The Desert Eagle Thread


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.40S&W "Baby" Desert Eagle Pistol (COMPACT)

Just picked up one of these... this is a friggin TOTALLY AWESOME piece of equipment! :D

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This "Baby" Desert Eagle pistol has slide safety, decocker. It is a double action/single action pistol with 10-round magazine. Please note that the .40S&W compact model has always and only been offered with a 10-round magazine.

This black steel model is nicknamed the "compact" Baby Eagle. It is the smallest of the Baby Eagle models.

Beautiful gun! What'd that set you back? I don't know anything about D.E.' reliable are they?

For the compact .40 $449 with one 10rd mag from Sportmans Warehouse here in Portland. The DE are supposed to be incredibly reliable (gotta be as the Israeli's don't want any hiccups when capp'n terrorists) and it is indeed very well built. Smoothest action on the trigger that I have EVER felt in a pistol without doing special upgrades.:)

Ya just gotta touch one of these and I assure you... you're taking it home.
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I considered one instead of my CZ-40. Felt good (but CZ was better for me), price was up a bit (although still seems reasonable) and I thought a lot of what I liked was the carryover from its big brother's reputation. For the money though, it seems to be a short list item when thinking of .40's. One reviewer commented that it has a somewhat rougher look to it than some of the S&W, CZ or Taurus comparable models.
For the compact .40 $449 with one 10rd mag from Sportmans Warehouse here in Portland. The DE are supposed to be incredibly reliable (gotta be as the Israeli's don't want any hiccups when capp'n terrorists) and it is indeed very well built. Smoothest action on the trigger that I have EVER felt in a pistol without doing special upgrades.:)

Ya just gotta touch one of these and I assure you... you're taking it home.
Nice gun and the price is less than what i figured one would cost.Please post a range report if you would,and enjoy!
I considered one instead of my CZ-40. Felt good (but CZ was better for me), price was up a bit (although still seems reasonable) and I thought a lot of what I liked was the carryover from its big brother's reputation. For the money though, it seems to be a short list item when thinking of .40's. One reviewer commented that it has a somewhat rougher look to it than some of the S&W, CZ or Taurus comparable models.

Yes true, if you mean the physical appearance, as it is a matt flat black steel, like all DE's except for the chrome models like the "...Point Five Zero Desert Eagle":eek:- in the words and accent of Bullet Tooth Tony.

I purchased it at the same time my buddy purchased his Taurus and then we compared notes (guns) on each after. He's is a bit crushed:( and he is not a full week into ownership and as of lastnight he is ready to sell his brand new Taurus to get into a Baby DE Compact.
Just learned while doing a search on the web that the Baby Eagle is actually either nicknamed or called "the Jericho".
No mistake

Please don't think I didn't like it. The budget led me to go for the CZ (also black finished, I dislike chrome finishes myself), mags and a load of ammo instead. Simple priorities was the only focal point of the decision. If I had a different budget on another day the decision could have well been for the Baby. It was on my short list. Next on the list though is probably the CZ-P01 or a 5" .45. Someone else posted a full-size Springfield pic link in their signature and it looked nice. Maybe I'll open a thread on a full-sized .45 discussion to get the short-list going.

Re: Jericho - They market under that name in some countries.
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Nice gun and the price is less than what i figured one would cost.Please post a range report if you would,and enjoy!


.40 Compact Baby Eagle 3.64" Barrel Length

Went to the Clackamas County Public Safety Center and Indoor Firing Range for LEO's and Public members.

Magazine loading- 10rds very easy

Fired 200 rds of .40SW 180 Grain FMJ at 5yds, 10yds, and 25yds
This gun feels very comfortable in my hand. even with the smaller pistol grip that comes on the compact. There is a small extension on the magazine to catch your little finger but I suspect this is really only a feature for comfort if you have small to medium size hands. I had my wife hold the DE and in her small hands she found the pistol grip felt better to her than my Walther PPKS. I have a medium sized hand and the DE fit me like a comfortable glove.

At both 5 and 10yds I was able to keep nice 3" groups on a standard silhouette target. This was really very easy to do as the recoil was, to my surprise, really low. I think the recoil is due primarily to the weight of the steel, which is not excessive but made the compact Baby Eagle VERY WELL BALANCED .

At 25yds I was very impressed with the accuracy at that distance for a compact. I had all but 3 of 50 rounds I put down range on target and inside the silhouette and a group of roughly 10"-12" vertical and 5"-10" horizontal. This all considering I had just fired 150 rounds through this already over about 60 minutes.

All 200 rounds feed easily with not a single hiccup and no FTF's.

Trigger pull in my opinion is an absolute mechanical marvel it is very smooth. However, if there is any drawback- From my 1911's and Daewoo DP51 I am used to Single or Fast actions and expect my first trigger pull to go as fast as the last. Once the safety is engaged on the DE's it automatically goes back to double action which is more of a minor annoyance for me and contributed to the 3 rounds outside the silhouette as I first jerked the trigger expecting a single or fast action. It will take a little bit to get accustomed to unless of course there is a fast action modification somewhere out there like the one Kimber adopted from Deawoo (fat chance I know but, hey ya neva know!).

Overall, I think I have fired only one gun that I enjoy more and it was my buddies older model CZ 75 (we've nicknamed it "Butta"... it is as smooth as butta) but his CZ is not practical as a Concealed carry and more of a carbine than a hand gun. So as far as compact concealed carry's is concerned the Baby Eagle .40 is in my opinion a 9.8 on a scale of 1-10. I love it and I believe this will be my personal concealed side arm for a very long time.
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.40S&W "Baby" Desert Eagle Pistol (COMPACT)

Just picked up one of these... this is a friggin TOTALLY AWESOME piece of equipment! :D

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This "Baby" Desert Eagle pistol has slide safety, decocker. It is a double action/single action pistol with 10-round magazine. Please note that the .40S&W compact model has always and only been offered with a 10-round magazine.

This black steel model is nicknamed the "compact" Baby Eagle. It is the smallest of the Baby Eagle models.

Can it be carried cocked and locked like a 1911?
Can it be carried cocked and locked like a 1911?

Yes and No... it can however the hammer is in the cocked and the safety will be in the fire position. SO unlike the 1911 you cannot lock it in the cocked position. If you return the safety to the safe position it will also return it to double action on the first shot.

I don't know if you've ever had the opportunity to fire a triple or fast action semi-automatic but that is the best of all worlds when it comes to cocking mechanisms. Here is why_

1. Cock the hammer
2. Push the hammer back to the seated position, a light touch is all you need.
3. Even though the hammer is in the seated /closed position it is still cocked, even though it looks like it is not.

When ready to fire:

1. Very lightly pull on the trigger and the hammer will fall back quickly to a displayed cocked position (even though it is already cocked the hammer will fall back with a light tap on the trigger to let you know it is still cocked).

2. Follow through with a complete trigger pull to fire the weapon or simply push the hammer back to the seated but cocked position.

I love the fast or triple action feature.
The Daewoo DP51 is a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol produced by Daewoo Precision Industries of South Korea. It is a compact, lightweight pistol with an unconventional trigger mechanism called "fast action". The frame is composed of an aluminum alloy with a matte finish, while the slide is of blued steel.
The "fast action" trigger mechanism allows a cocked hammer to be pushed to its down position while still keeping the mainspring compressed. A light pull on the trigger causes the hammer to flick back, after which the pistol would behave in conventional single-action (SA) mode.

The pistol can also be fired in conventional single- and double-action (DA) modes.

The "fast action" mode allows the trigger travel of DA mode and the trigger weight of SA mode. This allows a more accurate first shot due to the lighter weight of the trigger. It is also safer due to the longer trigger travel required to fire the pistol.

The factory magazines are 13-rounders. Smith & Wesson 59-series magazines purportedly are compatible with the DP51.
The pistol also has ambidextrous safeties and 3-dot sights.

It is also equipped with a firing pin block; the firing pin is blocked from moving forward unless the trigger is in its rearmost position.

The Daewoo K5 9mm was developed in 1990. It is recoil operated and uses a conventional Browning-type locking system. It is mostly carried by Commissioned Officers in the Republic of Korea Army, and is standard service sidearm for ROK Police.
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Awesome.It sounds like you got yourself a winner.From what you posted of your range results,it sounds very accurate and a smooth operation.I hope it gives you many years of trustworthy service.I like the looks of the gun.It has a different,but bad a$$ look to it.Thanks for the range report.
Awesome.It sounds like you got yourself a winner.From what you posted of your range results,it sounds very accurate and a smooth operation.I hope it gives you many years of trustworthy service.I like the looks of the gun.It has a different,but bad a$$ look to it.Thanks for the range report.

Thanks, the pleasure was all mine.
Now that is a real surprise...

Description of the Jericho 941...

Follow the link to Magnum Research, interesting history on the company, Jericho and Eagle products.

WOW! :eek: I had NO IDEA the design was based on the CZ-75! What a shear coincidence as I mentioned in my range report above the only gun I enjoyed firing more was my buddies,,, CZ-75 (Butta)!

I 've learned something today. Thanks for that Wikipedia info.
What is the availability of carrying accessories? I tend to like guns that are in relatively low demand. Therefore, nice holsters and magazine holders are ALSO in low demand.
What is the availability of carrying accessories? I tend to like guns that are in relatively low demand. Therefore, nice holsters and magazine holders are ALSO in low demand.

Holsters, for the most part, are 'SUPPOSED' to be a custom accessory. However, I did a little research of my own and found that holsters that will fit the Glock 17 pretty much have the same trigger guard and can accomodate the guns overall design. I have been using a Bianchi and a Roys Leather interchangablely for the Glock 17 and both fit very well.
Interesting. FWIW, I find that holsters (leather ones, anyway) designed for the Glocks are a near-perfect fit for a 1911. For example, the Galco Concealable for my Glock 27 fits my Kimber CDP-II Ultra [3"] nearly perfectly...a smidgeon looser, but that's not a bad thing.
i do like the Tangfolio-inspired handguns (CZ, Armalite, Magnum Research, etc. ...). However, I prefer the frame-mounted safety as opposed to slide mounted variant for two reasons; the frame-mounted safeties enable cocked and locked carry and secondly, but most importantly, a frame mounted safety is intuitive to disengage. I carried a Beretta for years as a Marine and HATED the slide mounted safety. I would carry with the safety off because it was quicker into action. -my $.02

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