The Open Carry Argument

You're making this...

"They haven't changed completely, there was still people and politicians those people voted for, seeking our gun rights but while Biden's been in office and even under Trump's presidency, the Democrats have been pushing harder than they ever have to abolish our gun rights and every single time when there's another school shooting or just any another mass shooting to whatever degree, they push even harder."

...about open carry. I asked you to provide some citation that open carry is the cause for this. Your beliefs are not citation. Provide some objective evidence that open carry is in any way responsible for this or let's agree to disagree. You have no argument otherwise. I'm not interested in your speculation about open carry- I'll just put you on ignore because we aren't getting anywhere.

Place me on ignore, I really don’t care what you do and no, I’m NOT making that primarily about open carry, nor am I saying it’s completely responsible for mass shootings; I’m just simply saying that open carry does not help.

But of course you’d resort to saying I have no argument, you just don’t get it and the mere fact that you’re placing me on your ignore list proves my point….lol.

In this day of age since pretty much any “citation” can be questioned, why do you keep asking for it when almost every non-open carrier feels the same way? Citing something that goes against your narrative is useless. Even a lot of the big-name gun-training professionals don’t even advocate open-carrying.

I’ve given you all the info you need but it just goes right on by unnoticed because you’re in favor of this open-carry nonsense.

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The difference is you speak in speculation, I speak from experience.

During the decade+ I was openly carrying daily, 99% of the response I observed was positive. The 1% that was negative was a woman who wanted to debate that only police should have guns, so nothing I did or said changed her mind either way.

Can you cite a single occurence of open carry being credited for any new gun ban law to back up the statement?

As to what people need or don't need, it doesn't Am.concern me.

Place me on ignore, I really don’t care what you do and no, I’m NOT making that primarily about open carry, nor am I saying it’s completely responsible for mass shootings; I’m just simply saying that open carry does not help.

But of course you’d resort to saying I have no argument, you just don’t get it and the mere fact that you’re placing me on your ignore list proves my point….lol.

In this day of age since pretty much any “citation” can be questioned, why do you keep asking for it when almost every non-open carrier feels the same way? Citing something that goes against your narrative is useless. Even a lot of the big-name gun-training professionals don’t even advocate open-carrying.

I’ve given you all the info you need but it just goes right on by unnoticed because you’re in favor of this open-carry nonsense.

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Best reply ever
I’m just simply saying that open carry does not help.
Based on what evidence?

Because you feel it's true? Feeling are subjective; I asked for objective. Basing your discussion on feelings is irrational, and we leave irrational arguments behind with childhood.

If I were to attempt to have a rational discussion with someone choosing to be irrational, I'd be a fool to continue it. 🤷‍♂️
Based on what evidence?

Because you feel it's true? Feeling are subjective; I asked for objective. Basing your discussion on feelings is irrational, and we leave irrational arguments behind with childhood.
Because it’s true. It’s not a matter of feeling anything. Talk to some of these goofy liberals. Read what they say. It doesn’t take a slide-rule and overhead projector to figure it out. Nobody wants to see your openly carried gun, even the pro-gun rights people because you’re not proving anything.

If I were to attempt to have a rational discussion with someone choosing to be irrational, I'd be a fool to continue it. [emoji2369]
The only one being irrational is you but it’s impossible because you’re so one-sided. You’re not gonna draw any quicker than a trained CC’er. Even though your openly carried gun might “scare” off a would-be attacker sometimes, there’s no guarantee it’ll work every time.

I’m not sure right off hand if up in Washington or wherever it is you live has imposed laws against carrying in a gun-free zone but whether or not they do, your gun being carried openly sure prevents carrying past that sign even in the states that don’t. And this weak excuse of making a statement for not shopping in such place as a result doesn’t cut it. If you want to feel all warm and cozy by not supposedly not “supporting” such businesses like that then that’s all fine and dandy but using that excuse as a proverbial table to hide under for the real reason why you can’t, takes away any credibility you have.

But wait a minute, didn’t you put me on your ignore list? Coulda sworn you said you were a few hours ago…..

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Because it’s true. It’s not a matter of feeling anything.
So it's true because it's true? That's an argument a child would make - how do you not see that?

Talk to some of these goofy liberals. Read what they say.
OK, maybe we can get somewhere IF you can direct me to where I can read something (or anything) where some goofy liberal was pro-gun but changed their mind after observing open carry.

Except you can't can you. You feel a goofy liberal must have written that. but you can't actually cite anything.

You're not very good at this.
So it's true because it's true? That's an argument a child would make - how do you not see that?
It’s as true as 2 + 2 equaling 4, what do you want me to say?? And you’re totally off base if you think that’s the kind of argument a child would make.

OK, maybe we can get somewhere IF you can direct me to where I can read something (or anything) where some goofy liberal was pro-gun but changed their mind after observing open carry.

First off, that’s is entirely not what I said. I didn’t say a word about some gun-loving Liberal changing his/her mind about guns after they saw someone open-carrying.

Type in “guns” on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or even places like the chat section of the Washington Post and you’ll see all sorts of gun-haters who would rather call the cops on a legal gun owner who’s just simply openly carrying, minding their own business. You’ll see all sorts of content where people don’t want to shop where carrying is legal and not prohibited by the store owner. The info’s out there. It’s called Google.

I’m not gonna do the work for you.

Except you can't can you.
I literally just did. You’re just too blind to see it and you’d rather someone else find it for you and throw it right under your nose.
You feel a goofy liberal must have written that. but you can't actually cite anything.

I’ve gotten in plenty of squabbles with them and have read exactly the lane crap they write so how is that just merely a feeling??? I’m curious.

You're not very good at this.
Good at what, being ignorant?? Guess you’re right.

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If one of us didn't believe 2+2=4 the other could cite this page (among many others) to prove it is true, that it is factual.

You are claiming open carry = restrictive gun laws. Now provide a citation it is true.

I believe the opposite, that open carry observation does not result in more gun laws based on two factors, my experience and the lack of any credible evidence it does.
If one of us didn't believe 2+2=4 the other could cite this page (among many others) to prove it is true, that it is factual.
LOL, you’re somethin’ else, I tell ya.

It’s really that easy; you have two….. you add two more and you have four. Doesn’t take a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist to figure it out but I’m really starting to question your intelligence and common sense for citing something from Quora. Try looking around on Reddit too, or even Snopes while you’re at it.

You are claiming open carry = restrictive gun laws. Now provide a citation it is true.
No, that is not what I’m saying at all. That’s what you would like to think that’s what I’m saying but you couldn’t be any further from the truth. I’m just saying it doesn’t help hold back the stiffer push for more gun laws from the anti-2nd crowd. That’s it for chrissakes.

I believe the opposite, that open carry observation does not result in more gun laws based on two factors, my experience and the lack of any credible evidence it does.
It’s not really directly related to gun laws but it certainly doesn’t help the fight against them. That was the sole purpose a long time ago, to piss off the Liberals and, they’ve succeeded.

And again, your experience doesn’t matter, that was years ago. Things aren’t like what they were when you supposedly only used to do this.

But let me ask you; why are you such a proponent on open carry? Why do you act like you’re at such a great advantage by open carrying?

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Wow, just wow. Never thought I'd have to put someone on ignore in my own thread. I keep asking and you keep hedging. We're finished.

I’ve answered your question and explained it but you just simply don’t get it but ok, place me on your ignore list…..again.

You’re either too busy twisting what I say or senselessly winding your own yarn for whatever reason.

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You open carry…you find yourself in a bad situation…bad guy with a gun…who’s he going to shoot first…the person he sees with a gun… just something to think about
I rarely OC. Being from the suburbs of DETOILET, alot of problems could & do happen.

I also have a cabin "UP NORTH" in a rural setting. No one bats an eye & OC is really quite common up there. Crime is under control too.

Down here, I never leave home without my CC pistol.
1988. I'm FD - called to an Emotionally Disturbed Person Call with PD.
The EDP starts shooting out an upstairs window. We ducked behind 25 tons of Truck
To this day I still bust my cop friends balls that he shot at the cops and their cars but not us and our truck.
Maybe because the cops were open carrying LOL
There are some who criticize open carry and claim it will make you more of a target or ‘the first one shot’ when a robber walks into the 7-11, despite the absolute lack of credible evidence that this has ever happened.

It could easily happen if a nutjob bad guys sees someone carrying openly and they start stalking them just because they want to whack a good guy.

It's the same reason we've seen people sneak up on cops and shoot them... because they want to whack a bad guy.

I like what used to be the military approach in that it's best not to show your hand to the enemy, or let them know what capabilities you have.

So personally I wouldn't open carry but would concealed.

Another reason I wouldn't open carry is if the bad guys somehow get my gun, they'll definitely shoot me (most likely unless they are running away), and they'll shoot other innocent people and I'd have a hard time l;living with that.
Any facts to back this up?

Common sense backs that up... if you are a criminal intending to do harm and you see someone with a gun, wouldn't you think the guy with the gun is going spoil your fun and should be taken out?

With that in mind, the bad guy is going to shoot the guy with the gun... unless the bad guy has opportunity to flee, he might do that to avoid confrontation with an armed good guy.

Besides, I doubt the government keep accurate stats on this particular scenario so "facts" may not be readily available.

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