The NRA, my confession


Ok, so here's my dirty little secret/confession.

I'm NOT a member of the NRA, I have dumb reasons, I was not a member years ago because my crazy former friend said if the anit's get their way, and pass canadian like gun laws, the NRA members would be the first to lose their gun's. I know now that's not accurate. Then, I went a few years of not carrying.

My friend is now a lifetime member, I can get my lifetime membership for $300 through him, not the normal $1,000. I was telling another friend I was going to do it and he said "I'll never join them, they have too many liberal ties. they even endorsed (I forget the name), a liberal candidate for POTUS. Now, as a conservative, I certainly don't want to join anything where my money goes left, who can help me clear this up. I have 1 more week to make my decision to get the lifetime membership for the discount price.


Been a life member for a few years now, it's well worth it.
Remember this "You will not be amongst the first to lose your
guns", unless you WIMP out and voluntarily turn yours in...
Go ahead and get the membership. No organization is going to be 100 per cent all the time. I'm a NRA life member and also a member of Gun Owners America. Don't be afraid of the gun grabbers, out smart them.
I've been a NRA Life Member since '91. But I do understand what you're saying.

I've been considering renouncing my Life Membership for years over some of the Demoncrap Liberal candidates they back.

I understand their theory that a "Gun Friendly" Demoncrap is better than an anti-gun Republiscum. But I couldn't get them to see that a Vote for Jason Altmire (no matter how 2nd Amendment friendly he is) is a Vote for Nancy Pelosi.

They just don't understand that If the Republiscum Control the House and the Senate there will never even be an anti-gun bill up for a Vote.

Well: actually I think they do understand. But they're more interested in their own jobs than in the 2nd Amendment.

The truth is that: If they support only Republiscum candidates they'll lose about half of their Membership. Few Corporate Entities have the will to do that.

Another Truth is that the NRA is totally irrelevant. It's the Supreme Court. And Only the Supreme Court that counts. The NRA may have lobbied for the "Keller v DC" case but only the 9 Folk in the Black Robes got to vote.

The NRA takes Credit and gets the Blame. But they are really irrelevant.

So. Why don't I renounce my membership?

I just like to piss off the liberal scum by wearing my NRA Life Member hat everywhere I go.

Truth be told: if my Life Membership wasn't already paid up I don't know if I could write the check.

But it's not just the NRA. I can't even convince by buddy that if he buys a car made by the UAW that his money is going to Anti-Gun Demoncraps.

He whines and cries about the Obamaites taking his guns and then goes out and puts his money down for a Suburban.

Oh well. Life goes on. And when the Evil Corrupt Government sends me a notice telling me where and when to turn in my Firearms I'll have to decide whether to obey the law or become a criminal.

It is what it is.
I've been a NRA Life Member since '91. But I do understand what you're saying.

I've been considering renouncing my Life Membership for years over some of the Demoncrap Liberal candidates they back.

I understand their theory that a "Gun Friendly" Demoncrap is better than an anti-gun Republiscum. But I couldn't get them to see that a Vote for Jason Altmire (no matter how 2nd Amendment friendly he is) is a Vote for Nancy Pelosi.

They just don't understand that If the Republiscum Control the House and the Senate there will never even be an anti-gun bill up for a Vote.

Well: actually I think they do understand. But they're more interested in their own jobs than in the 2nd Amendment.

The truth is that: If they support only Republiscum candidates they'll lose about half of their Membership. Few Corporate Entities have the will to do that.

Another Truth is that the NRA is totally irrelevant. It's the Supreme Court. And Only the Supreme Court that counts. The NRA may have lobbied for the "Keller v DC" case but only the 9 Folk in the Black Robes got to vote.

The NRA takes Credit and gets the Blame. But they are really irrelevant.

So. Why don't I renounce my membership?

I just like to piss off the liberal scum by wearing my NRA Life Member hat everywhere I go.

Truth be told: if my Life Membership wasn't already paid up I don't know if I could write the check.

But it's not just the NRA. I can't even convince by buddy that if he buys a car made by the UAW that his money is going to Anti-Gun Demoncraps.

He whines and cries about the Obamaites taking his guns and then goes out and puts his money down for a Suburban.

Oh well. Life goes on. And when the Evil Corrupt Government sends me a notice telling me where and when to turn in my Firearms I'll have to decide whether to obey the law or become a criminal.

It is what it is.

Welcome to the game of politics.:pleasantry:
You Can't Change the NRA if you're not a Member.

You can only make a difference in the NRA if you become a member and are able to vote for who sits on the board of directors. They may not be perfect but we can all work together to make them better. Join now or you will regret it later IMHO.
Thank the NRA

I thank the NRA for being my spokesman for all things GUNS. They keep us well informed on all local, state and national issues concerning our gun rights and then tell us who to contact to correct that wrong., and they do it on a 24 hour basis 7 days a week. As members all we have to do is send the E-mail and/or call that legislator and keep the pressure on the gun grabbers.

Again NRA thank You for helping to keep me and mine safe.

CCW NRA Benefactor Life Member.
If guns are banned I shall become a criminal to prove to the rest of the liberals that only the criminal will be armed. Member NRA
Well, they certainly do more for my gun rights than I know how to do. I don't know how to lobby Congress, nor do I have money or contacts. I am a member for that reason, knowing darn well they are not going to make me happy 100% of the time, but 90% will do better for me than I could do for myself. JMHO.
Well I can say this...We all can tell you to join the NRA. But only You can make the Decision to join the NRA.

I can give you all the good and all the bad about the NRA. I'm a member, recruter and Instructor. So I'm very much involved in the NRA.

But it is up to you to join....So make your own call and Join or not join.

but once you made your choice stick with it. That is one think that I have learned over the years...Stick with what choices you make. do not flipp or flopp.

hope it helps.
There is no other organization who is going to fight harder than the NRA for your rights. Without them you would have already lost your guns. They're involved in numerous law suits and have supported all the most important fights.
My dad was a lifetime member.. He joined in the 60's (i think). I have had a membership for several years but never could cough up the cash for the lifetime membership.
The NRA is a single issue orginization. As long as you support RKBA they support you. As long as they staya single issue orginization they will remain effective. As for the liberal gun grabbing scum here is some food for thought.

Paul Helmke Republican
Josh Sugarman Republican
Sarah Brady Republican
James Brady Republican
Michael Bloomberg Republican

Richard Nixon Republican
In 1969, journalist William Safire asked Richard Nixon what he thought about gun control. "Guns are an abomination," Nixon replied. According to Safire, Nixon went on to confess that, "Free from fear of gun owners' retaliation at the polls, he favored making handguns illegal and requiring licenses for hunting rifles."

Ronald Reagan Republican
It was Governor Ronald Reagan of California who signed the Mulford Act in 1967, "prohibiting the carrying of firearms on one's person or in a vehicle, in any public place or on any public street." The law was aimed at stopping the Black Panthers, but affected all gun owners.

Twenty-four years later, Reagan was still pushing gun control. "I support the Brady Bill," he said in a March 28, 1991 speech, "and I urge the Congress to enact it without further delay."

Rudi Giuliani Republican
One of the most aggressive gun control advocates today is Republican mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York City, whose administration sued 26 gun manufacturers in June 2000, and whose police commissioner, Howard Safir, proposed a nationwide plan for gun licensing, complete with yearly "safety" inspections.

Yup it's those damn libs you gotta look out for
Neither anti-gun nor pro-gun advocates come from one party. That's why the NRA is and should remain a one issue organization. Rather than join the competing orgs I donate what that cost would be to the NRA. Spreading it out just dilutes the NRA's strength.

NRA life member since 1964. It was $100 back then, but my income was equally smaller. It's the same relative price.
I have an NRA membership only because the outdoor gun club requires NRA membership to join.

The memberships I have at GOA, SAF and others are membership AND donations.

My signature should explain why.