It's time for a discussion

What does it take?

I find myself repeating this question over and over again in my head tonight. Violent crimes connected to firearms is on a steady increase, it has become common place everyday on the local news a shooting has occurred and nationally with recent events at Newton and military bases. The crimes I'm talking about include single homicides and mass murders with the assistance of firearms.

Now before you jump to the conclusion that I am blaming the violence on the gun I not it is the individuals that commitment these crimes that are responsible. If you think I'm just another individual that hates guns I will reassure you I'm not I own shotguns, rifles and handguns I even legally carry conceal over 90 percent of the time I am in public. But giving individual unabated access to firearms that have a history violent crime or mental illness has to stop. Yes the market is there I can get online and arranged to purchase almost any type of firearm in less than 5 minutes. Creating gun regulations will not eliminate violent crimes with firearms but will help to decrease overall firearm related deaths. There are steps that need to be put in place to help deter these violence crimes.

For tonight I will take a bow and step off my soap box and will come back tomorrow and hop back on it for a few more minutes. I need to get a little sleep. I gladly welcome all opinions good or bad, ideas that you might have to help solve these crimes. It's time we start being responsible gun owners and call for realistic gun regulations.


1000 people a day are killed or injured in auto crashes everyday. nobody has suggested banning private ownership and public usage of motor vehicles

Since 1993 gun homicides are down 53%, gun related injuries are down 70% .Almost back to 1960's levels. In Miami Dade County in 1981 we had 421 homicides ,last year 45. Still too many but sinking fast.

Does this sound like a national increase? THE MSM does not tell the true story and cable and local news is a "if it bleeds,it leads" nightmare, but facts are facts. Unless the FBI is jiving us. I don't think so.
Since 1993 gun homicides are down 53%, gun related injuries are down 70% .Almost back to 1960's levels. In Miami Dade County in 1981 we had 421 homicides ,last year 45. Still too many but sinking fast.

Does this sound like a national increase? THE MSM does not tell the true story and cable and local news is a "if it bleeds,it leads" nightmare, but facts are facts. Unless the FBI is jiving us. I don't think so.

You have to be careful with stating facts, they could make the libs heads explode. Facts do not make sense to them! :haha:
I wonder if he will be back "for a few minutes" to read how bad he just got dragged across the asphalt...

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What does it take?

Normally what stops a violent crime being committed with a firearm is a good guy with a firearm.....

Common sense would say that the way to stop the violent crime is to make it easier for good guys to carry firearms, not put more stumbling blocks in their way.
Only a moron calls someone a moron.

Which of these terms would you like better:

fool, idiot, ass, blockhead, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, imbecile, cretin,dullard, simpleton, clod; nitwit, halfwit, dope, ninny,nincompoop, chump, dimwit, dingbat, dipstick, goober, coot, goon,dumbo, dummy, ditz, dumdum, fathead, numbskull, numbnuts,dunderhead, thickhead, airhead, butthead, flake, lamer, lamebrain,zombie, nerd, peabrain, birdbrain, scissorbill, jughead, mouth-breather,jerk, donkey, twit, goat, dork, twerp, hoser, schmuck, bozo, boob,turkey, schlep, chowderhead, dumbhead, goofball, goof, goofus,galoot, lummox, knuckle-dragger, klutz, putz, schlemiel, sap,meatball, dumb cluck, mook

Which of these terms would you like better:

fool, idiot, ass, blockhead, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, imbecile, cretin,dullard, simpleton, clod; nitwit, halfwit, dope, ninny,nincompoop, chump, dimwit, dingbat, dipstick, goober, coot, goon,dumbo, dummy, ditz, dumdum, fathead, numbskull, numbnuts,dunderhead, thickhead, airhead, butthead, flake, lamer, lamebrain,zombie, nerd, peabrain, birdbrain, scissorbill, jughead, mouth-breather,jerk, donkey, twit, goat, dork, twerp, hoser, schmuck, bozo, boob,turkey, schlep, chowderhead, dumbhead, goofball, goof, goofus,galoot, lummox, knuckle-dragger, klutz, putz, schlemiel, sap,meatball, dumb cluck, mook

Bro, it's not like you to be as incomplete as this list is! What about....

Addlepated, muddleheaded, brainless, dopey, besotted, obtuse, stolid, dense, stupid (how'd ya miss that one???), dull, oafish, clueless.....

I could go on, but really, you found my favorites - mouth-breather and knuckle-dragger - anyway.

I guess we could actually make this thread interesting and just post synonyms for "moron." Oh...wait....we just did.


Just got back home from work and noticed the forum has exploded, I’m going to spend time responding to everyone it will take some time but I will get to it. The purpose of this post is to have an intellectual conversation regarding firearms, let’s avoid the names calling and have an actual conversation we are no longer children it’s time to have a conversation as men without the threats and petty name calling. Yes gun relate crimes are down from 1993 at one point by almost 75% but what people fail to forget is how this occurred and what the trend is now.

Let’s look at what happened in 1993, the 103rd US congress passed the Brady Handgun violence Prevention Act, commonly referred to as the Brady Law that came into effect in 1994. (BRADY) In 1994 data from the National Institute of Justice shows there a total of 1,287,190 instances of crimes. This statistic has number dropped by 803,495 by 2000. So saying that some sort of regulation does not help to prevent crimes is just ignoring that facts. We have watched it occur first hand.

Recent Data from shows trend that crimes were on a steady rise from 2008- 2011 with almost 100,000 more instances of firearm related incidents occurring. It’s only fun to watch the upward trends of the stock market or your 401k and your bank account, but it’s not that fun to watch firearm related violent crimes rise. Now before we run down the road that I’m suggesting that regulation that takes guns away from law abiding citizen is not what I am going for stick with me for a little longer before you go down that path because I would be right there with in protecting my rights if they came for my firearms.

Let’s look at something really quick (try your best to come into this without prejudice or prior agenda). A convicted felon (Rapist, Murder Child, Molester and all the other categories) have the ability from the privacy of their home or even a public computer to access a gun exchange network, and can purchase the firearm without and restriction background checks. We cannot ignore the ease of access to firearms by convicted felons using these websites. Recall the incident with Seung Hui Cho killed 32 individuals with firearms purchased online.

I’m going to start responding to a few people back off my soap box for a few just wanted to give a quick response to a few general items I noticed.

(BRADY) Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun Violence | National Institute of Justice
Well wolf, looks like we need to go on. You, Charles and I obviously haven't accurately described this anti-2A useful idiot yet.

BTW alex, my first post in this thread was not intended as a threat at all. It was intended to describe to you just how committed I am to maintaining the rights I have left after you progressive quislings (whether Democrat or Republican) have stolen all but a very few. I was suggesting that you demonstrate an equal amount of commitment before replying to me or anyone else. Do you need my address so that you can prove your level of commitment? I'll be glad to figure out a way to get it to you without posting it in public, and then let me know when you're coming, and I'll ride out to meet you.

Not the Enemy

never. You want 'em, you come and get 'em. Don't send the enforcers of tyranny in your stead. Stand up for what you believe. Be willing to die for what you believe. I am. Are you?

No suggestion was made that guns need to be taken awa. I agree with you if they want my guns they will have to pry them away from me.

But giving convicted felons (murders, rapists, child molesters) and individuals with extreme mental health disorders like mania, bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia is scary as hell. We don’t let child molester live next to schools so why give convicted felons easy access to firearms.

As for quoting good old #6 he might not be the best to talk about when it comes to regulations with a history of placing high tariffs on goods. He was an excellent man that help the country to prosper.
Just got back home from work and noticed the forum has exploded, I’m going to spend time responding to everyone it will take some time but I will get to it. The purpose of this post is to have an intellectual conversation regarding firearms, let’s avoid the names calling and have an actual conversation we are no longer children it’s time to have a conversation as men without the threats and petty name calling.-snip-

The purpose of starting this discussion is to push a gun control agenda and the only way that can be accomplished is to control the conversation in order to present pro gun control talking points. Any and all attempts to cause the conversation to stray from the talking points presented will be met with ridicule in order to steer the conversation in the direction that best pushes the agenda of .................. gun control. Good luck with that.
No suggestion was made that guns need to be taken awa. I agree with you if they want my guns they will have to pry them away from me.

But giving convicted felons (murders, rapists, child molesters) and individuals with extreme mental health disorders like mania, bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia is scary as hell. We don’t let child molester live next to schools so why give convicted felons easy access to firearms.

As for quoting good old #6 he might not be the best to talk about when it comes to regulations with a history of placing high tariffs on goods. He was an excellent man that help the country to prosper.
How about we just address the real problem... and the problem isn't allowing felons or nuts access to firearms but allowing felons and nuts access to more victims.

How about we lock up the violent felons and hospitalize the violent nuts and keep them locked up! That way the most important thing ... the safety of innocents... is addressed because the locked up violent don't have access to anyone to victimize.
Never suggested that your reply was a threat I have not actually seen any yet just trying to prevent them before they occur. I know emotions can run high with these topics just trying to keep it level headed prior to it becoming out of control. Maintaining a right is good but giving felons and individuals with mental health disorders unabated access to firearms is not acceptable. Are you worried that if they passed a law that would prevent convicted felons you would not have access to your guns because no one has suggested that law abating citizens should have their rights infringed.
Well wolf, looks like we need to go on. You, Charles and I obviously haven't accurately described this anti-2A useful idiot yet.

BTW alex, my first post in this thread was not intended as a threat at all. It was intended to describe to you just how committed I am to maintaining the rights I have left after you progressive quislings (whether Democrat or Republican) have stolen all but a very few. I was suggesting that you demonstrate an equal amount of commitment before replying to me or anyone else. Do you need my address so that you can prove your level of commitment? I'll be glad to figure out a way to get it to you without posting it in public, and then let me know when you're coming, and I'll ride out to meet you.

Underline added by me for emphasis
Never suggested that your reply was a threat I have not actually seen any yet just trying to prevent them before they occur. I know emotions can run high with these topics just trying to keep it level headed prior to it becoming out of control. Maintaining a right is good but giving felons and individuals with mental health disorders unabated access to firearms is not acceptable. Are you worried that if they passed a law that would prevent convicted felons you would not have access to your guns because no one has suggested that law abating citizens should have their rights infringed.
Underline added by me for emphasis...

Did you just imply that BluesStringer might be a felon?

So much for having an "adult" conversation.
The best way to stop all this crap is to get rid of ALL "Gun Free Zones"!!! But the libs and anti's will double down on "Gun Free Zones" and want to pass more gun control laws because, "They Care"! And we don't! :rolleyes:
As well statistical data shows that regulation that prevents violent criminals from access to guns reduces gun violence (Brady Law). Every time I have purchased a firearm I have filled out the paper work could probably fill it our blind folded at this point. I know it takes days to do the paper work with all that countless information information that we have to provide and don't get me started on those algebraic equations. The paperwork block that exist now should apply to all aspects of purchasing firearms.
Allow me to obviously be Captain Obvious for a moment...

Gun control isn't about the gun at all.... for those who want gun control it is all about their own fragile egos, their own lack of self esteem, their own inner fears, and most importantly... their own desire to dominate others.
As well statistical data shows that regulation that prevents violent criminals from access to guns reduces gun violence (Brady Law). Every time I have purchased a firearm I have filled out the paper work could probably fill it our blind folded at this point. I know it takes days to do the paper work with all that countless information information that we have to provide and don't get me started on those algebraic equations. The paperwork block that exist now should apply to all aspects of purchasing firearms.
And what paperwork does the criminal fill out when he buys a gun on the street corner? Does that paperwork that the criminal DOESN'T fill out stop him from having access to a gun?

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