Pics of the new AK


New member
Here she is. What do you guys think?


Excelent choice, Looks like a nice shooter ......


I was out of town all weekend but had a chance to strip it down and give it a once over last night. Everything locked up tight. With it being an AK I wasn't expecting tolerances to be all that great but this one seems well made. Very solid gun. I'm hoping to have it to the range this week.
Oh great, now you gone and done it. Now I want one , LOL.
But on a more serious note I really like the way it looks and yes now I will be looking to add one to the collection. Keep us posted on range reports ok
Nice but I still think it would look nice under your dads Christmas Tree :sarcastic: Hay nice gun. Let me know how it shoots. If it shoots as good as it looks you have a nice one.
Oh great, now you gone and done it. Now I want one , LOL.
But on a more serious note I really like the way it looks and yes now I will be looking to add one to the collection. Keep us posted on range reports ok

Sorry glock36. I actually wasn't looking either but the chance to snag up a private AK for a decent price was to much for me to pass up.
Nice but I still think it would look nice under your dads Christmas Tree :sarcastic: Hay nice gun. Let me know how it shoots. If it shoots as good as it looks you have a nice one.

Hey, I have no problem putting it under your tree as long as the tag says....

From: Santa
To: KimberPB

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

By the way I really like the RPK butt stock. Shoulders very well and I can get a good check weld without feeling like I'm twisting my neck all funny.
Hey, I have no problem putting it under your tree as long as the tag says....

From: Santa
To: KimberPB

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

By the way I really like the RPK butt stock. Shoulders very well and I can get a good check weld without feeling like I'm twisting my neck all funny.

I would not do this for just anyone but once again being the nice guy that I am I would be willing to take possession of the gun just to keep peace in your family. It is, after all, the season of peace and good will.:biggrin:
I would not do this for just anyone but once again being the nice guy that I am I would be willing to take possession of the gun just to keep peace in your family. It is, after all, the season of peace and good will.:biggrin:

HK4U, Your such a nice guy for offering to help bring peace to this situation. I was even considering shipping it to you but then realized that would just pass on the pain and suffering to you. Once the other forum member found out I choose to send the AK to you they'd all be after you...... and well, I just can not do that to such a nice guy.

Thanks again..... :biggrin:

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