A little dose of truth


Thank God I'm alive!
I'm going to let everyone know in advance that this thread will be controversial.

Anyway, I've been troubled by the fact that some on this site have gotten carried away to the point that they actually have convinced themselves that Barack Obama is the antichrist, among other things.

I have attached an article I found in yesterday's paper while I was at work. I wasn't able to find it on the website, so I scanned it and it's attached here. Not trying to get anyone to change their minds about him politically, (lord knows I haven't), but just trying to get everyone to see just how ridiculous some of the things are that they've been saying.

This is a .pdf file, so use adobe acrobat to open it. Also, because of how I scanned it, you may need to scroll all the way down to view it.
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B Hussein O is a muslum...

Or why would he continually un prompted keep saying "I am not a Muslim"


He was born to a Muslim Father...
Raised in a Muslim coutry...
Attended Mosque....
Attended to Muslim prayer rituals regularly...
His Step dad was a Muslim...
He continued to be raised a Muslum through out his stay with his step dad...
Was registered as a Muslim in several schools in the US by his mother...
Attended Muslim worship services while in school...
Refused to be swore in on the Bible because it conflicted with his Muslim beliefs when swore in as a US Senator...
continued to be a practicing Muslum until the last few years...
and on a recent interview on TV when asked about his religion he said and this is a direct quote "MY Muslim faith" and did not correct it until prompted by his interviewer...

In The Bible a passage asks "Can a Leopard change it's spots?"
Therefore he is still a Muslim period.
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B Hussein O is a muslum...

Or why would he continually un prompted keep saying "I am not a Muslim"


He was born to a Muslim Father...
Raised in a Muslim coutry...
Attended Mosque....
Attended to Muslim prayer rituals regularly...
His Step dad was a Muslim...
He continued to be raised a Muslum through out his stay with his step dad...
Was registered as a Muslim in several schools in the US by his mother...
Attended Muslim worship services while in school...
Refused to be swore in on the Bible because it conflicted with his Muslim beliefs when swore in as a US Senator...
continued to be a practicing Muslum until the last few years...
and on a recent interview on TV when asked about his religion he said and this is a direct quote "MY Muslim faith" and did not correct it until prompted by his interviewer...

In The Bible a passage asks "Can a Leopard change it's spots?"
Therefore he is still a Muslim period.

as always. Thanks Sheldon

We've got plenty of reasons to vote against Obama without resorting to questioning his faith. At the very least, strike the obvious lies from your arguments if you want to do that. Obama swore in on a Bible, you won't get any traction arguing that way. Best just to stick to the issues.

PolitiFact | Obama sworn in on his Bible
We've got plenty of reasons to vote against Obama without resorting to questioning his faith. At the very least, strike the obvious lies from your arguments if you want to do that. Obama swore in on a Bible, you won't get any traction arguing that way. Best just to stick to the issues.

PolitiFact | Obama sworn in on his Bible

Sorry but I remember it made national news when he refused to place his hand on the Bible so that web site is flat out lying.:hang3:
Sorry but I remember it made national news when he refused to place his hand on the Bible so that web site is flat out lying.:hang3:

Sorry but you may very well be wrong. Go to Snopes.com and check it out. There are a lot of things about both McCain and Obama that are not true... The closer we get to the election the more rumors we get..
When it comes right down to it it does not really matter if he put his hand on the Bible and took an oath or not. Politicians lie all the time and the Bible makes no difference to them. All of them at one time swore an oath to uphold the constitution and yet many are traitors. They have no problem telling a lie with their hand on the Bible.
Obama is not a Muslim - if he is, he's a severely backslid one. By "Muslim", I mean one who prays five times a day, doesn't eat pork, believes in Allah - and tells people, "Yep, I'm Muslim!"

It's very uncommon for anyone of any faith - unless they fear death or are not serious about their religion - to deny it and claim another, even if they are running for President. Many politicians will attempt to appear more religious than they really are, but rarely less. To be honest, Obama seems like he's doing an excellent job of posing as a Unitarian "Christian" - just enough to give a warm fuzzy feeling, but not enough to have to get down to brass tacks.

Is he the Antichrist? Well, I dunno...but if I had to make a list, he'd be in the top 10 possible candidates. He definitely gives off that vibe. He can say totally outrageous things, and make them sound like not that big of a deal. He can whip crowds into a frenzy, and he looks kind of harmless and affable, like a little 8 year old kid or something.

I don't trust him in an executive position, though. We should definitely watch him like a hawk, and keep a close eye on the legislative docket, lest he try anything underhanded.
B Hussein O is a muslum...

Or why would he continually un prompted keep saying "I am not a Muslim"


He was born to a Muslim Father...
Raised in a Muslim coutry...
Attended Mosque....
Attended to Muslim prayer rituals regularly...
His Step dad was a Muslim...
He continued to be raised a Muslum through out his stay with his step dad...
Was registered as a Muslim in several schools in the US by his mother...
Attended Muslim worship services while in school...
Refused to be swore in on the Bible because it conflicted with his Muslim beliefs when swore in as a US Senator...
continued to be a practicing Muslum until the last few years...
and on a recent interview on TV when asked about his religion he said and this is a direct quote "MY Muslim faith" and did not correct it until prompted by his interviewer...

In The Bible a passage asks "Can a Leopard change it's spots?"
Therefore he is still a Muslim period.

He keeps being prompted to say that he is not a Muslim because people keep bringing it up; if it didn't keep coming up, he wouldn't have to keep answering to it. Also, never mind that he attended a Christian church (however unchristian we may see the pastor, it's still a Christian church), you can't look past the fact that he is not a Muslim and never has been, and based on what? The fact that his name, his father, and his school were all Muslim? Isn't that kinda like believing that if bin Laden's parents sent him to a sectarian school in the U.S., that he must be a Christian. Stop drinking the kool aid, man.
I don't think he is either Muslim or Christian but he may very well be sympathetic to the Muslim cause. What ever he is or claims to be I would not trust him iny farther than I could throw him.
He keeps being prompted to say that he is not a Muslim because people keep bringing it up; if it didn't keep coming up, he wouldn't have to keep answering to it. Also, never mind that he attended a Christian church (however unchristian we may see the pastor, it's still a Christian church), you can't look past the fact that he is not a Muslim and never has been, and based on what? The fact that his name, his father, and his school were all Muslim? Isn't that kinda like believing that if bin Laden's parents sent him to a sectarian school in the U.S., that he must be a Christian. Stop drinking the kool aid, man.

Christian Churches do not preach hate, or race, like his did weekly, yes there are far out churches and those are usually associated with various hate groups, such as the KKK and white or black supremest, but they are not a Christian group and are basically ostracized by the legitimate groups.

I am not wrong about this senator from Ill refusing to place his hand on the bible. I remember reading about it in the local rag, and it was on the radio, Rush and I believe even Paul Harvey had a blurb on it. So maybe it was some other black Muslim Junior Senator that got elected at the same time Barrack Hussein did, now who could that be, or is it his spin doctors have just buried it and of coarse every thing you read on the net is the fact... even Snops gets ti wrong once in a while.
One thing we do have to remember is that not every church that uses Christian in it's title is Christian. There are a lot of churchs all over the spectrum with every kid of teaching. Some really off the wall with no basis in scripture. A church and a person can call himself anything but that does not always make it so. Jesus said "Why call you me Lord, Lord and do not the things I say" Also "not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of the Father."
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hussein is a socialist.

i heard a excerpt from a town hall meeting where he told a hard working plumber he wanted to redistribute the wealth . he is a communist and a socialist. i cannot believe that anyone on this board would even consider voting for him. i took a oath once upon a time to defend this country and it's way of life. socialism would end this country as we knew it.
I am not wrong about this senator from Ill refusing to place his hand on the bible. I remember reading about it in the local rag, and it was on the radio, Rush and I believe even Paul Harvey had a blurb on it. So maybe it was some other black Muslim Junior Senator that got elected at the same time Barrack Hussein did, now who could that be, or is it his spin doctors have just buried it and of coarse every thing you read on the net is the fact... even Snops gets ti wrong once in a while.

Actually, you ARE wrong. Get over it, it happens to all of us now and again. The person you are thinking of is almost certainly Keith Ellison, who took office in Minnesota in 2007. He was the first African-American Congressman for Minnesota, as well as the first Muslim-American elected to the US Congress.

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And anyway, whether or not Obama is a muslim has NOTHING whatsoever to do with why I will not vote for the man. Just drop this one.

Back to the original intent of this thread, I noticed that the linked article said that 19 of 20 adults had heard outrageous rumors about both candidates, it did not mention anything about how many people believed any of them. Silly or unsubstantiated rumors like these are going to be a part of every election, I really don't think they can be avoided. The best thing we can do is share the truth with one another, even the truths that we don't like!
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I would not vote for a Muslim for President but the fact is it is academic anyway. There is plenty of other reasons not to vote for Obama. We do not need to loose site of those reasons by arguing about what he may or may not be. I am a Christian by the grace of God and Baptist by choice but I woulld not vote for Obama if he claimed to be the head of the Southern Baptist Convention.
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Actually, you ARE wrong. Get over it, it happens to all of us now and again. The person you are thinking of is almost certainly Keith Ellison, who took office in Minnesota in 2007. He was the first African-American Congressman for Minnesota, as well as the first Muslim-American elected to the US Congress.

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And anyway, whether or not Obama is a muslim has NOTHING whatsoever to do with why I will not vote for the man. Just drop this one.

Oh my we do not need to get testy here, (or is it too much caffeine in your life) we are after all on the same side. I remember the 07 incident, as well as the first one. It occurred just after I had recovered from a extensive illness and had returned to work, and this one was during the 04-05 time period. N my bet is no one on this forum will be voting for the man.

Although he may not be a practicing Muslim now he was then, can you say hypocrisy's. Anyone can be one religion and attend another and claim to be both or neither which ever suits the cause of the moment, and this is what he is doing. Kind of like the idiots that work for Ford or GM and drive a Toyota all the while complaining about job cuts, true hypocrisy at it's finest.
i heard a excerpt from a town hall meeting where he told a hard working plumber he wanted to redistribute the wealth . he is a communist and a socialist. i cannot believe that anyone on this board would even consider voting for him. i took a oath once upon a time to defend this country and it's way of life. socialism would end this country as we knew it.

He is definitely that.
Christian Churches do not preach hate, or race, like his did weekly, yes there are far out churches and those are usually associated with various hate groups, such as the KKK and white or black supremest, but they are not a Christian group and are basically ostracized by the legitimate groups.

I am not wrong about this senator from Ill refusing to place his hand on the bible. I remember reading about it in the local rag, and it was on the radio, Rush and I believe even Paul Harvey had a blurb on it. So maybe it was some other black Muslim Junior Senator that got elected at the same time Barrack Hussein did, now who could that be, or is it his spin doctors have just buried it and of coarse every thing you read on the net is the fact... even Snops gets ti wrong once in a while.

The point is, it wasn't a mosque.

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