The best pocket carry revolver? That is like asking which one do you prefer; Ginger, or Mary Ann. Coke, or pepsi. Ford, or Chevy. Personally, I like MaryAnn drinking a coke driving a benz.
The very lightweight s&w's look great. I wouldn't want to shoot a +p, or .357. OUCH. The lighter the pistol, the more the felt recoil. The smart guys will tell you why.
The lightweight s&w's might do the job. +p .38 in a 442 does hurt some, but in a DGU situation, you won't even notice. s&w 442 comes to mind. No hammer to get in the way.
I don't know about the Taurus revolver. My wife owns a pink auto. Great paperweight IMO.
I personally carry a Charter Arms Bulldog in .44 special. It works just fine. I use corbon 165 jhp's. I don't practice with it as much as I should. The price of ammo is terrible.
Put your pistol in a holster. Don't pocket carry without one. You wouldn't put your "gun" in a strange hole without a glove on would ya?

Training and practice are a very good idea. Clean your carry pistol monthly. More often if exposed to moisture.
A pet peeve of mine. There are people out there who qualify for the ccw, then never squeeze a trigger for five more years.