new ccw suggestions


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Im about to move from minnesota to louisiana, I dont have a ccw now but will definatley want to have one living in new orleans. Louisianas application process has a tremendous amount of red tape, is expensive, and I will have to live there for 6 months before I can even apply. Being a complete newbie when it comes to all things ccw Im wondering if anybody has any suggestions on the best way to cheaply fast track the whole thing and maybe bypass the louisiana hoop jumping. A big question to is do you have to already have a ccw to obtain a non resident permit from florida, utah, penn. (etc.)? suggestons?
Im about to move from minnesota to louisiana, I dont have a ccw now but will definatley want to have one living in new orleans. Louisianas application process has a tremendous amount of red tape, is expensive, and I will have to live there for 6 months before I can even apply. Being a complete newbie when it comes to all things ccw Im wondering if anybody has any suggestions on the best way to cheaply fast track the whole thing and maybe bypass the louisiana hoop jumping. A big question to is do you have to already have a ccw to obtain a non resident permit from florida, utah, penn. (etc.)? suggestons?

Florida and Utah can be applied for by mail. Check out the "resources" pages of this site for application info. Application processing time for both states is currently running around 100 days. If you apply in person for the Utah permit, I've seen applicatons processed in 80 days or so.

As soon as you get to LA, come over to AZ for a weekend and get an AZ CCW. It won't matter (in AZ) if you live in LA as long as the AZ CCW training takes place in AZ and you're a US Citizen. $65 for training, plus $60 to the AZ DPS, and a couple/three months later they'll send you your AZ CCW permit to LA. AZ doesn't have resident/non-resident permits - as long as the training occurs in AZ, they don't care where you live. (New Orleans may have a different perspective, of which I am happily unaware.) :biggrin:

After you're in the big easy for the required 6 months, begin the process to get one there... just a thought. I know I'd want to be armed anywhere in or around New Orleans.
so it dosent matter that louisiana is an issueing state, I can get a utah non resident permit (as my sole ccw) and be legal?
Uhhmmmm....If I read you correctlly, you're wondering if, as a resident of Louisiana, you could use a non-resident permit from UTAH as your only CCW permit (i.e., without ever obtaining a Louisiana resident permit). I don't know, sounds dicey to me. My understanding (limited tho it may be) is that your resident state is gonna want you to have an in-state resident permit. I'd check this out when you move to the Big Easy.
thats exactly what I want to know. I had somewhat of a wild mispent youth, and though I was never arrested for, charged with, or involved in anything that would invalidate me from owning or carrying a firearm, I was arrested 3 times in 3 different states for riding freight trains (ie tresspassing, and theft of services) the charges where dropped once. got out with time served second, did 2 days of community service third. I have been a "productive member of society" for the last 10 years but louisiana wants official notarized true copys of court records, trial minutes and outcomes for each arrest. I dont have the faintest clue on how to go about getting these things and for darn sure dont have the $ to hire a lawyer for it. I have passed background checks numerous times over the years while either buying guns or applying for jobs, and none of my run ins with law enforcement ever involved anything to do with drugs,alcohol,violence,theft,sexual deviancy, or any other no nos besides being a slightly stupid adventurous kid.
If you're a LA resident, as long as you weren't denied a permit or have one that's currenty suspended or revoked, then an out of state permit recognized by LA would suffice.

Taken from the Louisiana State Police website (LSP - Welcome)

R.S. 40:1379.3(T)(2) – "A non-resident concealed handgun permit issued by another state is invalid in the state of Louisiana if issued to an individual who is a resident of this state has been denied a handgun permit or has been issued a handgun permit which is under revocation or suspension."

I'm sure that there are instructors in Louisiana who can teach you the UT or FL class. If not, then as "AZSATT" recommended, you can take a road trip to AZ for their course.

See the following.

Louisiana honors the following permits.

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas,
Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina,
North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington & Wyoming.

So the answer is NO you do not have to get a Louisiana permit. With that being said, you may get some LEO who wonders why you would not get a state permit, but nothing they can do about it.
Or... just move to AZ and enjoy your gun rights and some sunshine, as we're well above sea level. :biggrin:
so it dosent matter that louisiana is an issueing state, I can get a utah non resident permit (as my sole ccw) and be legal?

MY Suggestion, would be get the Penn non-resident permit to tide you over the six months or so before you get your LA permit. The Penn permit is faster - about 7 days - and cheaper - about $26.
Just my suggestion. :pleasantry:

Getting a non-resident as a permanent CCW does not seem to be a good idea when LA has their own. NOw for us in the Peoples Republic of Illinois, it is unfortunately the only way to go.

Do I understand you do not have your CCW in MN ??
LA sounds pretty tough as per CCW permit criteria (I mean, copies of court proceedings and such? Yikes.). Therefore, I find it hard to believe that the state is going to honor out-of-state permits held by residents, who may not be granted an in-state permit, given this stringent criteria. I've lived in a few states and haven't found any yet who would honor my prior state's driver's license after I had established residency in the current state (and I got citations to prove it). So, LA is gonna honor out-of-state carry permits held by its residents? I'd be surprised.

I'd really want to check this out if it was me. Don't take anybody's word on this forum (including mine); it's too important: just think what LA's penalties might be for carrying illegally. Damned if I'd want to spend ANY time in the pokey in the city of New Orleans or the great state of LA!
LA sounds pretty tough as per CCW permit criteria (I mean, copies of court proceedings and such? Yikes.). Therefore, I find it hard to believe that the state is going to honor out-of-state permits held by residents, who may not be granted an in-state permit, given this stringent criteria. I've lived in a few states and haven't found any yet who would honor my prior state's driver's license after I had established residency in the current state (and I got citations to prove it). So, LA is gonna honor out-of-state carry permits held by its residents? I'd be surprised.

I'd really want to check this out if it was me. Don't take anybody's word on this forum (including mine); it's too important: just think what LA's penalties might be for carrying illegally. Damned if I'd want to spend ANY time in the pokey in the city of New Orleans or the great state of LA!

Don't take anyone's word just check for yourself.

See the following.

Louisiana honors the following permits.

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas,
Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina,
North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington & Wyoming.
(2) A nonresident concealed handgun permit issued by another state is invalid in the state of Louisiana if issued to an individual who is a resident of this state has been denied a handgun permit or has been issued a handgun permit which is under revocation or suspension.

OK, the above paragraph is taken directlly from the website that MADnMO refers to in his post. I read it to say that a resident of LA who fails the criteria to get an in-state permit cannot go and get an out-of-state permit to be able to carry in LA.

It looks like the powers-that-be haven't considered that someone would move to the state, become a resident, and hold an out-of-state permit indefinitely. Personally, I wouldn't take the chance. MADnMO seems correct in that if it's not specifically addressed, you might be legally ok. But I bet your ass gets hassled heartily and I'd be willing to bet that out-of-state permit gets tossed. Of course, we're all pissing in the wind, here. I just know I wouldn't want to be sashaying around confident that I'm legally carrying, and then find myself in the middle of a shit storm (especially if the weapon gets used!) down the road.
(2) A nonresident concealed handgun permit issued by another state is invalid in the state of Louisiana if issued to an individual who is a resident of this state has been denied a handgun permit or has been issued a handgun permit which is under revocation or suspension.

The key phrase in the above is RESIDENT. LA has a six month residency requirement and if memory serves this conversation was - What permits are allowed until residency requirements have been met.
The key phrase in the above is RESIDENT. LA has a six month residency requirement and if memory serves this conversation was - What permits are allowed until residency requirements have been met.

Actually I believe the more important key phrase is ". . .a resident of this state has been denied a handgun permit or has been issued a handgun permit which is under revocation or suspension."

Either way, this is awful thin ice in my estimation. :no:
Maybe I misread Muttblbc's post. He said that the LA process was onerous, and it sounded like he'd have a problem getting thru it. Then, he said he'd like to "bypass" the process. From all this, I thought he meant he wanted to get an out-of-state permit INSTEAD OF the LA permit. So, I'm pissing in the wind so bad, here, it's blowing back in my face!

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