Nevada To No Longer Recognize Utah and Florida Permits



Nevada authorities have decided that Utah Concealed Weapon Permits will NOT, repeat NOT, be recognized in Nevada effective July 1, 2009.

Even though Nevada has recognized Utah permits for several years, they recently reviewed permits from all states and decided that they will no longer recognize permits from Utah or Florida. The excuses given are that Nevada law requires the other states permit requirements to be “substantially similar to” those of Nevada. However, since Utah does not require live fire to get a permit, Nevada will not longer recognize our permit. Florida permits are good for seven years, but Nevada permits are only good for five years, providing the excuse for dropping Florida.

The people involved with Nevada permits seem to include a few powerful members of the law enforcement community who are hostile to private citizens self defense rights.

Utah Shooting Sports Council and the National Rifle Association will continue to pursue actions to restore recognition of Utah permits by Nevada, but it may take several years and changes to the Nevada laws.

Meanwhile, DO NOT CARRY IN NEVADA with a Utah Concealed Weapons Permit!


I am so pissed.

I chose Las Vegas for my vacation because of my Utah permit.

Tell me again why we put up with CCW permits in the first place? Your state constitution includes RKBA, but I will be denied both CCW and open carry in Las Vegas.
I chose Las Vegas for my vacation because of my Utah permit.

Go somewhere else and write some letters to Nevada legislators letting them know.

I quit vacationing in Colorado when they adopted the rule that you had to be a resident of the state the permit was from. Until then, I was legal on my Utah non-res permit.

I avoid California like the plague.
Unfortunately, handguns must be registered in Las Vegas.

How long does it take to register a gun in the city?

Clark County has handgun registration.
Residents of Clark County have 72 hours to register their handguns.
Non-residents of Clark County do not have to register their handguns, unless they are staying for 60 or more days in Clark County.

Handgun registration can be done at any LVMPD substation and takes less than 10 mins.
website updates

Link Removed was changed. UT & FL removed and WV & OH added.

Link Removed changed NV to a state that does not recognize UT permits.

FL DACS removed NV from list of states that have reciprocity with FL.

Also on the FL website.
This list was last updated on July 1, 2009, when the State of Nevada was removed from the reciprocity list. Authorities in Nevada notified the Division of Licensing that as of that date, Nevada would no longer honor Florida concealed weapon licenses. Therefore, in accordance with the reciprocity provision set forth in section 790.015, Florida Statutes, Florida could no longer honor concealed weapon licenses issued by the State of Nevada.
But, Florida only honors Utah resident permits.
Florida does not honor Utah non-resident permits.

Nevada authorities have decided that Utah Concealed Weapon Permits will NOT, repeat NOT, be recognized in Nevada effective July 1, 2009.

Even though Nevada has recognized Utah permits for several years, they recently reviewed permits from all states and decided that they will no longer recognize permits from Utah or Florida. The excuses given are that Nevada law requires the other states permit requirements to be “substantially similar to” those of Nevada. However, since Utah does not require live fire to get a permit, Nevada will not longer recognize our permit. Florida permits are good for seven years, but Nevada permits are only good for five years, providing the excuse for dropping Florida.

The people involved with Nevada permits seem to include a few powerful members of the law enforcement community who are hostile to private citizens self defense rights.

Utah Shooting Sports Council and the National Rifle Association will continue to pursue actions to restore recognition of Utah permits by Nevada, but it may take several years and changes to the Nevada laws.

Meanwhile, DO NOT CARRY IN NEVADA with a Utah Concealed Weapons Permit!


Just got this from NRA News... bummer:cray:. I do have a Florida Permit however I am still covered in Nevada under LEOSA.
At least all is not lost. At least no permit is needed to open carry in Nevada.

HUH??? Is this a fact or Jail House Law? Are you saying to members of this forum that they can travel to Nevada and open carry without a permit?

It there anybody up for trying to open carry in Nevada without a permit as a non-resident?:fie:
There is no law specifically prohibiting the carry of a firearm in plain sight or a legal definition of dicernable by ordinary observation therefore it is not against the law. It's like asking if there is a law that says you may do something like have 10 friends over for a BBQ. No law says you may and no law says you may not.
Yes open carry occurs often in NV.
If your concerned with it then there is a non resident NV permit and it is now 5 years just like Residents and UT. I spoke with Semper Firearms and they will be running discounted courses over the next couple of months for this purpose. It's not really a conversion course as the requirements have to be met but the price is right. I believe it will be $50 and $75 with NV and UT.
The live fire requirement is rediculous considering what the live fire requirement for Nv. is. When I qualified for my non-resident permit I had to stand at 10' and one handed hit a B-27 target with 6 shots, then move to 20' and two handed hit the target with 6 shots, then move to 30' and hit the tagget with 6 more shots 2 handed. No scores, just hit the target. Also there was no time limit. Now I'm not that great of a shot, but I can hit a B-27 target with my eyes closed rapid fire at those ranges. Not to mention I had to do it with every gun I might be carrying as Nv. keeps a list of all the guns you have qualified with by Make, model and caliber.
I almost didn't pay the money for the NV non-res permit when I attended Front Site in May and was applying for FL and Utah, but one of the instructors said you might want to get it since the states change the laws all the time - the more permits the safer you are.

The hot tip on NV permits is to also qualify with a revolver as the license is not gun specific (pistols are, aka Springfield XD 45 ACP on your permit) - revolvers just say "revolver" so you can carry any revolver.
Just curious who did your CCW class? The standard as I went through was 3 5 and 7 yards with 6 12 and 12 rnds being fired at the stages and no requirements on position, hands or time. Yes the b27 is a barn door. I did personally witness one person miss it completely more than once though.
There is no law specifically prohibiting the carry of a firearm in plain sight or a legal definition of dicernable by ordinary observation therefore it is not against the law. It's like asking if there is a law that says you may do something like have 10 friends over for a BBQ. No law says you may and no law says you may not.
Yes open carry occurs often in NV.
If your concerned with it then there is a non resident NV permit and it is now 5 years just like Residents and UT. I spoke with Semper Firearms and they will be running discounted courses over the next couple of months for this purpose. It's not really a conversion course as the requirements have to be met but the price is right. I believe it will be $50 and $75 with NV and UT.

I went with Semper Firearms. Mike Motta is an excellent instructor.
Just curious who did your CCW class? The standard as I went through was 3 5 and 7 yards with 6 12 and 12 rnds being fired at the stages and no requirements on position, hands or time. Yes the b27 is a barn door. I did personally witness one person miss it completely more than once though.

Kent ?, Can't remember his last name out of Elko. And now that you mention it, I did also have to fire 6-12-12, but from 10-20-30 feet. At 20' I made 'em head shots just for fun. I qualified with 6 different guns including revolver.

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