The more I watch it, the more I laugh at it. Now I try to get my wife to watch it with me, because she HATES it. I'll wait till we're really comfortable on the couch, to the point that she doesn't want to get up, and then I'll find it on the DVR. It takes about three seconds for me to be threatened with violence, yelled at, cussed at, hit with pillows, and whatever else. Then she gives in and suffers through it. It's become my go-to when I can't find much of anything else. He's a good guy, doing good stuff. He's just really proud of himself. I just wonder if there's a producer in the background scripting this and creating this "character," or if he really thinks that way. Either way, I'll probably keep watching it. It pays off when he visits children's hospitals, and does fundraisers for them, and the like. I like to think that if I had his influence and financial means that I would do some of the same things. It's better than seeing him on TV getting arrested for stupid stuff.