10mm vs 45ACP


New member
What are your thoughts on which is best and why
45 acp every time

10mm is a 40 S&W round on steroids. It is notorious for over penetrating. It is also hard to find ammo for.
45 ACP is common as dirt and a proven bg stopper.
dumbest thread ever

Nowhere close to that. :biggrin:

The biggest objection to the 10mm is the lack of ammo but right now the caliber doesn't matter on that. Basically the 10mm is a .40 magnum and kicks like it, think ..38 vs. .357. The comparisions between .45 and 10mm could go on all day but unless you have a special reason to get a 10mm then don't worry about it.
dumbest thread ever

I disagree! It's a question that JWS would like an answer. That's the reason for this site.

10mm is a dead round. It's in the category of the 45gap. It was pretty dead even before the ammo crunch. If you are a collector/reloader then get one. It's a good round for the backwoods. Her is a great article on the birth and demise of the 10mm. The 10mm Auto Cartridge
I would agree with others. I do not at present have either {all my current autos are 9mm} however the 45 has been around a long time and therefore would be the easiest to find ammo so yes +1 for the 45.
Huge fan

I am a huge fan of the 10mm Auto cartridge so my opinion is going to be in the minority as for which is better. However, as others have stated, .45 ACP is fairly plentiful, less expensive and a proven stopper. The full house 10mm Auto rounds are great for hunting, or as the article stated for those jogging or walking in rural areas. Against animals of the two legged variety, there is a chance of over penetration using a full house 10mm round. I personally opt for the Con-Bon 165gr. JHP's for personal defense. More than enough energy to incapacitate but not over penetrate!
+1 for the .45. the 10mm might have a place for hunting, but for self defense .45 all the way. also I would not really like to get a gun that needs ammo that is so hard to find... especially now days.
I disagree! It's a question that JWS would like an answer. That's the reason for this site.

10mm is a dead round. It's in the category of the 45gap. It was pretty dead even before the ammo crunch. If you are a collector/reloader then get one. It's a good round for the backwoods. Her is a great article on the birth and demise of the 10mm. The 10mm Auto Cartridge

I must totally disagree for a couple reasons. First of all - much of the article you provided a link for is old info, at least much of it is. The popularity of the 10mm has increased dramatically since the time the article you referred to was written.

Regarding the gun itself. If I were to only own one handgun it would be the 10mm. The available loads are so plentiful - you can load it with light loads and you are basically shooting a .40 cal pistol (power wise) or load it with the hotter stuff like DoubleTap, Corbon and other and you have close to magnum power. I read that in Alaska one police force carry the 10mm as it is effective against polar bear.

My Point? Why not have a gun that can do it all? That line about ammo availability? B.S. Some Wal-Marts even carry it. Even now with this ammo shortage. But I prefer to buy ammo online in bulk. Given that, you can get 10mm from hundreds of online sellers.

Most rumors about the 10mm being a dead round is derived from out-dated articles that are being quoted as if it it is recent news and statistics.

I also own a .45 (Glock 30) and it is a great manstopper too. But don't discredit the 10mm based on outdated info - and especially if you have never owned one or at least shot several rounds of 10mm in different power loads.

Again, if I was to own only one pistol it would be the 10mm because it can do it all.
The 45 ACP is my favorite defensive handgun cartridge and I have alot of experience with it. I also own two 10mm pistols. Yes the recoil is more, the penetration is more in the FULL Loads, but most 10mm loads on the shelf are wuss loads and kick no more than the 40.. I have used the full power stuff to take several large wild hogs and one small deer. I know several Game Wardens that carried the 10mm and swore it was the best all around cartridge for their type duty. I also have several boxes of Buffalo Bore heavy Duty ammo. Some very potent stuff, with the ability to take fairly large animals. I guess if I had to be armed with a semi-auto pistol in Bear Country, it would be a 10mm with Buffalo Bore Ammo. (not my first choice, understand, but better against bruins than a 9, 40 or 45)

When the 40 was developed out of the lighter 10mm loads, the 10mm popularity started dying out. But that doesn't mean it's not a practical cartridge. My Glock 20 feeds the full powered and light loads equally well. That gives it a little more versatile life in my book. Is it my first choice? No, but it's a great cartidge when you realize its' potential and versatile possibilities.
I must totally disagree for a couple reasons. First of all - much of the article you provided a link for is old info, at least much of it is. The popularity of the 10mm has increased dramatically since the time the article you referred to was written.

Regarding the gun itself. If I were to only own one handgun it would be the 10mm. The available loads are so plentiful - you can load it with light loads and you are basically shooting a .40 cal pistol (power wise) or load it with the hotter stuff like DoubleTap, Corbon and other and you have close to magnum power. I read that in Alaska one police force carry the 10mm as it is effective against polar bear.

My Point? Why not have a gun that can do it all? That line about ammo availability? B.S. Some Wal-Marts even carry it. Even now with this ammo shortage. But I prefer to buy ammo online in bulk. Given that, you can get 10mm from hundreds of online sellers.

Most rumors about the 10mm being a dead round is derived from out-dated articles that are being quoted as if it it is recent news and statistics.

I also own a .45 (Glock 30) and it is a great manstopper too. But don't discredit the 10mm based on outdated info - and especially if you have never owned one or at least shot several rounds of 10mm in different power loads.

Again, if I was to own only one pistol it would be the 10mm because it can do it all.

First of all welcome to the forum. I must disagree on a couple points. Don't get me wrong the 10mm has a place and if I find one at the right price I'm going to buy one. I've seen a few Glock 29's in pawn shops but I refuse to buy another Glock. That's another story though. I'd like to find a KORTH 10mm revolver. I haven't seen the popularity gain in the last few years with the 10mm and no new firearms that I know of have been released in some time. Ammo is not readily available like other popular calibers are. It's around but you have to look for it. When given a choice between the 10mm, 45acp or 40 cal most will choose the 45 acp or the 40 cal. Now for hunting you couldn't ask for a better backup or primary firearm. Time will only tell if the 10mm makes it. I hope it does! We will have to agree to disagree on this subject. Again Welcome!

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