Should citizens in the United States be banned from possessing assault weapons?

Not sure what an "assault weapon" is.

Is it similar to an assault knife or assault car? Is it somehow inherently violent, regardless of what the actual user of it does with it?
I think the govt should require every able bodied man and woman of sound mind between the ages of 18 and 80 to have at least one fully automatic "assault rifle" preferably in 308
An assault weapon, by definition, is a fully automatic weapon. End of discussion.

I agree that my above definition is not correct. Quick post, brain fart, it happens with age, lol.
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NO weapon should be banned. When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Define an "assault weapon". Can't be done and I REALLY don't trust any definition dreamed up by a politician or the Brady Bunch.
Any and all weapons can be considered an "Assault Weapon" . Are you the aggressor or the victim? Assault weapon sounds like you're the aggressor. Hence the definition of assault.
As mentioned above the true non-political definition of an assault rifle is a select fire weapon. Single shot for aimed fire and automatic for suppressing fire to assault a position. AKA a Class 3 restricted weapon since 1934. Politicians paly word games to make scary looking guns bad.

I believe everyone should be able to own as many as they can afford, no limits on new guns to jack up prices.
An assault weapon, by definition, is a fully automatic weapon. End of discussion.

The people who make dictionaries do so by researching how a word has been used and/or continues to be used, and they then write a definition based on its usage.

I for one will not continue to use biased words in order to describe what I am talking about. The more you use a biased word, the more you support the legitimacy of it. Hence the reason why I will not continue to call any firearm an "assault weapon" or "assault rifle". If the definition of an "assault weapon" is a "fully automatic firearm", then whenever I talk about a fully automatic firearm, I will call it a fully automatic firearm, not an "assault weapon".

Regardless of how the definition of a word came to be, it's up to us whether we want to keep using it or not. And today, "assault" has way too many negative connotations for me to apply that negativity to an inanimate object that has done no harm and relies 100% on the user to decide how it is used.
I got into the whole "assault weapon" issue in Cabelas with the guy behind the gun counter just a couple days ago! He didnt like the fact my guns have never assaulted anyone, but the assault glove pissed him off. He tried the whole "What do you think AR stands for" I mentioned Armalite Rifle, the company who created the line and where all the AR clones come from.

By the by, I believe the Swiss have it right. All able bodied men have full auto weapons and are required to shoot yearly. Guess what? They have insanely low crime rates. Yes, they still have rapes and homicides, but more "Civilized" (European) societies have worse with less guns in country.
Unless you buy special permits, US citizens are already banned from owning assault weapons.
No they aren't. There's no such thing as an assault weapon. NFA/class III firearms are not assault weapons.

An assault weapon, by definition, is a fully automatic weapon. End of discussion.
Wrong. End of discussion.
You need to check your definitions, the official definitions, especially before assuming you have the right to end the conversation. There is a definition for assault rifles. There is no definition for assault weapons. They do not exist. That's why legislators have to use cosmetic features when they try to ban them, such as pistol grips or flash suppresors, because there is no functional definition for them. The very first 'assault weapon' ban in America, passed in Kalifornia, was based on 14 pictures the legislators picked out of a book because they looked menacing enough to be classified as assault weapons. Among those firearms was a single shot shotgun and the Crossman 338 BB gun, which is a pistol model. Sorry, but again, there is no such thing as an assault weapon, except in the mind of the anti-gunners.
Sorry Wally, discussion re-opened. "Assault weapon" by definition has nothing to do with mechanical functionality. The same "assault weapon" can be produced as fully automatic, OR semi automatic. Assault weapons "by definition" are weapons designed for tactical assault. That could be a butter knife if you're good enough. Preferably a fully automatic one.
Sorry Wally, discussion re-opened. "Assault weapon" by definition has nothing to do with mechanical functionality. The same "assault weapon" can be produced as fully automatic, OR semi automatic. Assault weapons "by definition" are weapons designed for tactical assault. That could be a butter knife if you're good enough. Preferably a fully automatic one.

Another one successfully programmed by the anti-gunners and the media. I have NEVER EVER seen the term "assault weapon" defined that way except by those who have no clue what they are talking about and or those with an agenda.
Yes. If the citizens rights have not been taken away under due process they should be able to own and carry whatever firearm they want (edit because it seemed to confused a certain individual: should be able to carry without a permit or any other elitist infringement that politicians can conjure up.)

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