I alway thought it was supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Guess I am wrong.
That's just on the history channel.
In reality, in America you are guilty until your defense counsel can prove you are innocent.
And believe it or don't, justice in America has absolutely nothing to do with guilt or innocence. Your outcome depends entirely on which lawyer can tell the most convincing story to a jury.
I believe everyone should be allowed to carry a weapon if they choose. Some people remark "But this ain't the old west!" If you study your history and do the homework, you would find that in the "old west" where everyone carried a gun, the murder rate
per capita was much much less than it is today with all the gun laws we have. I also feel that if a man has served his time, paid his restitution, and has made a new start that even felons should be able to carry a weapon. It is remarkable that the system expects these people to integrate into society, be productive, and lead a real life when they are treated as second class citizens for the rest of their life.
For instance, if you have been convicted of a drug offense, you are disqualified for a Pell Grant for college. My point is that these are
exactly the people society should
want going to college so they can make themselves a productive life. Someone like our friend here might be convicted and loose him right to carry, prohibiting him from defending himself. Who is society to say that his life is any less important than Mr. squeaky cleans?