If Your Pastor Asked You Not to Carry In Church ?

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I could care less, its my last day at an internship before I go back to college to engage in all the things you conservative bible humpers despise. While this is purely humor for me to mock your pious, yet comical beliefs, you take this shit seriously and acutally think that you are not the miniority of weirdo gun toters in the United States. Thats the beauty in all of this, you take yourselves so seriously on this forum, but in reality you are just another lowly educated fish in the pond who carries a gun to define himself becuse he has nothing really interesting in his life. Except for the fact that your pastor, who has obviously bullshitted you in the name of taking your money, can pinpoint your life by saying you have troubles in it but the light is at the end of the tunnel. So you can walk out of the church feeling like your life means something and then go home to all of your guns and ferret (the only person I know that owns a ferret is a nut) and acutally, truly believe that you have a meaning in your life.

I guarantee I hit the nail on the head better than your pastor with that post. Maybe you should send me all of your money and I'll acutally bring some truth into your brainwashed life.

Do you feel better now?
Obviously, you don't know what Adiministrative Maximum Security (super max) is. It is a 24 hour a day total lock down facility you are in solitary confinement for your entire sentence and you only come out of that cell for 1 hour once evey other day for a shower and exercise. You do not go to Supermax unles you are on the level of Timothy Mcveigh, Tery Nichols, John Gotti Jr., Kahlid Mohommed or you are uncontrolable at a regular maximum security prison.

The Supermax in Florence Co. is underground so you don't even get to see the sun.

That's a little different than just being in prison for life
As long as I have my BIBLE and Rosary I don't think of solitary as being in HELL. Hell is being separated from GOD for eternity.
As long as I have my BIBLE and Rosary I don't think of solitary as being in HELL. Hell is being separated from GOD for eternity.

I believe that admin seg imates are not allowed reading material or radios.

That said what is your response to the OP?
I believe that admin seg inmates are not allowed reading material or radios.

That said what is your response to the OP?
I carry deep CC. Don't ask don't tell works in PA churches. So there has never been any mention of being armed. That being said if told not to carry I would honor that after telling the PRIEST why I carry.
Let me make this perfectly clear,,,,
I am not mocking anyone's faith.

I have heard this expression, or words to this effect several times;
"God told me to do this, or that" "I prayed to God, and he answered my prayer"
How does God, the supreme being, communicate with mortal man?

I gave several examples of modern communication in my past posting. That made someone so angry, he started a public letter demanding my head. Is this God's way of silencing me? Does God read USA CARRY?

Treo, you are saying if I become a beliver, then God will communicate with me? I am asking, how? In what form?
Voices in my head? A whisper behind my back? What?

I thought this forum allowed postings about God, and those with questions about God. I ask questions, and am labeled a troll.

Not very nice if you ask me.

To the OP-
Forgive me for a slight hijack.
BOT @ the bottom of this post!

Iceman.. I really appreciate your approach to this question.

Your assumtion is correct that you must have some sort of relationship with God in order to understand the way he communicates with believers.

For the "unbeliever" AND "believer" alike:
God's primary way of communicating is the Holy Bible.
But, this does NOT mean that the heavenly FATHER communicates solely through his WORD.


The "Holy" Bible is the STANDARD to which ALL communcations about GOD and the "spirit" world should be weighed.

Another method God uses to speak to our "spirit" is through the "Holy" SPIRIT.

For the unbeliever, the Holy Spirit's message usually begins with a prompting to ASK questions about God, life, death, morality, etc.
(Much like the questions you're asking here)

"IF" the UNbeliever is "truly" seeking answers from GOD, he WILL get them!

Often the answers come from "believers" who point to the WORD as reference.

Then, if the unbeliever still seeks more "TRUTH", the "Holy" Spirit (aka; Spirit of TRUTH) will begin the process known as "conviction".
(This process will "hopefully" lead the unbeliever to understand their need for repentence and salvation.)

With the process of repentence comes salvation. SALVATION will bring you into RELATIONSHIP with God. This will allow "OPEN" and "FULL" communicationwith God. (Even unbelievers know how difficult it is to "communicate" someone unless there is a "relationship" AND "speak" the same language.)

This transformation or RE-birth of our spirit man needs to take place in order for us to communicate "FULLY" with God.
(Until we are "reborn" as the WORD says, we are limited in our ability to hear from HIM.)

To sum it up:
The "Holy" SPIRIT of God can/does speak to the "spirit" of man.
(It is a SPIRIT to spirit communication.)

But, he also uses his WORD which is the "Holy" Bible; AND he uses other believers. (ie; prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors AND fellow Christians)

Our ability to "UNDERSTAND" what god is saying to us IS directly liked to the amount of FAITH (aka Trust) we have in HIM; and it is also dependent on our WILLINGNESS to walk "obediently" in HIM.


NOW, back to topic:
If my pastor came to me in the manner described, I would most likely take issue with his method. A "mature" pastor should call you into his office for a "PRIVATE" conversation; if he has problems with CC in church.


For me, being able to CC in church is part of "my" membership agreement. So if the leadership broke that agreement, I would take it as a message that they NO longer wanted my membership.
To the OP-
Forgive me for a slight hijack.
BOT @ the bottom of this post!

Iceman.. I really appreciate your approach to this question.

Your assumtion is correct that you must have some sort of relationship with God in order to understand the way he communicates with believers.

For the "unbeliever" AND "believer" alike:
God's primary way of communicating is the Holy Bible.
But, this does NOT mean that the heavenly FATHER communicates solely through his WORD.


The "Holy" Bible is the STANDARD to which ALL communcations about GOD and the "spirit" world should be weighed.

Another method God uses to speak to our "spirit" is through the "Holy" SPIRIT.

For the unbeliever, the Holy Spirit's message usually begins with a prompting to ASK questions about God, life, death, morality, etc.
(Much like the questions you're asking here)

"IF" the UNbeliever is "truly" seeking answers from GOD, he WILL get them!

Often the answers come from "believers" who point to the WORD as reference.

Then, if the unbeliever still seeks more "TRUTH", the "Holy" Spirit (aka; Spirit of TRUTH) will begin the process known as "conviction".
(This process will "hopefully" lead the unbeliever to understand their need for repentence and salvation.)

With the process of repentence comes salvation. SALVATION will bring you into RELATIONSHIP with God. This will allow "OPEN" and "FULL" communicationwith God. (Even unbelievers know how difficult it is to "communicate" someone unless there is a "relationship" AND "speak" the same language.)

This transformation or RE-birth of our spirit man needs to take place in order for us to communicate "FULLY" with God.
(Until we are "reborn" as the WORD says, we are limited in our ability to hear from HIM.)

To sum it up:
The "Holy" SPIRIT of God can/does speak to the "spirit" of man.
(It is a SPIRIT to spirit communication.)

But, he also uses his WORD which is the "Holy" Bible; AND he uses other believers. (ie; prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors AND fellow Christians)

Our ability to "UNDERSTAND" what god is saying to us IS directly liked to the amount of FAITH (aka Trust) we have in HIM; and it is also dependent on our WILLINGNESS to walk "obediently" in HIM.


NOW, back to topic:
If my pastor came to me in the manner described, I would most likely take issue with his method. A "mature" pastor should call you into his office for a "PRIVATE" conversation; if he has problems with CC in church.


For me, being able to CC in church is part of "my" membership agreement. So if the leadership broke that agreement, I would take it as a message that they NO longer wanted my membership.

Tcox, thank you for spending the time answering my question. You are the only person in this thread who don't have their head stuck up their anus.
So, what you saying, until I become one of you people, I won't get communications from God?
There are a few here who are spiritual. I like these guys.
The ultra religious zealots, IMO, should take a very long walk on a short pier.
Hey, conservative liberal, knock off all the cursing, its making you look stupid.
We already have a full house of stupid.
Life Trumps Property...

The Second Amendment does not state "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" Except...

IF your zip code is x...
OR your standing at y...
OR if the Class/Type of weapon you desire to own/carry is z...
OR if said weapon is carried openly or concealed...

That being said...


Sunday of sorrow
2 killed, 7 injured in church shooting (Gun-Free Zone)

Link Removed

Al-Qaeda Radicalized American Muslim Kills 13 wounds 31 at Fort Hood...
(Gun Free Zone)


Virginia Tech - 32 People Killed 17 others wounded... (GUN FREE ZONE)


Link Removed






You know how in email or web forums it is considered impolite to constantly TYPE IN ALL CAPS? It is considered the online equivalent of shouting and bad cyber etiquette.

The gypsy is taking that to a new level. He has such little respect for you as members of this forum be belives nothing less than full-sized in-your-face graphics will do.
The Second Amendment does not state "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" Except...

IF your zip code is x...
OR your standing at y...
OR if the Class/Type of weapon you desire to own/carry is z...
OR if said weapon is carried openly or concealed...

That being said...


Sunday of sorrow
2 killed, 7 injured in church shooting (Gun-Free Zone)

Link Removed

Al-Qaeda Radicalized American Muslim Kills 13 wounds 31 at Fort Hood...
(Gun Free Zone)


Virginia Tech - 32 People Killed 17 others wounded... (GUN FREE ZONE)


Link Removed







+1. And check the web for info on the Wedgewood Baptist Church shooting here in Fort Worth. That incident woke up a lot of pastors around here.
The Second Amendment does not state "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" Except...

IF your zip code is x...
OR your standing at y...
OR if the Class/Type of weapon you desire to own/carry is z...
OR if said weapon is carried openly or concealed...

That being said...


Sunday of sorrow
2 killed, 7 injured in church shooting (Gun-Free Zone)

Link Removed

Al-Qaeda Radicalized American Muslim Kills 13 wounds 31 at Fort Hood...
(Gun Free Zone)


Virginia Tech - 32 People Killed 17 others wounded... (GUN FREE ZONE)


Link Removed






C&L, I agree. But isn't it fun, getting all this attention, and wasting Luke's server space? I wonder if he has one of them servers that deals in Terra-bites? Not even our Gypsy has a chance on filling it up. I for one think postings of this style should be eliminated.
Following these threads in the "Religion and Guns" section has shown something to me. It seems those who wanted religion banned completely from USA carry have made some of the religion threads among the most popular of any. It makes me wonder why anyone so adamant about not having religious discussions would join in on just about every one of them. Of course some attack rather than discuss but could that maybe be their way of seeking understanding?
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