Excelent choice, Looks like a nice shooter ......
Oh great, now you gone and done it. Now I want one , LOL.
But on a more serious note I really like the way it looks and yes now I will be looking to add one to the collection. Keep us posted on range reports ok
Nice but I still think it would look nice under your dads Christmas Tree :sarcastic: Hay nice gun. Let me know how it shoots. If it shoots as good as it looks you have a nice one.
Hey, I have no problem putting it under your tree as long as the tag says....
From: Santa
To: KimberPB
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
By the way I really like the RPK butt stock. Shoulders very well and I can get a good check weld without feeling like I'm twisting my neck all funny.
I would not do this for just anyone but once again being the nice guy that I am I would be willing to take possession of the gun just to keep peace in your family. It is, after all, the season of peace and good will.:biggrin:
I thank you forgot part of the R thereleasantry:
I want one too!