Walmart has really pissed me off!

Wal-Mart and the bi-partisan coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns have announced that Wal-Mart, the largest seller of firearms in the nation, has adopted the new Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership, a 10-point code that will help ensure that guns do not fall into the wrong hands. <snip>

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That agreement was announced in Apr 2008. Wonder how many of those time and money consuming actions WallwWorld is still living up to?
Yeah the walmart in dublin virginia tried that with me i asked the store manager if he wanted to carry my weapon to my car as well wow you should have seen his eyes it was priceless
This past Friday, October 26th, I went to Walmart to purchase stuff I needed to get my family through the coming hurricane Sandy and Frankenstorm. I was in the Sporting goods section, looking for Coleman fuel. I should mention that this was in Suffolk County, New York. While there, I noticed that they had 9mm ammo at a good price, so I decided to purchase 2 boxes. All of the ammo was locked in a glass cabinet, so I had to find someone with the key. What a thrill! When I finally found a "friendly Walmart employee" that worked in the sporting goods departmrnt and asked if he had the key for one of the cabinets, he took an attitude and replied snappily, "Which cabinet?" I pointed to the ammo cabinet.
At this point, before opening the cabinet, he asked to see my driver's license and weapon permit. I challenged him, asking what law required such validation to purchase ammunition. I was told it was store policy. Not wanting to waste my time any further, I presented both without removing them from my wallet for closer inspection. After quickly glancing at them, the employee opened the cabinet and began lecturing me on the fact that ammunition comes in different "sizes". I asked for the Federal 9mm 115 grain BT.
This is where it gets really stupid. He explained that HE had to ESCORT me to the cashier, where I would once again be required to present my driver's license and weapon permit. Heaven forbid a customer should actually handle a box of ammo!
The cashier took the ammo from the clerk and asked, "Are you twenty one?" I responded, "I should certainly hope so! My youngest child is twenty one!" I paid for the ammo and was ready to get the hell out of the store. But get this. The same clerk informed me that he needed to ESCORT ME TO MY AUTOMOBILE!!! Guess there is a real problem with people throwing boxes of ammo at others or hitting them with it!
So here is my request: if you don't absolutely need to shop at Wally World, please don't. Maybe if they get hit in the wallet they will respect their customers rights.

In Virginia, I bought a mossberg 500 from walmart and after the manager on duty has to escort you to the curb, not all the way to the car.

the ammo is locked in glass case except for birdshot
I just go to sporting goods, ask for ammo and they give it to me. I have to pay for it at the register in sporting goods but they will also ring up my other purchases so I don't have to wait in line at the front of the store. No escorts, no ID and I can walk around the store with the ammo if I so choose. I guess it just depends on what state you're in.
never had a problem like that here in east tennessee. not in sporting goods anyway. you all up north really put up with a lot. i suppose that it is the people that get elected to office up there.
That sounds more like a NY issue than a Walmart policy problem. I would hazard to guess they were doing this because they got hassled by local big wigs.
As I mentioned in the first reply, we don’t have to put up with this in Colorado (maybe Denver but I’ve never bought anything firearms related there) but I’d like to point out that 9.50 an hour “associate” who is just trying to put food on the table for their family and got stuck doing it at a crappy job working for a crappy company and who has as little control over store policy as you do, shouldn’t be the target of your wrath.

If you have an issue with Wal Mart get the contact info for their district manager and unload on him
That Mayors against & Responsible thing is a crock of ….
Yes it is, but it is real. Things like this start of with "good" intentions and start small. All they need now is a duck hunter on a commercial saying something like.
"Heck no, I don't mind showing my ID to buy my ammo", etc. That is what they do. They divide us "Gun Owners" into groups and the subdivide us into sub groups.
The Antis want to eliminated .50 guns. The Duck Hunter say's "Heck, I don't care about no 50 caliber guns and never will"
Holding his .50 caliber plus shotgun.
Yes, we in NY are screwed in many ways because if you look at Romneys 47% comment, it is more like 77% in New York.
All I am trying to do is remind everyone that an assault on one of us is an assault on us all.
We used to be Americans. Not anymore. Now we are White Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc because the list is too freaking long to type anymore.
As Gun Owners or Gun Ownership Rights Advocates, we must remain united and wise to the tactics of the "progressive left".

ps. No offense to Duck Hunters was meant. I use them only as an example. Insert any type of shooter variant you want and the message can be the same. Stay United!!!!1
That agreement was announced in Apr 2008. Wonder how many of those time and money consuming actions WallwWorld is still living up to?

Not many around here, bought 300 rds yesturday, clerk got it out of the cabinet check me out there in sporting goods, along with the rest of my purchases, and out I went, another reason I dont live in NY any more,
Here in Southern Ar the ammo is on open shelves behind the counter. I just get it and take it up front. There is a lot of deer hunters here, maybe the reason.
But ours is a small store (walmart). Heck they close at 9 pm and no groceries either. You can get hollow point ammo and FMJ. But no self defense ammo. No critical
defense that kind ammo.:no:
Walmart sucks.
They have nearly 300,000 employees....IN CHINA!
No joke. Look it up.
That company doesn't give a CRAP about the United States of America. They only care about making more profits.
The average wage for those 300,000 employees is 17 cents an hour.
I'm sick of this crap.
My wife and I will not shop there any longer.
Does anyone find it difficult to locate products made in America?
Walmart sucks. They have nearly 300,000 employees....IN CHINA! No joke. Look it up.
Yea America has employes all over the world?
That company doesn't give a CRAP about the United States of America. They only care about making more profits. The average wage for those 300,000 employees is 17 cents an hour.
Yes blame walmart not China for devaluing it monies and making that the wage.
I'm sick of this crap. My wife and I will not shop there any longer. Does anyone find it difficult to locate products made in America?
Thus is your right as a American. However ask yourself this why do so many shop there and buy things made elsewhere? Because it is cheaper. Unless you tv is 20 years old it was not made here. Your computer was not made here though it may have been assembled here. The majority of items in your home where not made here. The gas in your car likely did not come from here. If everything in American stores was made in the USA very few would be able to afford anything. In the end this is the American way to seek out and get the best deal for your money on a economy that is free to trade with others if you so choose and the fact remains most choose to do just that.
Sorry to hear about your bummer experience at Walmart.I am not a huge fan of Walmart either except for ammo and that's it.If they didn't carry ammo, I probabaly wouldn't walk into the store.I live in Vista ,CA and its hard to beat Walmarts prices on the federal 9MM 100 round value pack.I think I paid $19.00 and some change last week for it and I also can get the 62 gr. green tip .556 in an ammocan that holds I think 420 rounds and comes with stripper clips for $149.00.It is extremely hard to beat those prices where I live.I have been stocking up on those for a while, as quick as they get it ...I buy it.I personally have a great relationship with all of the guys that run sporting goods at my local store.They are only doing there jobs and I get that.I have never once been asked for ID and I usually make an ammo run twice a month.I can pick up any shotgun load they have out on the shelf and walk right to the front register unescorted at any time.I am talking birdshot ,not slugs or 00 buck as they do keep that in the case.As far as handgun ammo they do have to ring me up at the sporting goods register, but never have I been escorted either to the door or my auto-mobile because I purchased ammo.That is a bunch of B.S. if they are pullin that crap on you.I would ask to see the store manager.I would stop purchasing ammo altogether at Walmart if they pulled that with me here in Vista.Hopefully things will change at your store...cause my store is actually not that bad.I guess I am one on the lucky ones.I think if I had an experience like you did at your store I would feel the same as you do.I guess as long as I am treated well and the ammo prices are cheap I will still buy ammo there but like I said that is all I buy there.
Ouch, what a pain. I just goto my local surplus ammo shop and pick up 1000 at a time. Blows Wallys prices away. BB gun and associated ammo is about the only "Gun" related stuff I will buy there.