What to do if your M.D. or others ask about guns.

As you just demonstrated you have a bad habit of making crap up, and when called on it you are squirming like a 10 year old boy that just got caught looking at a Playboy magazine, trying to explain it all away.

No idea upon what basis you claim a "bad habit" of making stuff up. I accepted your personal knowledge of how the VA works, but still maintain that an ethical psychiatrist would never ask his/her psychiatric patient to train them in the finer points of guns and/or self-defense and/or tactics. It was that made-up statement by Stench that I replied to and implied the fallacy of. If I got the details of how the VA works wrong, I'm gonna stick with the point I was actually making, that only a crazy-as-a-loon psychiatrist would break with professional ethics and ask a pathological liar and hot-head like Stench to train him on anything having to do with guns.

An actual rebuttal to what I said to you would be to post up that part of the AMA's code of ethics which would contradict my belief that said code would actually prohibit such fraternization between a psychiatric patient and his/her psychiatrist. Instead, you resort to rank ad hominem. Who here would've predicted such discourtesies from someone with the high moral character of XD? I can only say that I am not surprised at all....


No idea upon what basis you claim a "bad habit" of making stuff up. I accepted your personal knowledge of how the VA works, but still maintain that an ethical psychiatrist would never ask his/her psychiatric patient to train them in the finer points of guns and/or self-defense and/or tactics. It was that made-up statement by Stench that I replied to and implied the fallacy of. If I got the details of how the VA works wrong, I'm gonna stick with the point I was actually making, that only a crazy-as-a-loon psychiatrist would break with professional ethics and ask a pathological liar and hot-head like Stench to train him on anything having to do with guns.

An actual rebuttal to what I said to you would be to post up that part of the AMA's code of ethics which would contradict my belief that said code would actually prohibit such fraternization between a psychiatric patient and his/her psychiatrist. Instead, you resort to rank ad hominem. Who here would've predicted such discourtesies from someone with the high moral character of XD? I can only say that I am not surprised at all....


You started off with the absurd position that a civilian, who happens to be a veteran, or a doctor hired by the VA in any way fall under the UCMJ. I live near a VA, I know many civilians work there, including many that have never served in the military.

You got busted and your rebuttal was the AMA, instead of the UCMJ, did you confuse those two? And you also failed to site the AMA's code of conduct preventing a doctor/patient friendship outside of the medical setting.

The close friendship my MIL had with here VA doc went on for years until she died.
You started off with the absurd position that a civilian, who happens to be a veteran, or a doctor hired by the VA in any way fall under the UCMJ. I live near a VA, I know many civilians work there, including many that have never served in the military.

You got busted and your rebuttal was the AMA, instead of the UCMJ, did you confuse those two? And you also failed to site the AMA's code of conduct preventing a doctor/patient friendship outside of the medical setting.

The close friendship my MIL had with here VA doc went on for years until she died.

Which still doesn't rebut the point I was making.

Only a crazy-as-a-loon psychiatrist would break with professional ethics and ask their own patient, who is a pathological liar and hot-head like Stench to boot, to train him on anything having to do with guns.

And you also failed to cite anything that establishes my supposed "bad habit" of "making stuff up." Maybe you went to the wrong site trying to find such evidence? Did you confuse this site with another? Pffft.

Howdy Blues,

So you actually believe that everyone who knows that VA psychiatrists are prevented by the UCMJ from fraternizing outside the realm of their professional relationships with the psychos they treat is necessarily unarmed because their mothers won't allow it?

I rest my case, psycho.


You are an idiot.

Leave military and Veteran issues to those who actually served.

How on Earth would the UCMJ apply to a VA doctor and a Veteran?

As a Veteran I am no longer under the jurisdiction of the UCMJ and since the shrink at the VA is a CIVILIAN employee of the Department of Veterans' Affairs and not a member of the U.S. Armed Forces he/she is not under the jurisdiction of the UCMJ either.

You need to spend less time in your Mom's basement........uh. I mean your "Command Post" and more time in the real world.

Yeah, I'm a psycho but at lest im not delusional.


EDIT: I just realize that XD40 posted the same thing.
Howdy XD40,

As you just demonstrated you have a bad habit of making crap up, and when called on it you are squirming like a 10 year old boy that just got caught looking at a Playboy magazine, trying to explain it all away.

So true but in Blues case it would be the men's underwear section of the JC Penny's catalog.

Yeah, Blues is a piece of work, that's for sure.

Howdy Blues,

Even if that's true, perhaps you should consult the AMA and figure out if they consider it ethical for treating psychiatrists to fraternize outside the realm of their treatment program with their patients. Your argument is completely invalid.

How would having a friendship with your Doctor violate any ethnical standard?

Just more sxxttalk in a lame and feeble effort to attempt to cover up the fact that are you wrong.


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