It's time for a discussion


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What does it take?

I find myself repeating this question over and over again in my head tonight. Violent crimes connected to firearms is on a steady increase, it has become common place everyday on the local news a shooting has occurred and nationally with recent events at Newton and military bases. The crimes I'm talking about include single homicides and mass murders with the assistance of firearms.

Now before you jump to the conclusion that I am blaming the violence on the gun I not it is the individuals that commitment these crimes that are responsible. If you think I'm just another individual that hates guns I will reassure you I'm not I own shotguns, rifles and handguns I even legally carry conceal over 90 percent of the time I am in public. But giving individual unabated access to firearms that have a history violent crime or mental illness has to stop. Yes the market is there I can get online and arranged to purchase almost any type of firearm in less than 5 minutes. Creating gun regulations will not eliminate violent crimes with firearms but will help to decrease overall firearm related deaths. There are steps that need to be put in place to help deter these violence crimes.

For tonight I will take a bow and step off my soap box and will come back tomorrow and hop back on it for a few more minutes. I need to get a little sleep. I gladly welcome all opinions good or bad, ideas that you might have to help solve these crimes. It's time we start being responsible gun owners and call for realistic gun regulations.


Greetings enemy. Got a quotation for you from long ago.

"Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say, 'What should be the reward of such sacrifices?' ... If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!" --Samuel Adams

As to your post - never. You want 'em, you come and get 'em. Don't send the enforcers of tyranny in your stead. Stand up for what you believe. Be willing to die for what you believe. I am. Are you?

Creating gun regulations will not eliminate violent crimes with firearms but will help to decrease overall firearm related deaths. There are steps that need to be put in place to help deter these violence crimes.

Please explain.
"Violent crimes connected to firearms is on a steady increase" This statement is absolutely not true. Gun related crimes, deaths, accidental shootings are all at their lowest points in 40 or 50 years and going lower all the time. Where do you get your information? Most all of the 17 or 20 mass shootings in the past 10 years were done in GUN FREE ZONES. When are our college and university administrators and government officials going to wise up and admit that GUN FREE ZONES do not work, and are asinine? I find this comment to be as one would expect from a "low information" individual who has no clue really as to what going on. W J Clinton disarmed our military bases and left our troops vulnerable to this kind of crime. He is quoted to have stated that he "loathed the military" and it showed. Clinton was a horrible POTUS and a Despicable CIC.
What does it take?

I find myself repeating this question over and over again in my head tonight. Violent crimes connected to firearms is on a steady increase, it has become common place everyday on the local news a shooting has occurred and nationally with recent events at Newton and military bases. The crimes I'm talking about include single homicides and mass murders with the assistance of firearms.

Now before you jump to the conclusion that I am blaming the violence on the gun I not it is the individuals that commitment these crimes that are responsible. If you think I'm just another individual that hates guns I will reassure you I'm not I own shotguns, rifles and handguns I even legally carry conceal over 90 percent of the time I am in public. But giving individual unabated access to firearms that have a history violent crime or mental illness has to stop. Yes the market is there I can get online and arranged to purchase almost any type of firearm in less than 5 minutes. Creating gun regulations will not eliminate violent crimes with firearms but will help to decrease overall firearm related deaths. There are steps that need to be put in place to help deter these violence crimes.

For tonight I will take a bow and step off my soap box and will come back tomorrow and hop back on it for a few more minutes. I need to get a little sleep. I gladly welcome all opinions good or bad, ideas that you might have to help solve these crimes. It's time we start being responsible gun owners and call for realistic gun regulations.


I invite others to read his quotes I put in red and give your opinion of what you think it means.
Sounds like a College that has it all figured out from his opening false premise on rising gun crime to his half-baked idea of a fix. Creating gun regulations will not eliminate violent crimes with firearms but will help to decrease overall firearm related deaths. There are steps that need to be put in place to help deter these violence crimes. So noble sounding. How can anyone with common sense not applaud this? JUst like any lib with a patronizing solution. Congrats! You have it all figured out. No details but hey it sounds so righteous. Probably believes in clean water and air. The "right" to a new car and nice home. I confess I am a Lib also. "I believe man made global warming is real and Jihadists are imaginary".
There are no steps to deter insanity or evil. Why would anyone think that there would be such magical steps? You can't reason with, or deter those who are irrational.
We already have thousands of firearms laws on the books, that are not enforced. What makes you think that more "gun regulations" will lead to decreased violent crime?

Murderers don't obey laws! Rapists, gang-bangers, home invaders, pedophiles, car-jackers, and all the variants of pond scum and miscreants don't either.

When caught and tried, this same scum will be let out of prison early because of overcrowding at the Dew-drop Inns! And you may bet they plea-bargained their stay as well!

No new laws, regulations, or other knee-jerk, emotional insanity will reduce violent crime!

Don't you get it? The government wants us disarmed! Law-abiding citizens disarmed! They want a neo-Marxist/Alinsky socialist society, where citizens are subjugate beings!

Do you not see it? Open your eyes!

Obama's Army, militarized police and alphabet soup agencies, are all ready to do battle with citizens of the United States of America.

The collapse of the dollar, or other catastrophic event (whether perpetrated by our government or not) will bring-in martial law and we will be treated like citizens of third world countries.

I will not kneel to the specter of government tyranny, to establish their new world order.

No, it's not time for a discussion of more gun regulation. It is time for a discussion of less...or no discussion at all.
The OP is a moron. He (it?) should have the RIGHT to own a gun removed.
I would also recommend castration to prevent such rampant stupidity from multiplying.
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Sent from behind Enemy Lines.
What does it take?

I find myself repeating this question over and over again in my head tonight. Violent crimes connected to firearms is on a steady increase, it has become common place everyday on the local news a shooting has occurred and nationally with recent events at Newton and military bases. The crimes I'm talking about include single homicides and mass murders with the assistance of firearms. -snip-
Got cites and/or links to actual factual studies and/or statistics to back up your claim that "Violent crimes connected to firearms is on a steady increase"?

Please present actual facts to support your claim... instead of basing your argument for more gun control just on how much TV you watch.
What does it take?

I find myself repeating this question over and over again in my head tonight. Violent crimes connected to firearms is on a steady increase, it has become common place everyday on the local news a shooting has occurred and nationally with recent events at Newton and military bases. The crimes I'm talking about include single homicides and mass murders with the assistance of firearms.
Could it be that the perception of firearm violent crimes being on the rise is because of the sensationalism of the main stream news media and their reporting. This is a main agenda for the left and the media is there to help. What about the firearm violence that is stopped by armed citizens? Where are those stories? Are we to believe that never happens because the news refuses to report it?
Two solid points with all these mass killings is "gun free zones" and almost all have been under the care of a so called mental health professional and their drugs, so remove these two elements from the equation.
What does it take?

I find myself repeating this question over and over again in my head tonight. Violent crimes connected to firearms is on a steady increase, it has become common place everyday on the local news a shooting has occurred and nationally with recent events at Newton and military bases. The crimes I'm talking about include single homicides and mass murders with the assistance of firearms.

Get your facts straight. Violent crimes connected to firearms are on a steady decline, despite a steady increase in firearms ownership. See: Guns and Violence in the United States, By the Numbers | The Truth About Guns

Now before you jump to the conclusion that I am blaming the violence on the gun I not it is the individuals that commitment these crimes that are responsible. If you think I'm just another individual that hates guns I will reassure you I'm not I own shotguns, rifles and handguns I even legally carry conceal over 90 percent of the time I am in public. But giving individual unabated access to firearms that have a history violent crime or mental illness has to stop. Yes the market is there I can get online and arranged to purchase almost any type of firearm in less than 5 minutes. Creating gun regulations will not eliminate violent crimes with firearms but will help to decrease overall firearm related deaths. There are steps that need to be put in place to help deter these violence crimes.

For tonight I will take a bow and step off my soap box and will come back tomorrow and hop back on it for a few more minutes. I need to get a little sleep. I gladly welcome all opinions good or bad, ideas that you might have to help solve these crimes. It's time we start being responsible gun owners and call for realistic gun regulations.


Wrong again. Creating gun regulations will not only not eliminate violent crimes with firearms, but will also help to INCREASE overall firearm related deaths as demonstrated in the Ft. Hood shooting. The shooter shot himself the instant he was confronted by armed resistance. Removing or delaying that armed resistance just means more carnage.

Want to chime in on the gun control debate, at least get your facts straight: Facts about Guns | The Truth About Guns.
Creating gun regulations will not eliminate violent crimes with firearms but will help to decrease overall firearm related deaths. There are steps that need to be put in place to help deter these violence crimes.

I live in a country where strict firearms laws were enacted years ago after a certain POS committed a terrible massacre with firearms he acquired illegally. I've gone into this at length, but long story short, it did practically nothing to stop violent crime. What it did do was allow criminals to go about their business with ease, because they had the power over the general public, since they didn't care about what the laws said.

You may think that more restrictions will stop fatal shootings or reduce violent crime, but that's not the case. And once you start allowing more restrictions, do you think it will stop at that? We started allowing small restrictions in the 80's, which led to major ones in the 90's and early 00's. There's currently a push to ban handguns, due to criminals using unregistered ones in shootings and armed robberies. Many people support this and I can easily foresee them being banned completely in the next few years, if not sooner.

If you want to end up like us, by all means support restrictions on the law-abiding, but remember: Gun control is not criminal control. Take it as a warning if you will. I've seen a massive decline in this once great country, and I'd hate to see you go down the same path.
The OP is a moron. He (it?) should have the RIGHT to own a gun removed.
I would also recommend castration to prevent such rampant stupidity from multiplying.
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Sent from behind Enemy Lines.
I like the spray idea but do they market it in larger sizes, maybe even a 55 gal drum so we could load up a crop duster airplane with it:lol:
How many of the shootings in this country everyday that are reported in the paper and the news, actually mention the fact that the firearm should never have been in the hands of the miscreant in the first place. As said before, criminals could not care less about any law, especially a gun law, yet the press never tells you the whole story. You come away per Goebbels, with a doctored or untruth story that is told to you enough times, you believe it is fact and above reproach. We see it everyday with the sociopathic, narcissist moslem socialist thug in the whitehouse. How many times must he lie and subvert the Constitution for anyone in the press to actually call him on it--very rarely and sure as heck not on national TV. By now they would have dragged Bush out of the whitehouse and had a public yada yada on the lawn. The current piece of yada gets away with all of it. Don't even get me started on his AG that rotten piece of sc*m.

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