Well, big boss man knows I carry at work!


New member
Myself and 3 other co-workers, including my boss’s boss, decided the go to the range today. Well, the big boss man offered to drive to the range so we loaded up and headed out. When we arrived at the range I let everyone exit the car and made like I was fishing for something in my range bag. After everyone got out I opened my case to deposit my carry gun. Just as I lifted my shirt and upholstered my Kimber boss man, being nice, opened the door for me. He looks down goes "Ops sorry " and shuts the door. We ended up having a great time at the range and nothing more was said about the incident.

I probably should have just carried it in and discreetly upholstered once inside range. Figured doing it in the car would be the least likely to be seen! Guess I was wrong!
I am glad to hear that. My employer has a no gun policy. This of course, makes it a perfectly safe place.
And your last day of employment is when? :D J/K!

lol nice Sgt. SIG! No, that was the first thing I checked when I was hired. According to the employee handbook: no employee is allowed to carry/bring any illegal weapon to the workplace. I'm totally legit so have nothing to worry about. Actually this has to be one of the most gun friendly places I've worked. I've been to the range a few times with the VP's and the owner, all of which have there concealed permits. So I think I'm ok.
I am glad to hear that. My employer has a no gun policy. This of course, makes it a perfectly safe place.

Sorry to hear that DrDavidM! But like you said its "This of course, makes it a perfectly safe place"

Is it against the law to carry at your place of employment or just company policy?
It's just company policy. They would rather me got shot, than me to shoot some drug addict trying to steal drugs. One of his family might sue them.
Yes there is a castle doctrine in TN. My company, however, works out a many states. Of course this is just speculation on my part as to why they won't let an employee carry. It's the only rationale I can think of.
Yes there is a castle doctrine in TN. My company, however, works out a many states. Of course this is just speculation on my part as to why they won't let an employee carry. It's the only rationale I can think of.

I think companys do it more for liability issues. They are afraid of being sued if someone got hurt from a firearm they allowed to be carried on there property. My Bro worked at a gas station night shift for awhile. company policy was they were not to have any form of a weapon. Knife, gun, OC spray, ect. Was told if they were robbed to just comply and everything would be ok.

I'm glad my work place is gun friendly cuase it would be a touch call if I'd leave my pistol in the car or risk being fired.
I will never forget the time a previous place of employment I carried a gun always to work. I would lock it inside my back pack when I went into the plant. There were only two people that I would have trusted with my life that knew I carried it. One women and a good friend. One day I went in and forget to take of the SOB holster that I had on. My boss saw it on me and said "hey you forgot to take your holster off." Nothing was ever said about it again.
Kimber, you are just one of the lucky few who can go to work and not worry abt your gun out in your car!
I like hearing stories like this. I, on the other hand, am required to carry while at work and would probably get fired if I didn't (I am a security officer at a check cashing store):D.
My Bro worked at a gas station night shift for awhile. company policy was they were not to have any form of a weapon. Knife, gun, OC spray, ect. Was told if they were robbed to just comply and everything would be ok.


Yup! Give 'em everything including your life and everything will be okay. (After all gas station clerks are a dime a dozen.) :o
Yup! Give 'em everything including your life and everything will be okay. (After all gas station clerks are a dime a dozen.) :o

That exactly what I told him! If you carry and have to use it whats the worse that could happen? You still get to go home to your loved ones then in the morning you go 1/2 mile down the street and get another job.

On the other hand if you don't carry whats the worse that could happen........

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