Something to think about.......

The general practice in the state of Hawaii is that the Chief of Police won't issue a "carry permit" to any private citizen unless they have a "good reason". Think about all of the folks you see carrying a firearm. They're the guys servicing the ATM machines, working for the armored car services, and some of the private guard services. What are these folks "protecting"? In most cases it's "property". If some thug were to approach them and demand the cash, they're instructed to hand over the property and "get away". Most of these companies have insurance that would cover such instances. Now take a look at this story about the lady who was beaten to death with a loaded shotgun: Link Removed

At this point, I feel that I have "good reason" to get a permit to carry a concealed firearm. I've got permits from the state of NV, UT, FL, and GA. These states don't seem to have a problem with me. I've got a lot of experience and I'm a NRA Certified Instructor. This is a clear situation where the Police Chiefs put the value of "property" above that of human life.

I'd like to see the laws change. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

Have you talked with any of your state legislators? Maybe you could find one willing to introduce a bill to make HI a shall issue state. Also I think one of the best moves TN ever made was to make permits handled by the state as opposed to local sheriff's.

Wish I could be more help...
We have a few 2A friendly law makers, though it's far from the number needed to get anything done effectively. I like the idea of getting the permitting handled by the state rather than the county. Two of the counties have had some major drama in recent years. Possibly corrupt acts still haunt one of the county police departments.

Any luck of a new police chief in Honolulu? I've spent some time recently looking into Hawaii laws and read somewhere that Chief Boisse P. Correa had quite a few days of absence due to illness and other reasons. With that in mind, and the fact that he's in his 60's, maybe he'll consider retirement and the county will get a more pro-gun chief.
The last 3 police chiefs were all "anti gun" it seems as if they got worse along the way. Boisse Correa is the most "anti" of the recent Honolulu Police chiefs.

The solution may be moving the firearms registration and permitting functions to the State. Maybe the department of the Attorney General or possibly the State Sheriff's department will do a better job with the registration and permitting. This way they can eliminate the "jurisdictional lines" between counties. I've seen situations where residents of Kauai were unable to purchase firearms locally because the firearms dealer misunderstood the law. They thought that the individual needed a Honolulu Police permit to acquire firearms. If the permit was issued by the state, this would eliminate such problems. Another thing is if an individual is arrested for domestic violence, but isn't convicted (pending trial, under indictment, etc.), certain counties would miss this when doing their background check. If registration is handled by the state, then the state database will always be checked and would be more effective in catching things that may slip through the system.

I've suggested these ideas to lawmakers, but as of yet, they've fallen on deaf ears.

IMO I don't think that HI will ever change its firearms laws. Your best chance for carrying is to move from paradise back to the mainland.
I agree with {Tex} Hawaii((. If you want great weather and great gun laws, move to either southern Nevada, Arizona, or Flordia.
I agree with {Tex} Hawaii((. If you want great weather and great gun laws, move to either southern Nevada, Arizona, or Flordia.
I wouldn't exactly call the temperature extreme from 26 to 118 great weather. Phoenix is typically 5 to 10 degrees hotter than Vegas.
I'd like to see the laws change. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
Until you get more pro-RKBA legislators, police chiefs or sheriffs and a governor in office, things will not change there. I do know that will not venture into HI until I can legally CCW there. Doubt it that will happen in my lifetime. If you need mainlanders to lobby the State, I'm sure we can do that.
I wouldn't exactly call the temperature extreme from 26 to 118 great weather. Phoenix is typically 5 to 10 degrees hotter than Vegas.

I agree. I have a brother that lives in the Phoenix area. It gets hotter than you know where there.

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