I hope you didn't think I was calling you a troll. I was just amused that such an old thread was brought back...did you happen to read through the other three big open carry threads?
http://www.usacarry.com/forums/open-carry-discussion/19392-why-open-carry-bad-strategy.html (good strategy)
These threads have covered so much, I hope you find it a good read. Referring to your posts, I'll state my point of view that sums up the three links above.
I don't know if anyone still reads this thread, BUT...I think open carry is a bad idea. Picture this: You go to a gas station late at night. You are inside when two guys come in to rob the place. One of them sees your gun. What do you think he's going to do? Who is he going to shoot first (especially if he thinks you're a cop)?
While thinking it is a bad idea is your opinion, and you have every right to have it, I must say open carry is a good idea. I do not want to sound like I just want to argue, but I must defend my position to keep it from being overwhelmed with unwarranted negativity. Many open carriers believe concealed carrying is not as good, but we do not go into a conceal carry forum and state its bad, we wish the same respect from you.
To answer your question, what do you think he's going to do? I think he is going to turn around and leave because he doesn't want to die, and he can wait 10 minutes till I leave or go down the street to the next gas station that he can rob easily.
Who will they shoot first? It's a gamble, they might choose me, they might choose the clerk, or the other customer, there is no statistical evidence, and very few incidences of open carriers being targeted first. On the contrary, if someone begins to rob the place, do you think your concealed firearm will stop the threat? It all ready failed at stopping the threat from beginning in the first place...you look like a good victim to them, now you must draw a firearm from beneath clothing if your life is in danger. Do you think you can draw your firearm from underneath clothing faster than a bg can pull the trigger?
Let me ask you this, if you wanted to rob a place, would you choose a store you saw someone carrying a firearm in? Would you choose a store that had a police officer inside it?
Here's another issue;
If you go to Wal-Mart, Target, or ANY store, do you think that might attract unwanted attention? Will they call 911 and how are you going to get out of this one? More to the point, how many anti-gun people are going to call 911? In some cities, whether OC is legal or not, Law Enforcement will hassle you endlessly
From my experience I have not attracted any unwanted attention, anywhere I have gone. If I do have someone call 911, how am I going to get out of this one? The same way I would get out of anything else I do legally, ask if I am being detained (and I will not be, because I am doing nothing illegal), and then say thank you and good bye, politely, and leave. If I am being detained I will remain silent and file a complaint and press charges depending on the severity that my rights have been infringed. How many more people will call? Well, considering I have had no one call, I expect zero more people to call 911. If I get hassled by LEO's, then LEO's are the problem. Training and re-education is the solution. Where I live, that has all ready happened a few years ago, and that is probably why I have not been hassled.
To all I offended, I apologize sincerely.
Most all internet forum members that survive in here have thick skin, so while I was not offended, I do not go into the concealed carry forums and post "concealed carry is a bad idea." You will offend and disrespect people with lines like that. I accept your apology, and I too am sorry if I have upset you or anyone, but I will stand by my mindset, just as you will stand by yours.
The second time, it was at a street fair, and the guy was OC on public property. We decided that he was not a problem, but he was, in fact, on city-owned property. He locked his gun in his car and there was no problem...
I do not know your laws, but here it is not illegal to carry on city property. I have no duty to put my gun away, but that was his decision to do so. My question to you is, if he was not a problem, why did you have him put his gun away? Because he was on city owned property? If that is illegal in your state, then ok. My experience will be different, considered it is not illegal for me.
Now- that being said, if you are not a cop (and we CAN usually tell the difference), we worry about whether the person in question is a good guy or a bad guy- until there is a communication, we don't really know who he/she is. Keep in mind that we want to go home at the end of the shift, too.
Now then, I am NOT anti-gun, not anti-OC, nor am I a 'troll', as you put it. I'm a regular guy who DOES read dozens of these threads (which is how I found this one). I'm also an instructor. I wish EVERYONE could OC and that we could all trust each other, however reality is a different situation...
Remember, we are all on this planet together. I too want to go home safely and unmolested. We can not tell if the police officer coming up to us is a good guy or a bad guy either. You guys have the same responsibilities that we do in our own safety, respect us and we will respect you. As far as you not being anti-OC, it's hard to believe you when you posted "I think open carry is a bad idea." I want to believe you...just saying its hard. Being an instructor is fine, but that does not make you right by default. You enjoy reading, I hope you read the other three links above and enjoy those threads as well.
OC is probably fine in a smaller town or something like that, but in a large city, we have a totally different situation. We have had issues in the past with people who were not nearly as upstanding as you all are.
Once again, if I offended you, I am sorry. The thread was 'open carry opinions'- I was merely stating my opinion...
I live in a medium sized city. 200,000 in the city limits, 250,000 in rural surroundings. I have no problems with open carry. The larger cities in my state have reputations of being rude to law abiding citizens...and since I live to far away to change that, I keep in touch with those that are fighting that battle everyday over there.
I am glad you stated your opinion. I wish the misinformation and unsubstantiated claims would stop, but I never would want someone to not give their opinion. If no one posted their opinion, we would not be having these great debates that people can learn from, whether or not they side with you or me, its a great learning experience.
I do, however, like to give BG the element of surprise.
I agree, the bad guys are the ones that get the element of surprise. That is just the way it is. We do not get to choose the time our life is threatened, the time chooses us. As far as liking it, no i do not really like that only they get the element of surprise. I am glad good guys have learned, adapted, and trained in ways to overcome their surprise, and have been teaching it to other citizens so we can protect ourselves.
Enjoy the read, I will wait for your reply.