How to build a SHTF bucket.

I should have paid more attention in Chem class....

Are any of those gases heavier than air? I know that the nitrogen is equal (considering air is about 80% nitrogen).
Time to bring this jewel back to the top

This is a good way to prepare for the unthinkable
Have to agree with NDS. If you're burying your gun because you think they're coming for it and you're afraid to use it then what makes you think you'll be any braver or more steadfast in your convictions in the future? Might as well just turn it over butt-first when they come for it. A man has to know his limitations.
I think what festus was saying, or at least the way I see it, is to have another gun burried somewhere, not all of them. Not a bad idea, either.
I think what festus was saying, or at least the way I see it, is to have another gun burried somewhere, not all of them. Not a bad idea, either.

I agree. I would not bury all my guns but one or two just in case would be a good idea.
LMAO.... I thought you were gonna tells us how to make a Porta-Potty:sarcastic::sarcastic::eek:

Don't Laugh..... Line it with a garbage bag and go for it. I know some truckers who keep just such a bucket for a trash can, with extra trash bags and a roll of TP on the side just in case. Imagine crossing the desert in New Mexico on the way to California. It goes on forever. Then imagine, that growing feeling of........ that chili you ate back there in Texas. That bucket and a trash can liner might come in pretty handy. :sarcastic:

I keep several of these buckets loaded with various food and survival items. They are pretty handy, if you think you may have to bug out in the truck too.
Think this one through

This may be a handy skill. Imagine saving your own hide by planning ahead...novel concept.
Build a bucket or two and see what you can and can't do with it.
Buy an extra bucket. Put one of these in it. Set it up after SHTF.

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I saw something in one of my books or magazines once about how to make a water filter using a bucket and several layers of sand, rock and gravel along with a type of charcoal. If any of you run on to link to it please pass it on.
I saw something in one of my books or magazines once about how to make a water filter using a bucket and several layers of sand, rock and gravel along with a type of charcoal. If any of you run on to link to it please pass it on.

Sand & clay based filters are coarse filters. They will stop most parasites but not bacteria. In many cases, the "filtered" water still retains a brown, tannic acid tinge. further filtration, heating or treatment is still required.

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