what do you carry beside your gun, ccw permitt , dl and ammo.-flashlight???


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What do you carry besides your gun.
I use to just carry the 45 and mags and paperwork.
now i have a flashlight and first aid kit and blanket, flares and a lot of stuff in my car. It just kept getting more and more stuff in there in this cardboard box. My Girl said if you have a big box it will get full cause you will add things, if its small not so much ends up in there. LOL I am thinking she is right but want to see if it is me or as you carry longer it just happens.

OH!!! and duck tape!!!
On my person: Pistol, extra mag, high quality penlight, cigarette lighter, folding knife.

In my truck: Best to just say that my quality of life would actually go up if I was ever stranded on the highway in a blizzard.
Permit, folding knife, flashlight, and pistol.
no extra mags unless traveling out of town.

Para 14-45, who needs extra mags.
Gun, spare mag or a couple speedloaders if I'm carrying a wheelgun that day, my wallet (with all the ID and permits) and a couple knives. One small one (usually a SOG Twitch II or a Case Barlow)in my strongside front pocket for general use and a larger one (either a CRKT M-21 or a SOG Pentagon II) on the off side. I don't carry a flashlight on my person usually but I've got 2 in the truck (3 D cell Maglight and a Surefire).

If I get to the truck, I've got another pistol, at least another 50 rounds of ammunition for any gun I carry, 2 fixed blade knives, an axe and a 3 day survival kit.
If you carry a gun you need to also carry a cell phone. Those two go together, no exceptions. If you ever pull your gun you immediately call 911 and give your side of the story first. The rest is optional.
What do you carry besides your gun.
My Girl said if you have a big box it will get full cause you will add things, if its small not so much ends up in there.
That's a corollary to Parkinson's Law..."The work accomplished expands to meet the time available to do it."
Personal, 45 either Colt or Para, two spare mags, flashlight, folding knife, cell phone, in truck enough to be well and survive including plenty of firepower and food in heave locked safe storage.
Gun, one or two mags depending on the gun, flashlight in car, knife and cell phone. Unless traveling a long distance.
Gun, spare mag or a couple speedloaders if I'm carrying a wheelgun that day, my wallet (with all the ID and permits) and a couple knives. One small one (usually a SOG Twitch II or a Case Barlow)in my strongside front pocket for general use and a larger one (either a CRKT M-21 or a SOG Pentagon II) on the off side. I don't carry a flashlight on my person usually but I've got 2 in the truck (3 D cell Maglight and a Surefire).

If I get to the truck, I've got another pistol, at least another 50 rounds of ammunition for any gun I carry, 2 fixed blade knives, an axe and a 3 day survival kit.

Damn son, what are you going to carry in a real emergency? Is that just your everyday gear?:laugh:
1 Colt S/N Commander, 1 LWT Colt Commander, 2 spare mags, cell phone, flashlight, knife. Sometimes I carry 2 Charter arms Bulldog Pugs .44 SPL, or 2 Glock 36's instead of the Commanders.
shoot ya should see his first aid kit, and he has favlored condoms he's ready for anything. just kidding My kit is getting full too, hey I think i will look in to the condom thing. I could get lucky!
Wallet, flashlight(Streamlight PT2L), wrist watch, cellphone, keys, glasses/sunglasses and my pistol. Depending on the days activities extra mag. In the suv, extra mag, stage 2 first aid kit, and maps. No GPS here maps dont fail when its overcast and doesn't sell my info to the cops like in a news article from out west somewhere haha
Gun, spare mag or a couple speedloaders if I'm carrying a wheelgun that day, my wallet (with all the ID and permits) and a couple knives. One small one (usually a SOG Twitch II or a Case Barlow)in my strongside front pocket for general use and a larger one (either a CRKT M-21 or a SOG Pentagon II) on the off side. I don't carry a flashlight on my person usually but I've got 2 in the truck (3 D cell Maglight and a Surefire).

If I get to the truck, I've got another pistol, at least another 50 rounds of ammunition for any gun I carry, 2 fixed blade knives, an axe and a 3 day survival kit.

The sink, what about the Kitchen Sink?

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