UK has Banned Fire Extinguishers

Lord, they're at it again. Will these people stop at nothing to ban everything that has a potential to get misused?
"...every escape route should be completely fireproof."

Now there's words you KNOW will come back to bite them, probably with lined up bodies and withing a very short period of time.
Crap! Now our Congress will commission a study to see if they are on to something. I guess common sense is not politically correct in the UK. It's getting that way here.
They are thinking about a ban on CPR because the potential to over inflate the victims lungs is there.
And.....Japan, since they have one of the strictest gun control societies, now have people using KNIVES to kill people (imagine that) is going to consider passing laws restricting knives. This means kitchen knives since thats what was used in the latest attacks.
I guess next they will outlaw the baseball bat, and soon after CHOP-STICKS!!:big_boss:
I beleive it is too late for England.............if Im not mistaken I read somewhere that according to muslims, they plan on Britain being the FIRST Islamic nation in Europe and they are well on their way to acheiving it IMO.
When they allowed sharia law to run parallel to English law they made a HUGE mistake.
I really think it's time to stop all of this idiotic politically correct crap and start cleaning the streets. I've personally had enough of this "be careful of offending some fanatical minority" hogwash. Muslims don't want to follow the country's laws? Just heave them out the door, face first. They want sharia law? Go back to their camel dung huts and have at it! It's time to take back our sanity and get these morons out of the way!

(rant off)
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C you beleive that the "citizens" you are referring to, those whose parents came to Engalnd 30, 40 and 50 years ago, are the ones demanding the implimentation of sharia law? I dont; I think it is the ones pouring in by untold numbers who are and want to remain muslims beholding to their countries of origin and islam. they have no desire to become members of British society. one huge difference in the scenario you site; mexicans crossing the borders of the good ole U S of A is very simple, they are for the most part, in fact people of the same faith........Christain!!! IMO here we have a problem of geo-political nature, when referring to muslims it is not, it is one of fundemental differences in our Faiths, purely religious. They, muslims do not want to fit in, they want you ( and all of your British brothers and sisters) to convert to their beleif systems and sytems of law........hence the forced acceptance of sharia. it was a huge mistake to give in to them; based on the fear of uprisings which is what they (muslims) used as leverage. We can learn a lesson if we (Americans) choose to, I fear we will fall prey to the same PC crap and give in. Five years ago I doubt many Brits would have entertained the idea that sharia would be in place in their homeland, it now is. 5 years from now it could well be supercedeing English law if it is not stopped now.
What a strange coincidence. I always use the metaphor of fire extinguishers (a relatively non-threatening device) to explain the importance of guns to people. In the case that you need it, you'll probably only need it for one purpose, which is a situation in which you'd be least able to go out and get one. I keep a fire extinguisher near my bed and also in the trunk of my car.

The UK bans fire extinguishers! This is hilarious! :haha: (and also bad for Brits)
Did you ever have any doubt that Great Britain as a nation and England as a country was all F..U..?
Do you realize that you have a better chance now of being mugged in downtown London than in Central Park?
And this is the nation where it is illegal to defend yourself against a mugging.
Did you ever have any doubt that Great Britain as a nation and England as a country was all F..U..?
Do you realize that you have a better chance now of being mugged in downtown London than in Central Park?
And this is the nation where it is illegal to defend yourself against a mugging.
Or a fire, apparently.

Next: UK bans seatbelts.

"We believe that this enhances public safety; the use of seatbelts by untrained individuals encourages people to put themselves in harm's way. It's far better that they wait and allow trained emergency personnel to take the responsibility of stopping their propulsion through windshields at high speeds."
Or a fire, apparently.

Next: UK bans seatbelts.

"We believe that this enhances public safety; the use of seatbelts by untrained individuals encourages people to put themselves in harm's way. It's far better that they wait and allow trained emergency personnel to take the responsibility of stopping their propulsion through windshields at high speeds."

Why stop there? How about a ban on anything that the newly established Department of Safety deems to be too dangerous to be possessed by anyone who isn't a certified expert?
Why stop there? How about a ban on anything that the newly established Department of Safety deems to be too dangerous to be possessed by anyone who isn't a certified expert?

Ban living - it's too dangerous. Certain death is the only safe way. :girl_wacko:
Sorry guys but you are in my field of expertise here. It's called NFPA life safety code section 101. Is adopted on a National wide scale and it is a requirement to have fire extinguishers in assessable areas in all public places including housing, as well as all industrial and government places. Fines can be rather excessive, and instructions are in the form of pictographs on the unit so any one that can see can look and understand.
A fully charged fire extinguisher will only function for about 15 seconds before it it MT, and is intended as a stop gap measure only just as a sprinkler system is. It's only function is to suppress and let people get out of dodge, if the fire is put out that is a bonus.
My point is that anyone one that tries this is in total ignorance of the law and are basically very stupid.
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