OC for Tactical Advantage
all it takes is to travel by open boat, raft, bicycle, atv, or motorcycle, and you'll find out real quick about the advantages of not being seen with a gun.Ditto if you dont have an attached garage and especially if you live in a high rise apartment house. you are just asking for neighbors to say that you are "disturbing their piece", or have the word about your guns get passed to the burglars in your area. I have't owned a longarm that I couldn't take down and hide in a backpack in almost 35 years now. It's just not worth the potential hassle.
Yes I do open carry, while I bicycle and on my motorcycle, handguns and my shotgun. I have no idea what your talking about cause we open carriers get stopped so rarely I doubt I well ever have that encounter. Maybe you should open carry and find out real quick the advantages of deterrence and how apathetic society is.
I opened carried for a year while living in the third story apartments while my house was being built. No neighbors had their "piece" disturbed.
Try again.
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