Recommended Hearing Protection? Electronic?


Staff member
What do you use for hearing protecting at the range? I'm using a $20 paid of Silencio folding hearing protection. My friend is using the big red ones you see everywhere but doesn't like them. We are thinking of upgrading to some electronic hearing. Anyone have any experience with them? Good/Bad?
What do you use for hearing protecting at the range? I'm using a $20 paid of Silencio folding hearing protection. My friend is using the big red ones you see everywhere but doesn't like them. We are thinking of upgrading to some electronic hearing. Anyone have any experience with them? Good/Bad?

I use the "Peltor Tactical 6S". I have several pairs that I use when doing firearms training. If you want "stronger" hearing protection you can use a pair of ear plugs under the electronic ear protection. I've tried a few other brands and feel that this is the best model on the market for shooting and instruction purposes. If you search the net you can get a pair for around $60 delivered. Here in PRHI, s&h is usually a little higher, so locally they're running around $85.

I have two different pairs of electronic earmuff-type protectors, one pair of the passive red protectors you mentioned, and a zip baggie of foam earplugs. I prefer the electronic protectors (they each work similarly), but an August day at the range encourages the use of 'plugs rather than 'phones.
I love my electronic muffs, but I am itching to try these out. I saw them on Guns & Ammo TV I think. Sounds like the best of both worlds.

Link Removed

I love my electronic muffs, but I am itching to try these out. I saw them on Guns & Ammo TV I think. Sounds like the best of both worlds.

Any idea how they work? It says "don't need batteries", and it also claims to have a better noise reduction (26db) than the 6S over-the-ear protectors (19db) mentioned above. Cheaper too, which sounds too good to be true...
Regular foam earplugs work fine. I don't see the sense in spending all this money on fancy schmancy ear protection when these get the job done at a fraction of the price.
I still wear the ear plugs provided by good ole Uncle Sam. I have extra small ear canals so I was issued these itty bitty tiny green things that are especially provided for tiny ear canals like mine. Thirty years later and in their original case they still work quite well. I wear muffs over my ears on top of that. What? Did someone say something? Huh?
I still wear the ear plugs provided by good ole Uncle Sam. I have extra small ear canals so I was issued these itty bitty tiny green things that are especially provided for tiny ear canals like mine. Thirty years later and in their original case they still work quite well. I wear muffs over my ears on top of that. What? Did someone say something? Huh?

Good choice! And I'm willing that they didn't cost you a pile of money either, did they?
I couldn't stand the ear plugs issued by the Army. I used the common orange ones. When on the range, they issued foam ear plugs for folks who lost their orange ones. The foam ear plugs were usually yellow and looked like little marshmellows. I've seen cases where they were green and even orange. Every type of ear plug I used while in the Army served the purpose, but was fairly uncomfortable. I've since picked up my Peltor Tactical 6S ear muffs. I usually recommend that folks use some type of ear muff type hearing protection. When teaching newbies how to shoot, I like things to be as simple as possible. Having them trying to figure out ear plugs in addition to proper stance, sight alignment, etc, often complicates things effects efficiency.

If you've got 'um and they don't bother you, by all means, use what works. Otherwise, I strongly recommend picking up a pair of quality ear muffs. Electronic ear protection makes it easier to hear range commands and your buddies shooting with you. I've actually caught folks talking crap about me as they weren't aware that my ear proteciton was electronic. :biggrin:

Well some indoor ranges don't let you use just the foam earplugs, they make you wear ear muffs. And the ones my friend has are just uncomfortable and when we wear them we can't hear each other really. $60-70 isn't that much for a decent set of electronic from what I'm seeing. It also seemed to be helpful at Front Sight so you weren't constantly taking your hearing on and off and/or yelling to be heard.
I wear both

I have above average hearing so I wear both plugs and muffs.

I have a set of North electronic muffs that I bought through the Link Removed for $20.00 several years ago. They have comparable ones in stock now.
I use the "Peltor Tactical 6S". I have several pairs that I use when doing firearms training. If you want "stronger" hearing protection you can use a pair of ear plugs under the electronic ear protection. I've tried a few other brands and feel that this is the best model on the market for shooting and instruction purposes. If you search the net you can get a pair for around $60 delivered. Here in PRHI, s&h is usually a little higher, so locally they're running around $85.


Well I did half of my Christmas shopping in one order of these. I of course has to pick up a pair for myself. I got them for $57.90 here: Peltor Tac 6 S Electronic Headset - Peltor Tactical 6S

I went to the range today and fired handguns and rifles and they worked great! Myself and two of my friends had them all on and we really liked them. Thanks for the recommendation!
Electronic ears

I am in the market also. I tried a set of brownings as a mid-priced set and my buddy got a pair of Caldwell's cheapies. Both of these had the same problem - intermittant. We were in a traing course experiencing all type of weather but the units stayed dry under our hooded coats. Each took times of intermittant operation and mine just gave up the ghost. So my only help is to suggest that we get a higher quality set if we want them to work consistantly. There were Peltors in use that gave no problem in the:cool: weather.
Hearing protection

While I cannot vouch for them, I read an article by Massad Ayoob once where he said he kept a pair of 'Wolf Ears' on the nightstand with his weapon. He claims they amplify the slightest sound, so he can hear if htere is an intruder, and in the event he has to fire, the circuit automatically dampens the report, then returns to amplified. I have not been able to locate these wonder, but it sound like something I would like. Right now, I use earmuffs, sometimes with foam plugs underneath. I have trouble hearing range commands, so the 'Wolf Ears' would be very helpful. I should like to learn what kind of gear Glock Fan has, as it sounds like that could be the answer to my problem.
What do you use for hearing protecting at the range? I'm using a $20 paid of Silencio folding hearing protection. My friend is using the big red ones you see everywhere but doesn't like them. We are thinking of upgrading to some electronic hearing. Anyone have any experience with them? Good/Bad?

Yeah, I got a set for Christmas and I love them! You can have a normal conversation while at the range, then BANG BANG, the thing shuts off, then back on again in time for the ricochet. Good investment!
All I know is that my wife got mine from BassPro and they require (4) AAA batteries per ear. I take them out when I'm not using them, so I can't say what the battery life is. Worst case scenario, batteries go dead, and they still minimize the sound. For all those saying "there's no point in spending money when the foam ones work just fine", you're probably right. But don't knock it till you've tried it. These are WELL worth it.

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