Military Dictatorship & Mass Graves,,,in America!?


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I am posting this here hoping that someone will tell me that this is a bunch of BS. Do these websites belong to a bunch of brain dead idiots or Are They For Real!?!?!?!?
I think the conspiracy theorist worry unnecessarily. Most of this is "BS". That being said, It's never bad to "WATCH AND PREPARE" just in case. It is impossible to know the future. All we can do is take our best shot (no pun intended), go about our business, hope these predictions never happen, but be prepared and willing to do something about it if they do.
The hardest thing to do is proves something does not exist. Can you prove that Bigfoot doesn't exist or the Loch Ness Monster? Can you prove that the Government didn blow up the dikes at New Orleans or bring down the Towers on 9/11. It does not matter what you do some people will not stop believing in the grey space aliens abducting them every fourth night. This is the same type stuff and basically to prey on the fears oif the unknowing.

As for the mass graves they have already found several containing the bodies of those who didn't make it out of NO after Katrina according to some sources so this would just be an extension of that. Take it for what it is, BS and nothing more.
I always try to be prepared for the worst but I also hope for the best.

There are a lot of loonies out there that will write anything to stir things up. I like to double check everything I read.

Thanks for the info!!
I work with a woman who to this day believes the lunar missions took place on a Hollywood soundstage and NASA is just a way to suck money away from social programs.
There are so many groups out there that twist and turn things around so much that it makes it hard sometimes to decide what is true and what isn't.

Wolfhunter, I know a couple people that have some real crazy ideas too. It's kind of scary to think that there really are people out there that believe that stuff.

I'm not one of the crazy ones out there, I just gather information and try to pick out the truth.
truth would be good to know... there are some pretty far out things that people believe... but I think it's pretty safe to say that there is a lot going on behind closed doors even in our own country.. yet some believe everything that the government tells us.
truth would be good to know... there are some pretty far out things that people believe... but I think it's pretty safe to say that there is a lot going on behind closed doors even in our own country.. yet some believe everything that the government tells us.

+1. There is nothing that could happen, nothing that our government or other governments would do that would surprise me. Fifty years ago how many Americans would have believed that we would have the kind of leaders in control that we have today?
Now just where did I leave my tin foil hat....

These stories have been floating around since the mid 60's take it with a grain of salt and you will be OK...
truth would be good to know... there are some pretty far out things that people believe... but I think it's pretty safe to say that there is a lot going on behind closed doors even in our own country.. yet some believe everything that the government tells us.

The problems is that while people run around trying to find out what is in Area 51 and who blew up the Twin Towers the real criminals are stealing America blind and no one paying any attention. A heck of a lot goes on behind closed doors and in front of open doors while conspiracists argue oon teh Internet over why FDR allowed the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor. We need to open our eyes, Congress doesn't need elaborate schemes to pull deals, just keep us focused on arguing with each other over which school our children should attend and they can do anything they want to.
These stories have been floating around since the mid 60's take it with a grain of salt and you will be OK...

How ever not so long ago a one world money system would have brought the same reaction. Not so long ago the idea of troops being used in the streets of America would have brought the same reaction. Not so long ago the prospects of a a free fall not only on our markets but the entire worlds markets would not have been given much thought. not so many years ago the idea that a majority of Americans would vote for a Marxist for president would have seemed far fetched. For the first 150 years or so how many in our country would have believed a unconstitutional law would be passed that would take the control or our monetary system away from congress and turn it over to foreign bankers but in 1913 the passing of the federal reserve act did just that. Our founding fathers most likely never thought that the day would come when we would have a federal income tax just like that called for in the planks of the communist party but guess what? Today's myth is tomorrows reality
yeah ......

kind of like that whole global currency thing that the russians chinese and apparently the americans are pushing. but nah, that could never happen.i am not a huge alex jones fan, but if i can check the source documentation i can wade thru it. the thing is is that these types of stories are usually backed up and he provides references to check. research these subjects for yourself. the truth is out there...... somewhere.
well put!!

How ever not so long ago a one world money system would have brought the same reaction. Not so long ago the idea of troops being used in the streets of America would have brought the same reaction. Not so long ago the prospects of a a free fall not only on our markets but the entire worlds markets would not have been given much thought. not so many years ago the idea that a majority of Americans would vote for a Marxist for president would have seemed far fetched. For the first 150 years or so how many in our country would have believed a unconstitutional law would be passed that would take the control or our monetary system away from congress and turn it over to foreign bankers but in 1913 the passing of the federal reserve act did just that. Our founding fathers most likely never thought that the day would come when we would have a federal income tax just like that called for in the planks of the communist party but guess what? Today's myth is tomorrows reality

and tomorrow when you get up, it will be worse. maybe even more than you know.
I work with a woman who to this day believes the lunar missions took place on a Hollywood soundstage and NASA is just a way to suck money away from social programs.

Tell her it wasn't Hollywood, more like the lava fields on the island of Hawaii here in PRHI. :lol:
