Hahah you'll get you mind out the gutter! Myself and two co workers hit the range for a "Team Building" session at lunch today. What a great way to blow of some steam and get a little practice in.
Just thought I'd rub it in...... :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
And you say I have it good where I work. :sarcastic: Hope you had fun
hey kimberPB how do the piston ar's stack up against the stock ar's. was thier any noticeable difference. I had a sig 556 that was gas piston but, it would only shoot well whith certain ammo, so i got rid of it. and went back to the ar platform, and they shoot everything.I got to talking to them and they have a company that make the gas piston kits for the AR. We had a good talk and they let me shot a few of them to see how I liked the piston setup. They scored big brownie points when they let me have all there spent brass!!
hey kimberPB how do the piston ar's stack up against the stock ar's. was thier any noticeable difference. I had a sig 556 that was gas piston but, it would only shoot well whith certain ammo, so i got rid of it. and went back to the ar platform, and they shoot everything.