Jesus hates Guns???


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Interesting article .... of which I don't agree with :)
Jesus Hates Guns

We don't ban matches because of arsonists, we don't ban forks because of obesity! There are enough gun laws on the books now to make a layer pule....evil will find a way...laws don't stop the lawless they only infringe on the ever dwindling rights of the law abiding

I hate to be rude but the title of the article is so ridiculous I will not bother reading it. There were no guns in Jesus's time, or anywhere in the bible for that matter. May as well write an article on why Jesus thought having an international space station was a good or bad idea....
This is a very frustrating article. I am a gun owner & concealed carrier, and would gladly defend my neighbor if needed, so how is that going against Jesus? The majority of gun owners that do things legally are not the mass murders so I don't understand why everyone wants more laws. Thats not going to change anything.
Jesus' message was one of love, and I while it's tough to say one way or the other what his feelings about guns would have been, one thing we all know is that his primary weapon was his persuasiveness. I don't think he would have used guns, but that's not to say he would have hated them either.

P.S. I bet someone is going to drop the "troll" bomb on me for posting this, but I really don't care.
This is a very frustrating article. I am a gun owner & concealed carrier, and would gladly defend my neighbor if needed, so how is that going against Jesus? The majority of gun owners that do things legally are not the mass murders so I don't understand why everyone wants more laws. That's not going to change anything.
You are correct. The bleeding heart progressive liberals still need their euphoric fix for good intentions so they are compelled to do something. They don't expect or want solution.
Jesus actually would support guns there's plenty of verses in the BIble about how it is ok to murder in self defense or if you have two cloaks and no sword, go sell a cloak and buy a sword for protection is what he said to a disciple. The gun is the sword of our generation. He is a man of love but war and battles still took place in the Bible to get where we are today
In my opinion, everyone should love one another, but everyone doesn't have my viewpoint. Which is why I am going
to buy a reliable weapon and practice often.
Another anti-gun article that I don't need to read? I agree with your rationale, but the liberal mind is not rational, so they will not understand your point. To liberals, facts are not important, intentions and emotions are.
I hate to be rude but the title of the article is so ridiculous I will not bother reading it. There were no guns in Jesus's time, or anywhere in the bible for that matter. May as well write an article on why Jesus thought having an international space station was a good or bad idea....

Why you took the words right out of my computer Desert.
The minute I saw the publication "Progressive Christian" I had a feeling this was a pant load. By the time I finished reading I was sure.
didn't you know? he also hates 'fags', soldiers, and anyone else that isn't white or has a long beard like he did.
First thing is I am an ordained Christian Minister. I have read and reread the passages that claim that Jesus was a pacifist. You will find Jesus was NOT a pacifist. Look at what he did clearing out the Temple. Look at the book of Rvelation when during his return he makes war. But perhaps the most reveling is when he says in Luke 22:35-38. In particular verse 36 that says " Then said he unto them But now he that hath a purse,let let him take it and likewise his scrip and HE THAT HATH NO SWORD LET HIM GO SELL HIS GARMENT AND BUY ONE". Swords were the 'guns' of two thousand years ago. The Bible says to turn the other cheek, not bend over and spread them.
god doesn't need a gun all he has to do is smite you .....caste you into the firey pits of hell
Stupid people write stupid articles. Sadly stupid people will believe them. Jesus was NOT a pacifist. The whole turn another cheek issue is not about non violence or pacifism it is about being disrespected. This is a paraphrase " if your enemy strikes you on the right cheek turn to him your other" sorry really rough Paraphrase. If you are struck on the right cheek you are being hit with the left hand. This hand was used to wipe your butt. You would never eat with it nor weild a weapon with it because it was nasty, and rarely got cleaned properly. So being hit with the left hand was not an attack but an insult.
Jesus is a spirit. He's not a mortal human. No weapon invented by humans now or in the future would effect him. Humans have a free will to make decisions that effect their lives and the lives of others. This separates us from other mammals of the world. The decisions we make do have an effect on the spiritual life that awaits us all, believers and atheists, good or evil. Jesus isn't interested in your mortal body. His interest is in your soul. Human arrogance is not a good thing.
Stupid article. Start with a position and quote the Bible to support it. If I cared to take the time, I could start with the position that Jesus loved guns (even though they didn't exist) and quote from the same Bible to support it.
This is a very frustrating article. I am a gun owner & concealed carrier, and would gladly defend my neighbor if needed, so how is that going against Jesus? The majority of gun owners that do things legally are not the mass murders so I don't understand why everyone wants more laws. Thats not going to change anything.

People want more laws because they haven't taken the time to think about things. Closed minds.

I develop software for a living. I can't tell you how many times users demand that software be changed to do this or that, when they haven't thought the whole process through. I point out the unintended side effects, the user goes, "Oh!" and then we think things through and come up with a viable solution.

Similar situation here except for some of these guys, the lightbulb never comes on.

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