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Canis, thanks for posting this. However, where I live Golden Coral closed in a less than honorable fashion. The manager actually went to open and found his keys didn't work. The restaurant had actually closed and the employees weren't even told. I don't think I will patronize such a place.
The places I lived that had golden corals get extremely packed that day... Of course they were all military towns... so that may have had something to do with it.

I've never had a bad expierince there though. But, there isnt one where I live now though
Sounds like they're trying to get rid of over-aged food if they're not asking for bona fides. I'd be involved in a fist fight as soon as I got in line. The first 20 Y/O that said "Yo man, Da Nang was WHACK!" would be spitting teeth.
If they want to do something for veterans, they need to host a John McCain dinner.
I have to go 40 miles to our Golden Corral in our district. I work it every year. Golden Corral does it for the Veterans and to provide donation collection for the Disabled American Veterans (DAV). I'm the Commander of our local chapter and it's a great source of revenue for our chapter. This year we are going to be there for 17 days and hope to collect a lot of donations this year. In SC we get to keep all the donations and don't have to share with the state DAV. On the free meal day (Nov 17) the lines are long but they move fast. The only time it slows down is when the tables are full. Most Veterans get in eat and get out so the wait isn't too long. The best part is we get to eat free when we are working collecting donations...:biggrin:
I only belong to the DAV and the PVA. I checked on almost all the other organizations and found that the DAV was fully committed to helping Veterans. They helped me when I was playing the VA game. Not wanting to bash any other organizations but for the most part I found some to be Social Organizations more worried about the welfare of their Bars than of Vets. The PVA helped me get my R1 rating. They are in my opinion a little better providing service to those of us that have spinal cord injuries since that is what they specialize in. One nice thing about the PVA is there are no membership fees. If you have any Paralyzing injuries then you can be a member. Bottom line is each service organization has their benefits and downfalls. It just depends on what a Vet is looking for that determines what Organization they want to join.
Put the feed bag on...

Thank you for the heads up. I sent an email to a fellow vet and hope to hear from him on this subject. Any time we can get some Viet vets together just to talk is an awsome thing. To all of those who served in the Nam,
Welcome home brothers!!!
Golden Corral had a commercial for this on TV last night. Gary Sinise gave a nice "This is our way of thanking our vets" speech

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