Two ways. First was a holster sewn (by me) onto the packs shoulder strap. This was open carry but by throwing a shirt over the shoulder and securing it so it would not fall off and expose the gun, it became concealed carry. The second is the pack (Jan Sport) also had a hip support and I attatched the holster to the belt or the metal sides. Firefighterchen is 100% correct about the speed of animals. I saw a video of a bobcat and a rattlesnake fight. The bobcat easily won. A mountain lion is capable of taking down large elk many times its size. A cat will go for your neck so IF your pack is high enough to protect your neck from the rear you MIGHT have a chance. In this situation seconds do not count, mili-seconds do. As far as a Grizzly bear goes, seeing my wife mad works, but failing that a 375 H H magnum works extreamely well.