Hey everyone... need help please.


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm new here and I'm sure people asked this question thousands of times, but there is so much info out there not sure what to believe. I live in Rockland county, NY and currently have a sportsman/residence pistol permit. I was issued it in July of '09. I would like to get my CCW here in Rockland and would like to know how to go about it.

I keep hearing the same old antics from ignorant locals.
"You can only get a ccw if you do banking for a company and handle $10,000 or more and have been robbed before with police reports to prove it, or you work for a gun shop and have to protect the merchandise."
That just seems a little far fetched for me. I know Rockland is difficult but that just does not even sound right. I called the pistol clerk today and she told me I need to write a letter to the judge asking him and explaining why I would like my CCW. She was nasty and very cold to me. She told me unless I was LEO or a retired LEO there is no way the judge will grant me one just cause thats the way he is. I asked her what was the legal requirements for a ccw so I can get them in order and she said as long as you have a sportsman/resident permit (which I do) nothing else is required. I do wanna get a better understanding of the local laws and get some official NRA training under my belt to have a better chance with the judge.

Any and all info & advice would be great. Thanks for your help.

Rockland County is tough. Many judges go on the notion of "just cause" to issue a full carry permit. There are no laws or legal statues that require this to take place though. Being that NY is a "may issue" state, they do not have to issue a ccw to anybody. When the judge is considering issuing you a full carry permit, they will look at many issues such as:

  • How long you have had your permit for.
  • What type of training you have completed.
  • The reason you want an unrestricted permit.

Unfortunately because there are no statues, you can only guess what the judge will and won't allow a ccw for. Training always helps out, as does a good reason for wanting a ccw. Usually, self protection will not cut it. I have been told by a few people that non-resident permits help. Hypothetically speaking, if you have a permit from Florida, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, ect, you can use the argument that with reciprocity you can concealed carry in the majority of the USA, with the exception of the state you live it. It has worked for some people, but you never know if the judge will go for it for you. It is all what the judge thinks.
Just wanted to say Hello, and Welcome from the shore of SC.. Have no clue to NY laws, sorry,,,,, I am sure that you will get all the info you need here tho,,,, Smart, and up to date people here....
I have a house in South Carolina. You think getting a non resident ccw will help my chances here in ny

I don't know...but I doubt it. It all depends on the criteria that NY specifies and I don't know of any state in which you increase your chances of obtaining a permit by having a permit in another state. Good luck. NY seems tough but there seem to be a number of people on this site who have permits there. Hopefully, one of them will respond to you.
I have a house in South Carolina. You think getting a non resident ccw will help my chances here in ny

It depends on the judge. Some will look at your training and your valid ccw permits. It could help, or it could do nothing. If you get a ccw in South Carolina, you can carry on the property you own, do it is probably a win win situation regardless. If you want to get a South Carolina permit, pm me. I can email you the forms. You also would need to take a safety class with an instructor in your area.
Here is the reason I used and, I reside in Erie County One of the toughest Counties for Pistol permits. I was Issued both Pennsylvania and my Florida CCWS And respectfully ask the Judge For Unrestricted Status because I was Begining in 2010 to start hunting in PA And in order to travel between both states legally I would need unrestricted status to be within the confines of the law and also advised the Judge that I was Planning several trips to and from florida and same principles appled for transportaing my weapon I also Joined the NRA as an life member and The USCCA USCCA then I sent copies of both membership cards along with copies of my PA AND Florida permit in with my upgrade request and The judge approved it good luck
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My advice is always to move to a "shall issue" state or one of the more liberal states that don't require a permit at all. Vote with your feet. And no, I didn't use the word "liberal" incorrectly.
My advice is always to move to a "shall issue" state or one of the more liberal states that don't require a permit at all. Vote with your feet. And no, I didn't use the word "liberal" incorrectly.

I hear you. We plan on moving out of this rotten state soon. Vote with your feet is sound advice. So many people I grew up with have left this state! I have very few friends that I've known more than a few years as most of my older friends have moved away. I was all set to relocate when the economy took a dump. Need to sit tight as I actually have a job now. There are no jobs in my field anywhere. Utah, Texas, Alaska, Colorado, Wyoming........Culture shock for sure but I'm up for it. I promise to leave the Tax and Spend NY ways behind. Once I leave, I never want to see this place again.
My advice is always to move to a "shall issue" state or one of the more liberal states that don't require a permit at all. Vote with your feet. And no, I didn't use the word "liberal" incorrectly.

You used the word correctly but it sounds backwards because of what so many people on this site write! :sarcastic:

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