When someone mentions, carry in their pocket or carry in their purse, are they generally speaking of carrying without a holster? I was taught you should Never carry a firearm with or without a Hammer in a pocket/purse due to the fact that it CAN and WILL get caught on something with damaging results to ya or someone else. I'm not going to get into this topic to deep because of going off topic but thought I would mention it. I see Alot on here about carrying in said pocket or purse etc.
1911 Headbanger- You say you have had them all or have shot them all..... Does this include a HiPoint too? I own three HiPoints and have NEVER had a problem. I've read where Some people do and some do not. That still does not make it a terrible brand. Doesn't everyone have issues with their firearms? Obviously, they (HP) are not the best firearm, but they are accurate, shoot well, they are also big and ugly, and affordable for someone on a "budget". HP was my brand when I first started shooting. Now, with $ saved I upgraded to Other brands. My C9 is just too bulky which is why I do not carry it all the time, but I would still trust it with my life. I'm sure you've been around longer and have had more experience with many weapons than me, but to say "They were bought out by the same people that own and operate "Hi-Point" if that tells you anything", is like getting into the Ford is better than Chevy or vice versa wars. They are all mechanical and they ALL have issues. Sorry folks for going Off topic, but I didn't want to open a new thread and wanted to comment on the above issues. Maybe a new post for another time.