Moving from Texas to AR., CCW question...


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I have my CHL, now what are the laws when we move to Arkansas? New test and everything?


Hope this helps..

5-73-319. Transfer of a license to Arkansas.

(a) Any person who becomes a resident of Arkansas who has a valid license to carry a concealed handgun issued by a reciprocal state may apply to transfer his or her license to Arkansas by submitting the following to the Department of Arkansas State Police:
(1) The person's current reciprocal state license;
(2) Two (2) properly completed fingerprint cards;
(3) A nonrefundable license fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00);
(4) Any fee charged by a state or federal agency for a criminal history check; and
(5) A digital photograph of the person or a release authorization to obtain a digital photograph of the person from another source.
(b) After July 31, 2007, the newly transferred license is valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of issuance and binds the holder to all Arkansas laws and regulations regarding the carrying of the concealed handgun.

History. Acts 2003, No. 545, § 3; 2007, No. 664, § 26; 2007, No. 1014, § 2.
We will be in Cabot. Our son is stationed at Little Rock AFB and will be there for 5 yrs., he is ground crew for the C-130/135's. They had their first child ( our first Grandbaby) two weeks ago. So, we, as first time Grandparents are moving up there, my wife wants to baby sit, and I like the area. We have been campers for around 30 yrs. and AR. is a beautiful place for camping, we have a Class C. Now if I can just find a job at a gun range there, it would be perfect....

A caveat

AR State Police requires that you surrender your reciprocal CCW at the time you apply. Unless you have another reciprocal CCW, you will not be able to carry until you get your AR CHL which could be up to 120 days.

This is a bad administrative ruling that needs to be changed by the AR legislature.

What you can do is get a UT CFP prior to moving then carry on that after surrendering your TX CHL to AR SP with your transfer form.
What is a UT CFP ? 120 days is a long time....Can you have a gun in your car without a CCW.

Thanks for the information,

What is a UT CFP ? 120 days is a long time....Can you have a gun in your car without a CCW.
Utah concealed firearm permit. Utah is also on the AR reciprocity list. Also keep in mind that the requirement to have a AR CHL is an administrative requirement by AR SP, it has not been codified in AR state law. You do run the risk of being the judicial test case if you elect to carry on a reciprocal CCW after getting an AR DL.
In looking into all this, why does AR require me to go through background checks again? Not to mention the additional costs......It really takes 120 days to get the AR CCW? Can you get a "fingerprint" card from any other place than the State Police offices?

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In looking into all this, why does AR require me to go through background checks
All States require you to go through the background checks all over again. It is not like transferring a DL. It's also not cheap when I renew mine. Fortunately the only two I have that I'm renewing that require fingerprinting are FL and NV. The only States that give you a break some break on issuance time, training, qualification or fees are AR and TN.

AR gives you a break on the fee and your training and qualification requirement is waived. What I hate about AR is you're required to surrender your reciprocal CCW. What you can do in that instance have multiple CCWs on the AR reciprocity list is just carry on another one or request a duplicate of the one you surrendered when you submit your address change to the issuing authority. AR SP did not issue the reciprocal endorsement, license or permit so it is not theirs to take. However remember the AR SP admin requirement I posted earlier. You may be the test case if you're caught before your AR CHL is issued if you're an AR resident carrying on an reciprocal CCW.
Thanks for your advice on this. Not being to carry for up to (4) months is the worst part, I can live with the fees.. I'm not going to get my Tx. plates/drivers lic. switched over till Jan. I have some time before I have to surrender my CHL. I, like you don't understand why I can't use my Tx. CHL till I get my Ar. CCW....

Thanks for your advice on this. Not being to carry for up to (4) months is the worst part, I can live with the fees.. I'm not going to get my Tx. plates/drivers lic. switched over till Jan. I have some time before I have to surrender my CHL. I, like you don't understand why I can't use my Tx. CHL till I get my Ar. CCW.
I would get a FL or possibly UT if that's feasible and carry on that until your AR CHL arrives and keep a very low profile.
Could he not also get a NH out of state permit? AR Honors Our permits. NH also does not do finger printing and you do not need training to get one. Turn around time is about a month some times less.
Could he not also get a NH out of state permit? AR Honors Our permits. NH also does not do finger printing and you do not need training to get one. Turn around time is about a month some times less.
Who told you that? AR does not reciprocity with NH. See the AR SP reciprocity page.

Here's why AR doesn't have reciprocity with NH;
  • No training requirement w/range qualification
  • Shall issue at 18
  • No fingerprinting requirement
These are also the same reasons that NH will not make the NV recognition list.
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Well then one of them must be out dated. Going off US CARRY'S map. ( I click on my state NH and all the Blue states come up) That state is on the list that honors NH Permits. When i Click on AR NH is red we do not honor there Permits.

Honors NH Permit:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming
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Well then one of them must be out dated. Going off US CARRY'S map. ( I click on my state NH and all the Blue states come up) That state is on the list that honors NH Permits. When i Click on AR NH is red we do not honor there Permits.

Honors NH Permit:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming
Here's the Link Removed where the error perpetuated from.

Another error is their statement that non-resident NH licenses are only valid within the State of NH. That's not true, NH cannot dictate the validity of non-resident license outside of their own borders. It is up to the license holder to verify if non-resident licenses are honored in a given State.

Oh BTW, I did see your previously edited comment regarding CCW issuance of some States at 18. I would have been very happy to make a wager on that statement prior to you editing it.

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