What's the best pocket carry capable revolver


New member
Hey guys I've been thinking about getting some kind of small frame revolver for a back up that I can carry in a pocket, and I really have very limited experience with wheel guns. Ive shot a few S&W's, but I couldn't tell you what model it was.
So, should I be looking at one with or without an exposed hammer for pocket carry? Which brands/models have the best triggers? Anyone have a taurus small frame revolver that they like (they are more in my price range than s&w)?

any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a s&w model 37 that i really like. its the airwieght so its quite light. If i was going to pocket carry it i would bob the hammer. i have 2 friends that had bad taurus revolvers - doesn't mean they are all bad but just passing on the info. I must admit i was surprised how well my smith shot.
I have them all or have shot them all over the years. I stuck with the S&W's and have several. I think everybody ought to own at least one. My wife also carries one in her purse or waistband. I worked part-time in a gun shop and about a year ago, we got in 5 Charter Arms Undercovers. We had to send 4 of them back for timing problems, stuck cylinders and mis-fires. They were bought out by the same people that own and operate "Hi-Point" if that tells you anything. The Taurus revolvers have improved over the years, but i'd rather just go with the S&W's as tried and true. My Opinion. I haven't tried the New Ruger LCR, I have numerous older Colt Detective Specials, Agents and Cobras. They are getting pretty pricey and they are larger and bulkier for pocket carry.

The S&W Airweight 38's are generally ready to go out of the box, though triggers are not as good as they used to be, with the lawyer lock systems and Computer Machining instead of handfitting, they are serviceable but not a smooth as the old timers. They are light and +P rated for heavier loaded 38 ammo. I've seen them average at about the 400 dollar mark or higher. The Titanium Airlite Revolvers are super light and very easy to carry. They are also chambered in 357 mag, so you have a choice of 38 or 357. I have one in my pocket right now in a Kramer Pocket Holster. There are two problems with the Titanium guns like the 342 or 360. They are expensive. Ranging in the 600-800 dollar range on average. They hurt when you shoot them. Imagine a 10 ounce revolver, chambered in 357 mag. I shoot 2 or 3 rounds and really don't want to pull the trigger again. However, if you are being attacked, you probably won't notice the recoil when you shoot under stress. But you can always shoot the 38's which are a little easier on the hands. There are some good snubby loads out there now, like Speer Gold Dot 135 gr. Short Barrel Ammo.

As far as hammerless or spurred hammer, I generally go with the spurless or concealed hammer guns for pocket carry. They don't snag when you yank them out of the pocket. A spurred hammer can be "de-spurred" by a decent gunsmith. A spurred hammer can be used in the pocket, if you practice drawing and putting your thumb behind the spur on the way out of the pocket, to prevent it from hanging up on the pocket. That's my experience. Good luck on your choice.
The Airweight such as the 642 is a .38 caliber. The Airlite 340PD has a Scandium alloy frame with a Titanium cylinder, weighs about 11.5 ounces and is a .357 Magnum. As said earlier shooting one of these with .357 magnum load is something to be experienced rather than trying to describe. It is small, light and great for CC and is as smooth as silk but KICKS. I paid $600 for mine used but in such shape that I thought it was new until I examined it closely.
When someone mentions, carry in their pocket or carry in their purse, are they generally speaking of carrying without a holster? I was taught you should Never carry a firearm with or without a Hammer in a pocket/purse due to the fact that it CAN and WILL get caught on something with damaging results to ya or someone else. I'm not going to get into this topic to deep because of going off topic but thought I would mention it. I see Alot on here about carrying in said pocket or purse etc.

1911 Headbanger- You say you have had them all or have shot them all..... Does this include a HiPoint too? I own three HiPoints and have NEVER had a problem. I've read where Some people do and some do not. That still does not make it a terrible brand. Doesn't everyone have issues with their firearms? Obviously, they (HP) are not the best firearm, but they are accurate, shoot well, they are also big and ugly, and affordable for someone on a "budget". HP was my brand when I first started shooting. Now, with $ saved I upgraded to Other brands. My C9 is just too bulky which is why I do not carry it all the time, but I would still trust it with my life. I'm sure you've been around longer and have had more experience with many weapons than me, but to say "They were bought out by the same people that own and operate "Hi-Point" if that tells you anything", is like getting into the Ford is better than Chevy or vice versa wars. They are all mechanical and they ALL have issues. Sorry folks for going Off topic, but I didn't want to open a new thread and wanted to comment on the above issues. Maybe a new post for another time.
The only ones I have ever heard of having problems with Hi-Points are those that have never owned or shot one. :wacko: I had one and loved it. Finally traded it on a rifle. It is not a CC weapon however it is a great truck gun.

The OP asked about revolvers and Hi-Point doesn't make revolvers however you are correct about the hammer or trigger possibly getting caught in your pocket. The S&W 642/442 and the 340PD are all concealed hammer models which means you only have to be careful with the trigger. They are also lighter than just about any semi-auto.
When someone mentions, carry in their pocket or carry in their purse, are they generally speaking of carrying without a holster? I was taught you should Never carry a firearm with or without a Hammer in a pocket/purse due to the fact that it CAN and WILL get caught on something with damaging results to ya or someone else. I'm not going to get into this topic to deep because of going off topic but thought I would mention it. I see Alot on here about carrying in said pocket or purse etc.

I will be using a pocket holster of some kind, I would never carry without some kind of holster
When someone mentions, carry in their pocket or carry in their purse, are they generally speaking of carrying without a holster? I was taught you should Never carry a firearm with or without a Hammer in a pocket/purse due to the fact that it CAN and WILL get caught on something with damaging results to ya or someone else. I'm not going to get into this topic to deep because of going off topic but thought I would mention it. I see Alot on here about carrying in said pocket or purse etc.

Pocket carry is usually all I do but it is ALWAYS in a holster designed for that purpose. I don't know of a whole lot of people who pocket carry without a holster ... at least not that post here. Most of the posts will identify what holster they are using. For example I pocket carry a Kel-Tec P-3AT and a Ruger LCP with Crimson Trace laser grips. For each of them I have a www.pocketholsters.com leather convertible holster with billfold backer ... no printing, good draw.
I currently have a Ruger SP101 in .357 and it has a hammer. It works fine, but I didn't originally buy it with pocket carry in mind. It's fairly heavy, but very reliable.

If I were shopping for a pocket revolver, I'd probably go with the Ruger LCR. I got to handle one at the NRA Annual Meetings and I thought if was very impressive. My 2nd choice would be one of the S&W airweights.
From a reliability perspective, you cannot go wrong with S&W 438, 638, 442, 642 (38+p) or 340, 640, 649 (357mag or 38+p), all hammerless. Visit your local retailer and find the one that best fits your hand. I've owned numerous S&W's, both revolvers and pistols, and I have loved every one of them.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and advice. I just came home with a new s&w 442 and cant wait to get it out to the range, just waiting on the ammo.
I have a S&W 340PD chambered for .357 with Craig Spegel Cocobolo grips. I bought it back in 2002. It is an excellent pocket gun. I shoot .38spcl at the range and carry it with .357mag. Theory being, once Mr Adrenaline kicks in, you won't feel that mule kickin' in your hand.
I had a 442 for a week. Everyone that handled wanted to take it home. My brother ended up with it. Now I have to get another one. Good choice.