In public, it kinda sounds like you'd be right. Your rights stop at my property line, however. Ain't no democracy on my property. I am a benevolent dictator, not subservient to the public rights of those who cross that line. I respect that every other property owner and/or lessee or renter always carries the same authority over me if/when I cross their property line, and I don't pretend that my rights are equal to theirs on their own or legally-possessed property. I don't pretend it legally, ethically or morally.
Even on the
publicly used "private property" that anybody can come in free and clear as they like.... well... 'cep those open They won't.... but anyway, they have to be caught doing something wrong
first..... before they're told to leave.... Got it.
Which is usually when it's too late.
But see, why are you even talking about a residence? I ain't talking about people's homes yet so many people like you make too much relationship between a private residence and a "private" gas station... or "private" liquor store... or any other private, "publicly used" place.
Yes, hmm indeed...
GFZs as "law" are illegitimate and should be resisted as such by anyone and everyone.
Yeah well, that's not always possible, now is it? Nor is it always feasible. But hey, of open carrying is a must then yeah, avoidance at all cost is kinda mandatory, wouldn't you think?
A property owner's/possessor's GFZ is no more a legal question though than someone being a dog-person and not allowing cats on their property because of it. Or being an animal rights person and not allowing leather or fur on their property. Whatever personal property a visitor might be restricted from bringing onto private property, the property owner/possessor is within their rights to restrict. I'm a Christian. I have no need or desire to even see a qur'an, so this is a qur'an-free zone. Muslims have the right to be muslim and everybody has the right to own or welcome qur'ans into their homes, but I exercise my right to ban 'em from mine. It's no different at all from banning guns, which I don't personally do, but which I absolutely have the right to do if I chose to exercise it, and which I absolutely had the right to do as a business owner when I was one.
In the home yes, but in your business if you had one? Hmm. Thought there was laws against that...
But again, I think privately owned businesses and privately owned residences should not be treated the same when it comes to banning guns unless the "owner" takes measures to keep all guns out. That, or be held liable.
Funny, I've said that numerous times but haven't really gotten a straightforward response to it. Always the same ole broken record about what I'm quoting in this post or "others".
Oh and, dogs vs. cats or, banning leather or fur doesn't get people shot up so give me some more of your... examples.
It was a rhetorical question, Bubba.
Just pointing out your lack of respect for typing my screen name correctly as you lecture me about respecting these "should be illegal" gun free zones in publicly used places.
Why you "shaking your dumb head" for?
Wow, two for two on the ignorance card, I'm impressed. Really.
SMDH... aka, Shaking... My... Damn... not dumb, Damn... Head.
Or is that what SMDH means in the House of Blues??
It totally lacks respect for others' rights. There is no way to escape that fact. All that is left for you to say is that you don't care about others' rights enough to respect them, but no one with a shred of common sense believes that you do respect them, even if they're like me who has disrespected others' rights and carried past a sign too before.
Just as it's a total lack of respect for people's lives who go in these places. Hmm. And what's really sad is the gun haters fall victim to this silly GFZ as well.
Sorry corny, but truth doesn't change just because you believe the lie that your "feelings" trump others' rights.
It's cor-neil-e-ous...
And no, it has nothing to do with "feelings" as I said it's nothing personal.
There are millions of people whose exercise of their rights I have no respect for at all, but I do respect their rights enough to let 'em do it without interference from me. I think BLM and Antifa and the like have the right to protest, scream and yell and make known their objection(s) to any private or public person or institution, but I respect very little, if any, of the positions they espouse. I'm not respecting the people who are too ignorant to see things my way, I'm respecting their right to not see things my way. No idea why that's such a hard concept for you to grasp.
No idea why you keep blathering on and on about off topic drivel. We're not taking about the right to protest.
I expect nothing at all from you except for what you show us here on this board is reasonable to expect, and much of what I've come to expect from your own example is that you're disrespectful of others' rights.
Just as they're disrespectful to me. But you know what? That's why concealed means concealed. They don't know to think their rights are being disrespected unless A, my carry protection all the sudden becomes not-so concealed or B, I have to use it on the very reason I carry in the first place which of course might be useful against a lawsuit.
Besides, I really think they couldn't care less about people like me disrespecting anything so why do y'all put so much emphasis on it? Why do you and people like you care so much to argue it so profusely? Everybody except the real bad guys could show the utmost respect for these bonehead's GFZ's and it isn't going to change their position towards gun control. Probably even make them strive even harder to get our guns taken away as more and more GFZ shootings would probably take place as a result of it.
You can rant all you want about me deigning to say that, and your example here suggests that that too should be expected, but it won't change a thing for me. You admit with each successive post that you are all about disrespect. Another post admitting it again will only solidify that fact for "your" readers.
Whatever Bubba. Go waste somebody else's time.