes the shooter this way:

“He was a disgruntled, well-off white boy—so he fuels our arguments about privilege.”

Alleged Santa Barbara Killer Elliot Rodger and the Twisted Cult of Modern Masculinity - The Daily Beast

Well off? Yes. White boy? Depends on your definition. The shooter’s mother was Ong Li Chin who was born in Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country with multiple ethnicities. I do not know what her religion was or which specific ethnic group she belonged to. Suffice it to say that the shooter was of a mixed race, a Eurasian.

So here we have it, a half-white young man who grew up in comfortable surroundings, lacked for little as he was growing up, attended a prestigious prep school, had his college paid for and was not happy with things in general. But enough about our President, let’s get back to the shooter.

As I have stated in my earlier posts, some people are just born broken, this shooter seems to be one of them. You cannot fit him into a neat and defined pigeon hole that lets you use guilt by association to justify you blaming a whole category of others by your loosely fit definitions. Sometimes the answer really is that simple, he was just a broken and evil person with no one to blame but himself.
Liberal Elite said if his background check would have included mental health issues, such as his, he wouldn't have been able to purchase guns legally. And to this, one Elitist, Bob Beckel said it was/is the NRA who is stopping this background check to happen. So, the NRA is stopping background checks that look into potential psychiatric care. Medical checks are valid, but it does need some serious reviews before saying a guys mom just died, so he is depressed, therefore he cant buy a gun. That may be a poor example, but Doctors need to address what would be considered enough mental issues to deny a gun. I say anyone on SSRI drugs , for example.
Regardless, no one that thinks emotionally will ever blame the person who committed the crime, as they wont be able to complete or advance their agenda.
Here is an interesting take on the shooter.

Rodger had been in therapy since he was eight and was seeing therapists every day in high school. He had a history of violent threats and psychical assaults and the police had already gotten involved. He was on multiple prescription medications and had therapists whom he alerted to his plans by sending them his manifesto.

In a country where a little boy with a pop tart chewed in the shape of a gun triggers immediate action, the professionals who cashed in on the killer’s wealthy family were in no hurry to call the police. One even reassured his mother while the shootings were going on that it wasn’t him.

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Again I have to ask the question, what laws could have prevented this? The simple answer, none.
...So, the NRA is stopping background checks that look into potential psychiatric care...
Was that sarcasm or do you actually fall for that ridiculous hype? The NRA has never opposed having people who are declared mentally incompetent being prohibited from buying guns. The problem is, and pretty much always has been, what constitutes being incompetent and how do you get that information without violating medical privacy laws. Even under current law the shooter would not have been denied the purchase of a gun because the had not been legally declared mentally incompetent. Even if he had been legally declared mentally incompetent, current medical privacy laws could easily have prevented that information from being entered into the background check system. Even if both of those hurdles had been successfully surmounted, many states still lack the systems infrastructure to collect, compile and report this information into the background check systems. The NRA has never opposed any of these efforts. The only things they have ever opposed that might be considered even remotely related to this would be blanket restrictions that would include people who were not mentally incompetent, such as the ridiculous policy the VA was, or still is, using to classify injured veterans as mentally incompetent if they had given someone else the authority to handle their medical funding/financial affairs.
Was that sarcasm or do you actually fall for that ridiculous hype? The NRA has never opposed having people who are declared mentally incompetent being prohibited from buying guns. The problem is, and pretty much always has been, what constitutes being incompetent and how do you get that information without violating medical privacy laws. Even under current law the shooter would not have been denied the purchase of a gun because the had not been legally declared mentally incompetent. Even if he had been legally declared mentally incompetent, current medical privacy laws could easily have prevented that information from being entered into the background check system. Even if both of those hurdles had been successfully surmounted, many states still lack the systems infrastructure to collect, compile and report this information into the background check systems. The NRA has never opposed any of these efforts. The only things they have ever opposed that might be considered even remotely related to this would be blanket restrictions that would include people who were not mentally incompetent, such as the ridiculous policy the VA was, or still is, using to classify injured veterans as mentally incompetent if they had given someone else the authority to handle their medical funding/financial affairs.
I was being sarcastic. I am a member of nra and nnow damn well they arent blocking anything.
Good lord. If simple mental health issues were a bar to firearms purchase, most of us here would be unarmed.
I don't have any mental health issues. I have two built-in anti-depressants in my house. They're called Labrador Retrievers.
Good lord. If simple mental health issues were a bar to firearms purchase, most of us here would be unarmed.

Hi 'localgirl.'

If simple mental health issues were a bar to firearms purchase or issue to use here by the police, we would have a completely unarmed police force! Their all, from the top down, nucking futs!

Sorry, but I have had some bad experiences with many of them! For one, the local police sergeants son was the head drug dealer / seller in our town when I was raising my kids, and it hasn't gotten any better! Hence all the drive by shooting in many cities and towns here.
That's actually another of my pet peeves: people who say only police and soldiers should carry guns. I just want to scream every time.
Even Rodgers believed armed individuals would have prevented him from inflicting maximum casualties:

"... but after watching Youtube videos of previous Deltopia parties, I saw that there were way too many cops walking around on such an event. It would be impossible to kill enough of my enemies before being dispatched by those damnable cops.”

Of course, we know that police can't be everywhere, and there are only 54 concealed pistol license holders in all of Santa Barbara county, where this event took place. The entire county is essentially a carry free zone

Memo to gun-control advocates: Even Elliot Rodger believed guns would have deterred him | Fox News
Based on the history of mental health professionals and mass murderers, almost all of them have been under a mental health care professional and their drugs. Seems the mental health professional is the problem.
Even Rodgers believed armed individuals would have prevented him from inflicting maximum casualties:

Of course, we know that police can't be everywhere, and there are only 54 concealed pistol license holders in all of Santa Barbara county, where this event took place. The entire county is essentially a carry free zone

Memo to gun-control advocates: Even Elliot Rodger believed guns would have deterred him | Fox News
That page also has a link to another very good research paper by Lott.
I don't have any mental health issues. I have two built-in anti-depressants in my house. They're called Labrador Retrievers.
I have a Rottie and a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Rottie and both beat up on me for their relief. And then want to be the most loving of dogs. Takes away all mental issues at that point.
For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately one-third of the entire population of the United States (110 million people) currently has a sexually transmitted disease.
Since Obama won two elections I think it's more than that. To me, sexually transmitted diseases included stupidity and apathy.

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