Lastnight i carried for the first time.


New member
As the title says last night iIcarried for the first time out in public. It was not really a true taste of carry as it was night and I was just in a gas station getting a drink for my wife. I felt as if everyone was looking at me, and they could see the gun. Some of it was in my head and some of it was real. The bottom on the holster kept sticking out, due to the shirt and vest I had on being a little to short to cover it when I moved my arms. My heart was not racing as badly as I was fearing it would be, when I carried for the first time. I think that was due to it being night time, and not a lot of people being out and about. I used a thick and stiff belt I found at walmart so I can carry till my gun belt gets here. I was really worried about the mags falling out, so I found myself pushing them down before I got out of the car and once when in the store. I did not feel comfortable standing in line with people standing behind me for a few reasons. The first being my back was to them and iIcould not see what they were doing. Second I worried someone may try and grab my gun. So I ended up standing sideways in line so I could see everyone in the store and had my eyes on the main door so I could see who was coming in. The gun was not really printing to much just the tip of the grip and you couldn't really make out that it was the handle of a gun. When I bent over it printed a lot, but I'm sure when I have on my longer shirt it won't be much of a problem. The mag pouch was not a problem at all could not even see it or for that matter feel it on my body. But sitting in the car will take some playing with so I know where to have the gun so it's not digging into my hip like last night man did that hurt. I'm going to carry again today at walmart when we go shopping today. I will let you know how my first day carry goes. On a side note being the first time I carried I felt better with no round in the chamber but today I will be carrying hot and ready to rock.
As the title says last night i carried for the first time out in public. It was not really a true taste of carry as it was night and i was just in a gas station getting a drink for my wife. I felt as if everyone was looking at me and could see the gun some of it was in my head and some of it was real. The bottom on the holster kept sticking out due to the shirt and vest I had on being a little to short to cover it when i moved my arms. My heart was not racing as badly as I was fearing it would be when i carried for the first time. I think that was due to it being night time and not a lot of people being out and about. I used a thick and stiff belt i found at walmart so I can carry till my gun belt gets here. I was really worried about the mags falling out so i found myself pushing them down before i got out of the car and once when in the store. I did not feel comfortable standing in line with people standing behind me for a few reasons. The first being my back was to them and i could not see what they where doing. Second I worried someone may try and grab my gun. So i ended up standing sideways in line so i could see everyone in the store and had my eyes on the main door so i could see who was coming in. The gun was not really printing to much just the tip of the grip and you could not really make out that it was the handle of a gun. When i bent over it printed a lot but I'm sure when i have on my longer shirt it won't be much of a problem. The mag pouch was not a problem at all could not even see it or for that matter feel it on my body. But sitting in the car will take some playing with so i know where to have the gun so it's not digging into my hip like last night man did that hurt. I'M going to carry again today at walmart when we go shopping today i will let you know how my first day carry goes. On a side note being the first time I carried i felt better with no round in the chamber but today I will be carrying hot and ready to rock.

I often stand sideways while standing in lines, even backwards, for the same reason: to see everyone and everything possible. I use the ruse of making some sort of comment/compliment to someone behind me about their hat/shoes/sunglasses/pistol/kids/items in their cart/whatever, just so I can look around/see behind me. I've stood that way and conversed with people long before I began carrying/CCWing. Old habits are hard to break. :biggrin:
Reading and doing it for real are different. As You carry more and more you will find that your Wardrobe AND Gear will change down the line. Hey, it did for me anyway. I was YOU when I first started carrying. To start, I don't wear belts (Back and Nerve problems keep me from wearing a belt becaue it puts pressure on my nerves then I'm all f*** up/same thing as wearing a size smaller in pants). So I had to go a size larger in pants and now have too wear a belt. Bought a different holster that is also comfortable when I sit in a car now because what I was wearing before for a holster just didn't do the trick when you had mentioned. I'm sure everyone on here once they get out of their vehicle does the "check" on themselves. So far I have changed my wardrobe and gear which now makes me more comfortable in the car and in store or out and about. I know my weapon is concealed to the point no one knows I'm wearing one. It takes time and I know You have read about all these things already. but actually doing it does make it more real. Congrat's on your Toy, I remember when you had to sell everything before to take care of the Family.
Good luck.
You'll get used to it. A real gun belt helps, I see you have one on the way. What handgun did you get?
this wasn't my 1st carry in public, but I can relate to this. I went to a show and and the door man pointed to about 10 of the people in line....and asked are you armed anyone? I look at him like i spoke No english at all.. lol... then he stated that it i would have to check it like a coat... so I said ohhh okay, no problem.. i then preceded around the corner and there stood a shit load of state LEO' would be the 1st time pulling it out and showing in that situation.
the only issue i had was the "tagger" was 90+ years old. he asked to place it down so he could clear it, but as he was just starting to ask me to do this, I cleared the round and place weapon and mag on table. he got a bit funny and said hey that's what I'm for.I calmly explained that the gun mag release was a bit different than others and didn't want to have him shoot me.himself or anyone else for that matter.the Leo laughed and then they actually asked about my piece just size & weight and spec. stuff making small conversation. surprisingly there were not that many people in PA CC' that show
i didn't expect any problems but you just never know.... :pleasantry: good times!!
ya we all go through it , the first for me was very intimadating but it passes in time . now it's like wearing socks ! do you carry on the back or side ? hard to cover in the summer , so it's on the side to easy for someone to grab ! in the winter it's on the back easy to cover ya know ...
ya we all go through it , the first for me was very intimadating but it passes in time . now it's like wearing socks ! do you carry on the back or side ? hard to cover in the summer , so it's on the side to easy for someone to grab ! in the winter it's on the back easy to cover ya know ...

I carry on my side I find it works best for me. I'm always changing my carry system and holster types(leather,kydex and so on..). I use to carry two mags and a K-bar TDI knife amoung other things. Then I moved to carrying two folding blades(one assisted openning).Now I'm down to one knife a mag and flashlight a MT(multi tool) and pepper spray amoung other things. I see your from our great state of NH what part do you live in?
Shop around until you find a vest that is just a bit longer than usual, but not overly long. I have several and almost always wear one. The vest provides just enough additional "cover" to make you feel more confident that you're truly concealing the weapon.

Besides, a vest gives you plenty of pockets.:pleasantry:
hi yankee ...........

I carry on my side I find it works best for me. I'm always changing my carry system and holster types(leather,kydex and so on..). I use to carry two mags and a K-bar TDI knife amoung other things. Then I moved to carrying two folding blades(one assisted openning).Now I'm down to one knife a mag and flashlight a MT(multi tool) and pepper spray amoung other things. I see your from our great state of NH what part do you live in?

i'm in straffard county , speaking of carry knife have ya looked @ the cold steal puch knife SWEET......................

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