A Little Dose of Truth
I have no problem with having a black president. I would welcome a black president. However, Obama is not THAT black. I would have voted for Colin Powel in a New York minute, but not Nobama. I would have voted for Dr. King, if he were alive and ran, but not Nobama, or Barry Soetelo or Barry Dunham, whichever you prefer to call him. I do not support McCain because he is white, but because he has done ever so much more for the United States than Obama. He has more experience in government than Obama, he is a veteran who went through things Obama could never even imagine, and he supports the Second Amendment, which Obama has shown too much of a willingness to throw out. 2A is the linch pin on which the other nine amendments to the Constitution we call the Bill of Rights hang on. Without the Second Amendment, we have no way of defending our right to free speech or a free press, freedom of religion or assembly, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure or self-incrimination. Please, do not contribute us to the 170,000,000 people murdered by their governments after their governments removed the ability of the people to defend themselves. My God, people, wake up before it is too late and stop this Commie gun-grabber!