What's your thoughts on this ???

Cop needs to go up the river for assault and battery and attempted murder. That was a fully cocked leg kicking the tip of his shoe directly into the top of the suspect's head. That's easily a fatal strike. Never mind losing his job and his pension, and being black listed from ever holding a job in policing, government, or security in the future.

How about some more details? Time, place, links to stories about the case?

I will.

A) If Rodney King hadn't been zonked out of his mind with a BAC of 2.5 times the modern legal limit, he might have been capable of making the proper decisions to 1) Not speed or drive wrecklessly, 2) When lit up by the CHP to pull over, and 3) when ordered to get down on the ground, to not instead strike a combative posture.

B) If the CHP was not using Rodney King for batting practice, he might have been more motivated to turn his well being over to the officers.

That back-of-the-match-book analysis points me to the conclusion that King bears the lion's share of the blame for his own beat down.
That guy has some serious psychological issues, obviously that department's psychological screening is insufficient, as is their disciplinary policy if he has any kind of violent history. As a city and county administrator I have worked with many excellent LEOs and a few pricks and hot-heads with "short cop syndrome". To paint all LEOs with a broad tarnished brush is inappropriate and highly unfair.
Cop kicking fleeing A**hole

The cop kicking the juvenile girl in the cell needs to be off the force. The cop kicking the guy who was fleeing in a car while endangering countless innocents was uncalled for but not unexpected given the adrenaline pumping after that car and foot chase. Both were wrong but the cop beating on the girl is more wrong.
That kind of thing happens all the time. They are pretty much organized street gangs with paychecks. I could write a book.

It looked like that girl could possibly have kicked one of her shoes off at the cop, but she shouldn't have had shoes on to begin with. No matter what, you have to be a fairy to hit a woman like that.

OLD OWL, you really need to take a pill here. I could write a book too. You seem obsessed with the cop bashing. The wall paper you say you have was not specified, and they all have "friends and Relatives" who were cops. Somehow that makes you a "Kind of cop" or "sideline cop in the know!" It doesn't, sorry. The only way you would really know is to do the job and do it for a long time.

The videos you provide many times show only a small part of what happened. The one where the woman who refused to get out of the car getting tazed, simply flat out refused to cooperate or be arrested, and resisted these officers. So, they go to arrest her and she refuses and resists. What should they do? Oh well boys, she don't want to go go to jail, so lets go eat lunch. Nothing we can do about it. Use your head for something besides the hate paint brush. By the way the Tazer came from Trial Lawyers, who forced cops to use it to avoid "FIGHTING" and to AVOID INJURY. Nobody gets teeth knocked out, etc.

Not meaning to cut you down, but you sound like someone who's had one too many experiences with cops, on the wrong side of the handcuffs, or a defense attorney who listens to too many coneheads from the street AND BELIEVES THEM. I would never say that there are only good cops, but the good cops far outweigh the bad by a long shot. And good cops hate corrupt or uncontrollable cops. I know, I've been there. As a retired cop, who comes from a long line of retired cops on both sides of the family, I constantly got the lecture about not tarnishing the badge. If the badge was tarnished by corruption or heavy handedness, it was no more good. You were worthless as a real cop.

Many of the problems seen today, come from 24 hour news coverage and a constant bombardment of all subjects that make news. You seem "Obsessed" with those incidents and apply them to ALL. Well you may have wallpaper that says "I are the Expert", but it ain't showin'. When your wife calls and says "Hey, come see this" as you said, it shows you are looking for the negative.

Last but not least, your posts indicate you have dealt with and constantly take the side of the criminal. The comments you made about drug dealers claiming cops used up their dope is proposterous at least. How many times have I heard such crap come from the mouths of criminals who want to draw attention away from themselves and their deeds. Happens EVERYDAY. It happened to me frequently. Some drunk gets in court and accusses me of taking his wallet, some goofy broad saying I arrested her because she refused me sex, you name it. I submitted to investigations, polygraphs, and scrutiny until I was sick of it. That's what CRIMINALS and DOPEHEADS do. They lie, they cheat, they steal, they accuse, they draw attention away from what they have done, they point the finger at others and say, look at what he did...... I came out of those investigations unscathed because of my professionalism and known demeanor.

Get real man. Do you put all Blacks in the same pot, or maybe all Firefighters. All Janitors, Lawyers, Teachers, etc, etc have a public duty and responsibility and they can abuse that trust. It's called People, and they are not perfect. If you want perfect cops or anyone else, then get robots, program them and send the people home.
Hey Old Owl, Yes, I meant to cut you down and you need to be brought back to reality. You can run all the smack you want and all the cop bashing you want but believe me when I say "You, are an idiot".

Hey Mod's, kick me off if you want but that idiot should not be allowed to bash every cop in this fine country! I'm sorry but if he can run his pie hole on here then I should be able to run and direct my pie hole at him too.

The Dove
I won't call him and idiot. That's not what I believe. I believe that he has focused on one thing.... the bad that bad cops have done. Let's look at it this way. How many times have I or any of my collegues pulled a kid out of a burning car, or stopped some dirtbag from hurting some innocent person. But that doesn't make the News. Does it? I contributed thousands of hours teaching free firearms safety and shooting classes for women, kids, handicapped and elderly people over the years, after seeing the need of those people who were crime victims and had no real training. I encouraged our Police Union to fund the classes, provide ammo, targets and range time, and about 50 of us held fund raisers twice a year for that purpose. These men gave alot of time and sweat to do this for these folks, and gave their time as range helpers and coaches. Did that make the News, Nope! Before I was a Cop, I was a Paramedic. I had the training. While I was a cop I saved numerous lives, pulled kids out of swimming pools, did mouth to mouth resucitation on street people, CPR on drug addicts, and stopped bleeding on criminals who had been shot. Did that make the news? No way.

I'm not trying to spotlight myself here and say, Hey, look at me! That's not my intention. What I'm saying here, is that in this day and age of the internet and mega doses of 24 hour talking heads and news, with the age of the technology, we recieve a constant barrage of this stuff and the vast majority is Negative. When a cop does a good thing, who cares. When one screws up, it makes National Headlines for a week. If a Fireman saves a kid from a burning building, it's just his job, and might make page 23 of the Sunday times. But if one of them gets caught stealing a toothpick, 30 reporters show up to cover the story. Look at the good work that Doctors and Nurses do everyday. But let one of them get a DWI, and they are All Scum. Get It?

I know people that can't get enough of this stuff, and they end up having anxiety attacks, are constantly angry and can't enjoy their lives. The constant negative, end of the world, everything is bad news, will kill you or make you an angry, irrational person. I've known guys like this and the trend is growing. Understand that as long as PEOPLE occupy uniforms and titles, there will always be good and bad. We try to screen and weed out the bad ones, and sometimes even good ones can gradually turn bad for one reason or another. It happens. The only way to avoid it is to go to that deserted island and live on your own, with no influences or communication.

Believe me when I say it. All Cops are not your enemy. I know a big percentage that are NRA Members, competition shooters, hunters, fisherman, family men and women, fathers, mothers and good old boys. I would never say they are perfect, nor are all of them only good. But the VAST MAJORITY are good folks.
There are plenty of bad cops out there. No denying that. There are also plenty of good cops out there too that go above and beyound the call of duty. There was a story on one here in the area sometime back that gave of himself, both time and money to help the people on his beat. Unfortunately stories like those seldom make the national news because it is the sensational stories of the bad cops that that everyone wants to see. No matter what profession there are both good and evil people in it.
There's and old saying that people sometimes use and justification for mruder, "He needed killing". Lots of times I agree with that but we just can't do that. There are times when a prisoner in a holding cell or someone that led oficers on a ten mile chase in a stolen car needs to be pistol whipped and good. However we can't do that. Sometimes officers just can't hold it back any longer and let it out on a prisoner or someone they just stopped, especially a smart aleck. I can't say that I blame them and that is one reason I could never be a LEO, I couldn't help it either.

But in the end we just can't do that. :mad:
Old Owl - - you say "I carry on for the sake of our children". Please, if you are, stop. My child doesn't need you to. Your posts on this topic are so one sided that it makes me sick. I hope that most of the people that see this thread realize that most of your posts deal with the minority of LEO's. But you seem to be infatuated with finding all the bad apples...... What do you do for a living (please post) and let me have a little time to drag up some trash on your profession. Or do you even work????? Let me know and please, quit doing this for the sake of our children. They don't need you!

The Dove
Really? I have so many certifications on my wall I can barely tell what color it is. I don't speak from the hip sir. When I say "I could write a book," I mean exactly that.

I have a few relatives who are cops, one in my town, one who is a big shot in the CT state police, and a few whom I "associate" with. Notice I didn't say "Friends." But I have documented proof, over and over, of cops taking a bad situation and making it worse for their own personal gain.

You can't deny cops stick together. They have to. Nobody else trusts them. Like the old George Carlin skit on the FBI. "Look around the room at your friends. They're not REALLY your friends... are they."

For every bad cop story you can tell, I can tell at least 100 bad citizen stories. Sure some are not honest. They are weeded out, not as fast as you would like, but they don't last. And everybody on the force knows who they are are stays away from them.
NEVER stand on your rights when dealing with cops: they can ALWAYS just deny your story, and it'll be your word against theirs. I have enough experience with the law, to know that "rights" are a fool's paradise: you have the "right" to walk down gang-territory at 3AM with a million dollars in each hand too.
People are so naive about the honesty of government, they believe we live in a democracy.
OldOwl, It is clear to see that you have a bias. We all have a bias or two about one thing or another. I find it objectionable what that officer did. I also know that sometimes what you see on tape, is not the whole story. If he was wrong, then let him face the music.

I am a Houston Police Officer of twenty seven plus years, still putting the bad guys in jail. I have seen people abuse their authority, but I have seen more officers take more abuse than they had to. I have also seen some good friends give their lives. To paint all with such a broad brush is to do, not them, but you a disservice. You see, I don't believe you are so easily fooled as to believe that your experiences are what everybody sees.

Not every one wearing a badge, is deserving of that badge. It is something we work to earn everyday. I work with over 4800 of the finest men and women on the planet. Yes, anytime you have people in the mix somebody can lose it. I have been shot at three times, been in one up-close and personal shootout. I have had people try to run over me, I have been in knock down drag out fights with no help in sight. I have worked undercover, been locked inside a crack house and my wire found.

In spite of all that, I have never lost control, giving glory to God. Yes I have used force to effect arrest, but no more than was needed. I did not beat the crap out of a child molester that I arrested. I wanted to, and I could have gotten away with it, but if we are all the same, why didn't I?

None of that makes me special, because the guys and gals I work with put up with that and whole lot more on a day to day basis. Being a cop is like anything else, it is a job. I am not special because of it. I don't care if I am liked or not. I have a job to do, thats all.

I would like to extend my hand in friendship, and maybe foster a greater understanding, if you will accept it. Other than that, we can agree to disagree. After all, it would seem that we already have a great deal in common, we believe in the second amendment.

Scott Williams
Black Dragon Personal Protection/Firearms Training/Unarmed Combat
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I think what a lot of it boils down to is that because there is so little accountability, even the law-abiding like myself don't respect and appreciate LEOs; we fear them.
I think what a lot of it boils down to is that because there is so little accountability, even the law-abiding like myself don't respect and appreciate LEOs; we fear them.

The point here, is power without accountability: i.e. those who have more power than a private citizen, but get less oversight and deterrence than a private citizen. When oversight and deterrence are less than power, then that causes an inevitable ABUSE of power, since it's basically corrupt.

This is merely a symptom, however, of an overall corrupt state, in which people have been intimidated into trading their neighbor's liberty, for a false sense of their own security.

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