Pray for my son-in law


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I would like to ask those of you that are so inclined to pray for my son-in law. His name is David. He was in a traffic accident Friday night on the way home from work.. He had to be cut out of the car and Care Flighted to the Hospital. He suffered several fractures and a puncturerd lung along with a cut on his head. The good news is he has been moved from ICU to a room and is making steady improvement.
I am truly sorry for your misfortune. I have said a prayer for him and will try to add him to my daily prayers until you let us know he is ok. Guys, God never stops listening.
Thanks so much for all the prayers and concerns. He is much improved. The chest tube may come out tomorrow. He may be able to go home by the end of the week.
Update: The only thing he is waiting on now is for the chest tube to be removed. Once there is no drainage they can remove it and 24 hours later he can go home. Again thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
Update: David was released from the hospital today. Doing much better but still a lot of pain.

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