Mass law for storing firearm in pick up ,suv or hatchback


New member
Hi my name is Jay and just got my class A. Most of my friends drive a pick up, suv or a hatchback. I know i can just carry a firearm into a truck, but what do I do if I have to leave it in there truck. Another reason I need to know is because one of my friends has his class b, and drives a pickup. How is he supposed to transport it. Everyone says to lock it in the trunk. no trunk in these type of vehicles
A Class A license authorizes carrying of handguns, including large capacity handguns, for all lawful purposes, subject to such restrictions relative to the possession, use or carrying of handguns as the licensing authority deems proper, and carrying of rifles and shotguns, including large capacity rifles and shotguns, for all lawful purposes, subject to restrictions imposed by the licensing authority. A class A license holder may carry a loaded handgun in a vehicle, if it is under his direct control. However, this does not apply to large capacity rifles or shotguns. Such firearms must be carried unloaded, in the locked trunk or in a locked case or other secure container.

A Class B license authorizes carrying of non-large capacity handguns for all lawful purposes, subject to such restrictions relative to the possession, use or carrying of such handguns as the licensing authority deems proper, and carrying of rifles and shotguns, including large capacity rifles and shotguns, for all lawful purposes, subject to restrictions imposed by the licensing authority. However, a class B license does NOT entitle the holder to carry or possess a loaded firearm in a concealed manner in a public way or place. A class B license holder may not carry a loaded firearm of any type in his vehicle; all firearms must be carried unloaded, in the locked trunk or in a locked case or other secure container.
The last sentances on both, Class A and B pretty much sum it up. IF there is no trunk, then a Locked container or other Secure container.

The two paragraphs mentioned above for Class A and Class B were taken from the MA Concealed Carry Permit Information here on USA Carry.
Other's, please chime in if I misunderstood the OP question/s.
I BELIEVE if you're going to lock it in said container, you also need to have the firearm unloaded and have both ammo and mag. also locked in a container. I ALWAYS have two lock boxes in my vehicle/s IF I leave the vehicle unattended (when not carrying).
Like your original post asking about a Truck, SUV, etc., I think as long as you have two lockable containers with both firearm in one and ammo/mag. in the other, you should be fine. BUT, do not go by what I said. You need to research a little further on this. Like I said, I got this info from this forum under MA. Laws.
MAYBE capo has a Better answer towards this since He is in fact a res. of PRMA. Good luck!

The law states must be in a locked trunk or container. Now, this can be tricky with hatch backs and SUVs. Some argue that SUVs and Hatch backs don't count for the trunk because you can easily gain access. To play it safe, I would have two separate boxes. One for ammo and one for firearm. I strongly recommend not getting anything stolen out of your car firearm related. Even though you are not in a violation of any law if you followed the law (meaning safe storage laws) you will probably loose your permits by your local chief. He will most likely say "you are an improper person". I hate PRMA laws. Soooooo dumb!
I like the lock boxes listed here to secure inside a vehicle.

In Car Gun Safe

They are also sold other places (Cabella's, etc), but here you can buy them "keyed alike" to simplify things .... or they can come with a combination lock.

It is easy to slip the cable around a secure mounting point in the car (seat bracket, trunk frame, loop through the spare tire) and then easy to get the box on and off. This way if you are traveling in a friends car you can easily secure if from a simple smash and grab. The medium box holds my pistol and spare mag (kahr P45) secure in padding (I can fit my kahr pm9 in pocket holster w/ 2 mags in the medium also). Depending on how paranoid you are about securing the ammo separately I would look at getting one large and one medium keyed alike. This way you can tell which is ammo and which is gun by size but still only need one key.

This is not as secure as some of the dedicated permantly mounted options, but the key here is portability and usability. They are also pretty reasonably priced.
This always troubles me when I go OUT of state. Common sense tells me, if I leave my gun locked in a steel box inside the PU truck CAB as opposed to in the BED which has a fiberglass cap and mickey mouse locks, it is more protected. The alarm will go off if somebody enters the cab. Not the bed. And the factory locks and glass are way more secure than the aftermarket stuff on the bed cap.

I'm not saying I AGREE with them, but I sure do UNDERSTAND why all the criminals just say screw the laws and carry guns anyway. Way more simple and seldom get in much trouble when they get caught.