We Must Fight For Religious Freedom

lol some of those nuns at my school were sadistic creatures they would find excuses to inflict pain for sure
rotflmao perhaps they should got laid once in a while or something
and i've heard some pretty terrible stories from others who were molested not at my school but other catholic schools
i won't give names to protect the innocent but priests and pedophilia runs deep in those catholic cults for certain too

and anyone who don't believe it is in a state of denial not the river in egypt either

I'm truly & deeply sorry that you had to go throw such a bad time. As a person who was molested & abused by false christian "camp" counselors & leaders in whose care I was entrusted, I really can empathize with you.


tox..''I'm truly & deeply sorry that you had to go throw such a bad time. As a person who was molested & abused by false christian "camp" counselors & leaders in whose care I was entrusted, I really can empathize with you.''

bad time? it was the worst of times it was the best of times lolz.........i don't regret one moment of my life i cherish it all for it all made me who i am today..... good times bad times we all have our share....it's not so much that happen to you is how you react to it...i'm sorry to hear you went through that kind of abuse i've heard many deep dark secrets and see how they affected those holding them ..it's sad in many ways on many levels no doubt unfortunately far too many who don't rise up and take back their power let go of their pain ........ those pedo priest and so called 'leaders don't pray on your soul they prey on it no doubt . i empathize with all victims of abuse be it abused as children rape robbery mental and physical abuse to elderly abuse and other horrid crimes against humanity via war genocide tortura etc ........if you still suffering from some kind of childhood abuse from your pastor counselor or so called 'leader' remember forgiveness is key to end the suffering
best wishes always, to all who have suffered so
be the change you want to see in the world~ghandi
........if you still suffering from some kind of childhood abuse from your pastor counselor or so called 'leader' remember forgiveness is key to end the suffering....

That is probably one of the wisest things you've posted e.

There is a GREAT book that I encourage everyone I talk with that has undergone trauma such as rape, incest, abuse or violent death of a loved one. It's called: "The Key to Everything" by Jack Hayford. It addresses that very thing.

hey good morning tcox.. i never read the book but it sounds like it could be a good read. i'll try to keep it in mind if i run into anyone who might benefit from it . i think we all hold the keys just some folks forget where they are or how to use them even and look in all the wrong places trying to retrieve them
i just holstered up for the day and going to continue dry practicing on my draw and aim around my own home today
Sorry, but I would guess you've never been a student in a Catholic school...

Emotional and psychological pressure are a form of "force," believe me.

I work for a Catholic University and I'm not Catholic but these are some of the finest people I have ever worked for or associated with.

Emotional and psychological pressure may be what we are missing in the schools today.
I can remember the emotional and psychological pressure I use to go thru when the class Bulli picked on me and I knew if I got in a fight and got my butt beat at school my Dad always said he would give me another one when I got home.

Then one day I got a black eye and didn't fight back. When I got home Dad asked me what happened? I told him and he said why didn't you fight back? I told him because you said if I got a beating in school you would give me one when I got home.

Dad said I will never give you a beating for protecting yourself.

Well the next day I put all that emotional and psychological pressure on that Bulli, and I didn't mind the 6 wacks I got from the principle at all.

By the way me and that Bulli became best friends after that.

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