How often do you dry practice?

How often do you dry practice?

  • Everyday

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • Three Times a Week

    Votes: 14 26.9%
  • Once a Week

    Votes: 18 34.6%
  • Twice a Month

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • Once a Month

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Never

    Votes: 7 13.5%

  • Total voters


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I try to dry practice at least three times a week for about 15-20 mins. at a time. I don't really have a set routine but I go through different things each time like drawing from concealment, trigger control, malfunctions, etc. Mostly what I've learned at Front Sight. Next time I take a course there I get to pick up their dry practice manuals I earned in an upgrade which I'm looking forward to getting.
Being retired, I try to put in at least a 10 minute dry practice session every day. I have a basement wall designate the "safe wall" in my house. No ammunition or loaded guns of any kind are allowed in there so I don't shoot the wall :)

If I could I would practice at least every week but I average 2 times a month.

DUH! "Dry practice"! :o (I gotta learn to read!) Weekly!
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I really need to get to the range and fire my Glock 23. I haven't shot it since I got it back from Glock when they performed upgrades on it.
I really need to get to the range and fire my Glock 23. I haven't shot it since I got it back from Glock when they performed upgrades on it.

I hope to get to go to the Glock factory myself in a couple of weeks. I want to get some night sights installed on my G26.
I practice with my G27. I bought some A-Zoom snap caps and I do everything from "move and shoot" (with variations) as well as failure drills and reloads. I don't practice as much as I used to, but I can go out to my base's firing range and live fire when I like. Just did some today...felt good.. :)
I never dry fire practice. I usually fire at least 20 rounds every couple days. Sometimes a little more. Since I'm able to shoot at any time I want I use live rounds to work on fundamentals.
Not nearly as much as I'd like to. I try to get in 15-20 minutes at least once or twice a week, but with a 2 1/2 year old and a 6 month old at home, those 15-20 minute blocks of free time are a bit scarce. :(
Every couple of days will dry fire or shoot bb or 22 while moving in yard. I shoot in my yard with a good back stop but don't want to over do it. I like bb pistol from moving lawn tractor. You never no.
I get to the range every weekend and run 300-500 rounds of pistol and/or rifle. Need to get some snap caps to check on the involuntary flinching though and practice the presentation and fire.
I'm a big believer in dry firing, particularly on a new gun. It's a good way to work on trigger control and front site concentration.
Mindest and How often you Practice and Carry

I have all ready posted this on in the Concealed Carry Guns - How Often Do You Practice With Your Carry Weapon thread, but I also thought it fit here as well.

To me carrying a gun is a Mindset issue, it means you have taken a big step to not allow yourself, and loved ones, to be a helpless victim. You and your family are worth protecting ALL the time, not just sometimes. Make the decision to carry your gun wherever you can and as much as you can, then stick to it. Don't just carry it, but train with it. Live ammo training isn't the only form of practice or training.

Some of the best training is dry fire practice, just make sure you check and re-check to make sure the gun is empty, and use a back stop that can stop a bullet. Dry fire practice is free, and can be done in your own home whenever you want.

Practice your draw stroke, use the holster you normally carry, and wear the type of clothes you wear most. Practice proper grip, draw stroke, aim, and trigger control. Practice moving while you are drawing and shooting. Don't be a stationary target. You can mark a spot on the wall to aim at, or tape a target up on the wall. I personally prefer targets that have photos of people holding a gun, or some other weapon.

Know and stay current with Gun Laws and GET INVOLVED IN PROTECTING OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT!!! Take various Firearms Training Classes, read books and watch instructional videos/DVD's on the subject, and practice what you have learned.

As you learn more about Gun Laws and the more you practice, you will get better and more comfortable with your gun, you will want to carry your gun more, and have the confidence to do so. CARRY YOUR GUN ALL THE TIME!!! It is better to have it and never need it, than not have it and need it just one time.

Your gun isn't the only weapon, or even the best weapon you have. The best weapon you have is your Mind. Stay alert and sharp. Don't become oblivious to events and people around you, trust your instincts. Carry a cell phone, be a good witness, your first priority should be making sure you and your family are safe.

Talk about your decision with your family so they know and understand what you have decided and why. The family that trains and shoots together, stays together.
I used to dry practice nightly, for hours on end (w/ a snap cap). I think I "shot" out every electric plug, doorknob, and light bulb in the house. However, my wife threatened to rip that gun out of my hand, load it, and shoot me with it if she heard that incessant clicking one more time. Now, every time I go out of town, I practice shooting myself in the mirror in the peace and quiet of the hotel.
I work as an armed security guard, and I must confess, I do more practice drawing from a visible holster than I do carrying concealed. I do need the practice drawing while carrying concealed, particularly when using my SmartCarry; besides, all the range practice in the world won't do me a bit of good if I can't draw my weapon quickly.

Certainly not as much as i would like to.That`s why the beginning of next year i am going to look into reloading my own.
JC40 reloading is a lot of fun. It is not nearly as difficult as i thought it would be either. A little book reading and the equipment and you're ready to go. Certainly saves money. I have never had any failure from any of my reloads. It's really just not very hard. You must pay attention to what you are doing though.
Four times a week for me. My dry fire practice consists of 40 draws from the holster with double taps. Then I draw 10 times with double taps, followed by after action drills and a head shot. I also hit the range 2 to 3 times a month. My wife and I are going to start mixing dummy rounds in with our live training ammo for the range to help spot flinching problems.

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