Ammo Brands

Hey guys,

What brand of ammo do you guys use? Do you feel one is better than the other? I have been using Winchester ammo and federal ammo and was thinking about purchasing UMC ammo for my .45. I saw 250 rounds of UMC 45 for sale at Wal-Mart for $84. I think I might have to buy this. Any thoughts? Just looking for some suggestions. If this was in another post I apologize. Thanks guy!

In my 9mm auto's I have carried El Dorado Starfire and lately used Hornady TAPS some. So far I have had no FTF with either and that is my first priority.
Your off brands are;

  • American Eagle = Federal
  • UMC = Remington
  • USA = Winchester white box
All three are good, my bias is towards UMC for some reason. Might be because of the 250 maga packs that are available and I typically find UMC less expensive in bulk Internet orders. Typically the 250 mega packs are typically less expensive that the Winchester (USA) Whitebox value packs of 100 at SuperWallyVerse. I buy whatever is the better price per round at SuperWallyVerse if I am not loading it myself. The cost per round is about the same. I do the number crunching on my Palm 700p to get the price per round before the sporting goods clerk gets there.
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If you are talking about shooting i.e. practice rather than carry then I agree with netentity that the three that he mentioned are all good. I have used all three at one time or another with no problems so I would say go with what is the least expensive. Before you invest a lot of money on any brand I would try some out in your gun just to be sure.
If you are talking about shooting i.e. practice rather than carry then I agree with netentity that the three that he mentioned are all good. I have used all three at one time or another with no problems so I would say go with what is the least expensive. Before you invest a lot of money on any brand I would try some out in your gun just to be sure.

I plan on doing that. I think the 250 megapack is 84 and the Winchester 100 rounds is $28. I may just buy 3 boxes of the Winchester. I will see. Where do you guys buy your ammo in bulk?
I have not bought in a while. Our company has a FFL so usually from one of our distributors. We have used Jerry's Sports Center, RSR and Simmons in the past as well as various others. There is no really "cheap" place anymore. Ammo has gotten expensive. My advice is to get on the internet and shop around as much as you can.
I should have qualified my statement for range/target ammo. Typically that's all I predominately see at the SuperWallyVerses here in southern Nevada. They have some JHPs but none of the premium rounds. When you go to SuperWallyVerse it's to get something inexpensive. For range/target ammo you want good quality at an inexpensive price so you can go to the range more often.

Personal protection ammo is another debate which we've exhausted many times here and will continue to revisit. Bottom line for any ammo make sure you and your firearm like it.
I posted this on another thread;

Here are my online ammo sources.
For practice ammo, I buy either USA or UMC 100 or 250 packs in the common calibers available at SuperWallyverse or reload it myself if the range or class allows reloads.

Typically you will get better deals on personal protection ammo online. Sometimes you will get good deals on range/target ammo as well.
Ya know, I don't really like UMC. The box I tried from WallyWorld was full of overpressed rounds meaning the case rim stuck out further than it should. You could run your finger from tip to rim and it would literally hangup on the brass. It fired perfectly, but felt like it lacked the power (feel/volume) of the Winchester Target stuff. Wally is where I buy my target ammo
I don't reload, I heard that WalMart has lowest price in Michigan for ammo. I found the same price at Dicks Sporting Goods when on sale and if 500rds purchased. I keep my eye open but just go to walmart and pick up 600 or 1000rds when driving by....

All pricing for .45acp

Wallmart price for Winchester FMJ 100rd valuepak $29.88, say $30/100 or $150/500
Walmart Remiington UMC FMJ price is about $85/250 or $170/500

WalMart price for Winchester 50rd JHP is $28 or $56/100
WalMart price for Remington UMC 100rd JHP - $38.00 $38/100

Now, someone told me to buy premium JHP for personal protection, paying a lot (maybe 40$) for a 20rd box. I wondered why? Was told because it may sit for yrs in the mag. Comments? I figured I would buy the less expensive stuff, and cycle it at the range. Is this stupid? or is there real value to gucci hollow point ammo.
I don't reload, I heard that WalMart has lowest price in Michigan for ammo. I found the same price at Dicks Sporting Goods when on sale and if 500rds purchased. I keep my eye open but just go to walmart and pick up 600 or 1000rds when driving by....

All pricing for .45acp

Wallmart price for Winchester FMJ 100rd valuepak $29.88, say $30/100 or $150/500
Walmart Remiington UMC FMJ price is about $85/250 or $170/500

WalMart price for Winchester 50rd JHP is $28 or $56/100
WalMart price for Remington UMC 100rd JHP - $38.00 $38/100

Now, someone told me to buy premium JHP for personal protection, paying a lot (maybe 40$) for a 20rd box. I wondered why? Was told because it may sit for yrs in the mag. Comments? I figured I would buy the less expensive stuff, and cycle it at the range. Is this stupid? or is there real value to gucci hollow point ammo.

Great information! Thank you! I hopefully will be able to go out this weekend and pick up 500 rounds. I want to stock pile as much as I can.
From what I understand, and someone please correct this if it's wrong, a hollow point bullet for home defense is better than anything else that is shot from a pistol for the simple fact that when it breaks up or falls apart inside the perp then that bullet is less than likely to "shoot through" and hit a family member. It's kind of the opposite theory of using a shotgun for home defense/self protection whereby the scatter hits anything and everything in the general direction where it's aimed.

As far as buying any type of ammo for any type of firearm, it's dependent on both the ammo and the firearm. Certain manufacturers and certain jacket types jam my .45, others jam in the 3ought6, most makes of bullets "know better" than to try and jam the AR15, and nothing at all seems to jam my 9mm.

Buy some, try some, get what works for what you have.
Hey guys,

What brand of ammo do you guys use? Do you feel one is better than the other? I have been using Winchester ammo and federal ammo and was thinking about purchasing UMC ammo for my .45. I saw 250 rounds of UMC 45 for sale at Wal-Mart for $84. I think I might have to buy this. Any thoughts? Just looking for some suggestions. If this was in another post I apologize. Thanks guy!


I've fired some of that UMC ammo you are talking about it is is superb in the quality and accuracy department!
Off topic

This is off topic, but please go to the Box o' truth The Box O' Truth to find out about penetration.
According to the tests there the shotgun with 00buck penetrated less in sheetrock than any handgun.:secret:
I buy usually whatever is cheapest with brass casings.. used to buy a lot of winchester white box ammo from wal mart, but a few months ago saw that they carried blazer brass by CCI that ends up being cheaper than the white box ammo and it shoots great. I get my target rounds almost always at walmart cause I haven't found anywhere else that is cheaper... not even online. might just be the calibers I need though. for .22's I get the bulk pack of 550 rounds from remington.. my ruger 10/22 seems to like that better than the federal bulk pack or winchester.

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