Travelers BEWARE! Hotel health hazard!


Charter Member
This is just Gross! You have been warned! Bring your own cups!

What a good laugh. I laughed because I never seem to make it into hotels with actual glasses. Usually its the prepackaged shrinkwrap cups that they have. I could not even fathom drinking from an actual glass in a hotel room. Uck. I got my best look at my hotel room one time when I turned on the UV weaver mount flashlight I happened to have with me. Nasty. Icky places. Nothing compared to sleeping on dirt floors with the roaches in China, but it certainly ranks on my yucky list. I always put the blankets, tv changer, telephone and pretty much any other high contact item in the corner of the room when I come in. I have a tv remote on my palm pilot and a cell phone so all is good. Nice video, but a few people that need to wake up.
I guess we can add this to the rest of the list. That list includes dirty sheets and dirty towels. I was really disappointed when I saw that they don't always change the sheets between customers.
I used to think that it was "hokey" to get those shrink wrapped plastic cups in places like Super 8 Motel and Best Western. I now understand why they're set up that way. I can only imagine what they do with the dirty ice bucket......

How about the hotel where they kept smelling a bad smell in one room. They found a dead body under the bed that had been there weeks.
I prefer the don't ask don't tell policy in hotels. Get in get out...Take no prisoners leave with all extremities attached. Wash the hazmat suit down once your done with your stay....
omg! And I thought all this time that paying more meant cleaner! Gag!:eek: I'll never look at another hotel glass the same! Thanks for the heads up!
I like my tent when possible. I know what's been in it, it's cheaper to stay in, and I am probably cleaner without a shower in my tent than sleeping in dirty sheets in a hotel.
Kind of a crappy first post...but I recently learned a guy in my unit urinates in the coffee makers every time he stays in a hotel room. I drink coffee...and dislike him.
Kind of a crappy first post...but I recently learned a guy in my unit urinates in the coffee makers every time he stays in a hotel room. I drink coffee...and dislike him.

That's NASTY! :icon_sick: You should get a bunch of guys together and "blanket party" his sorry a$$!
That's NASTY! :icon_sick: You should get a bunch of guys together and "blanket party" his sorry a$$!

I'm afraid that term is no longer used in the NEW Army. If you were to mention that to a new soldier he would probably envision candles, soft music, and a couple of glasses of champagne.

In the Marine Corps he would get the crap beat out of him... and no it is not called a code red.
Kind of a crappy first post...but I recently learned a guy in my unit urinates in the coffee makers every time he stays in a hotel room. I drink coffee...and dislike him.

good thing I don't drink coffee. but no matter. don't know that guy, but I already dislike him too! what a jerk!
I'm afraid that term is no longer used in the NEW Army. If you were to mention that to a new soldier he would probably envision candles, soft music, and a couple of glasses of champagne.
I believe you are referring to the pu**ies? I know a few that couldn't even graduate jump school.
I'm glad that I went through the "old school" basic training. I've seen a recent basic training class. It's pathetic! They're allowed to have cell phones, don't do the full on 12 mile road march, and have a lot of "comforts" while in the "field". What has our military become damn it! :angry:

What next, will they be making a bon fire, eating smores, and singing "Kumbaya" during their bivouac? WTF

Jump school kicked my a$$, but I made it. Air Assault school was shorter, but seemed to be a lot more difficult. Those damn Ft. Benning mosquitos were huge, and they nearly carried me off into the night. Glad I had my LBE and my M16. :icon_wink:

Well I am a little late to the game. I went to watch the video but it is no longer able to be seen. Even after reading the thread I know something bad has happened to the glasses. I am just not sure what it is. So i take it i should just not use them.

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