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But Obama tells our kids to Link Removed
But Obama tells our kids to Link Removed

being bilingual is a good thing I think.. I speak russian. but that is a choice. if people are going to move here from other countries then they should learn our language. I have known some people who have lived here for 10 years and still speak very broken english... that is sad.
I'm with scarecrow. Forcing American, English speaking kids to learn Spanish so illegals/spanish speaking people don't have to learn the language is not the answer.
I can see the writing on the wall. Mandatory Spanish proficiency before anyone can graduate High School. More BS from the left...
I would love to be able to speak a half dozen foreign languages. But as was said that should be a choice not mandatory just because we have a bunch of illegals in our country to lazy to learn English.
Does anyone really ever LISTEN to this guy? I swear the only good idea he's had is to end the Microsoft monopoly on Gov't required software.

Seriously, he scares the S@#T out of me......... :(
English language proficiency should be a requirement to graduate high school in the US.

Foreign language mastery should also be emphasized. The fact is, if we can understand what other people are saying, we can kick ass harder. You don't walk into a business deal with some Chinese and have them talking to each other but you can't understand what they're saying.

Also, next time we go to war somewhere out of the way, we don't have to scramble around looking for 100 loyal Americans that speak fluent Laotian or Arabic.
Re: mandatory language

In high school, I had to take a language coruse(Spanish, in my case). Took it for three years and was pretty good at it but don't remember much nowadays.

Back then, it was to learn about other cultures but nowadays it is being pushed so that we can understand those(illegal and legal immigrants) who refuse to learn our English language!!! Yes, in Europe, English is spoken by many because English is considered to be the international business language. But, many Europeans can speak multiple languages as well.

I don't think that we should be forced to learn another language to accomodate those who refuse to learn our language. We live, work, and speak English in the United States of America for crying out loud!!!!!!
Did any of you know that the Voting Rights Act also requires that in areas where English is not the prevailing language, that ballots must be printed in the region's dominant language. I don't know about any of you, but our Constitution needs to be amended to make English the official language of this country. I'm not proposing outlawing speaking other languages like the left would have us believe. I'm talking about requiring government business, ballots, road signs, etc. to be English only and doing away with bilingual education in schools.
Does anyone really ever LISTEN to this guy? I swear the only good idea he's had is to end the Microsoft monopoly on Gov't required software.

Seriously, he scares the S@#T out of me......... :(

how can he have so many supporters? he has evil written all over him.
Did any of you know that the Voting Rights Act also requires that in areas where English is not the prevailing language, that ballots must be printed in the region's dominant language. I don't know about any of you, but our Constitution needs to be amended to make English the official language of this country. I'm not proposing outlawing speaking other languages like the left would have us believe. I'm talking about requiring government business, ballots, road signs, etc. to be English only and doing away with bilingual education in schools.

I believe that way back when.. there was a vote between german being the official language. or english... guess which one won?

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